View Full Version : Wtd: Pickering 'V15/625' Cartridge

Rare Bird
03-03-2013, 19:49
The cartridge body must be mint..


Rare Bird
11-03-2013, 00:16


11-03-2013, 20:18
They were so cheap on offer on fleabay a couple of years ago (around fifty quid IIRC). I think they've gone the usual way since they were recommended on PFM, as did the once bloody cheap Denon DL110, nigh on doubling in price and way beyond "just" currency changes IMO.

Rare Bird
11-03-2013, 21:27
I know i bought a XLZ-7500S with PLZ unit for about £120.. Idiot Idiot Idiot i was for selling it.

11-03-2013, 21:59
Sent you PM


Rare Bird
11-03-2013, 23:05
Thanks Gerard.

Rare Bird
16-03-2013, 19:17
Still looking commrades, with out styli will do..

17-03-2013, 02:15
And now make that two comrades!

I could use a Pickering V15/625 or the Stanton equivalent.


17-03-2013, 11:42
The cartridge I have available is a Stanton 681, the stylus has D625 printed on it.

17-03-2013, 17:14
For a new (well, "unused") XV15-625E look here (http://www.pickeringuk.com/hifi.html) . . .

Rare Bird
17-03-2013, 17:17
Na not paying that.. 25% more than what my TT cost :D

The cartridge I have available is a Stanton 681, the stylus has D625 printed on it.

Hi Gerard:

681 is good but i cannot find propar Stanton EEE styli anywhere hence im really back to wanting a used 'V15/625E'

17-03-2013, 19:53
Hi Gerard:
681 is good but i cannot find propar Stanton EEE styli anywhere hence im really back to wanting a used 'V15/625E'

Is Jico Stylus any use to you?

Jico - Stanton (http://stylus.export-japan.com/index.php?cPath=89&osCsid=jdt879lco5g910lf4a662q0hr7)

Jico - Pickering (http://stylus.export-japan.com/index.php?cPath=91)

17-03-2013, 20:39

Do let me know when you have satisfied your requirements so that I can ask some commercial questions. Being next in line so to speak.


17-03-2013, 21:17
For a new (well, "unused") XV15-625E look here (http://www.pickeringuk.com/hifi.html) . . .

Those are nearly all discontinued, daftee! :eyebrows:

Like I said earlier, Andre:


£132 in our money, and comes with a stylus, too! ;)


Rare Bird
17-03-2013, 22:00
Seen A '681EEE, Mk.III' today in the UK new for £109.00.. I do prefer the chrome/black of the Stanton '681EEE' & since i can fit an original Pickering 'D625E' styli on it i think i'll be buying a new '681'..

Mike all your.

18-03-2013, 07:27
Hi, I have a Pickering XV15 625E, with the stylus guard and brush, all in good condition.

Rare Bird
18-03-2013, 10:55
How much then Bernie please?

18-03-2013, 17:14
Seen A '681EEE, Mk.III' today in the UK new for £109.00.. I do prefer the chrome/black of the Stanton '681EEE' & since i can fit an original Pickering 'D625E' styli on it i think i'll be buying a new '681'..

Mike all your.

Grab 'em while you can, it's now nearly double this price elsewhere :(

19-03-2013, 08:29
Hi Andre, I'm looking for £50.00
Regards Bernie

19-03-2013, 19:06
Are you all done André or would you like me to chase this one for you? See the link.



Rare Bird
19-03-2013, 21:47
Hi Mike
Ive seen that Styli but i won't be needing it..
tbh im gonna take Gerard up on his sale of the stanton 600 series cart with the 625 Styli, you see i intend using the '625' styli from the offset ..