View Full Version : [Introducing: Amare Musica De Forest - reference DHT preamplifier]

26-02-2013, 10:03
It is a great pleasure to me to introduce De Forest preamplifier here at AOS.


Please find a bit more about under the link ;) (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.508480709203262.123830.341207619263906&type=3)

03-03-2013, 14:49
more pictures to enjoy ! (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.508480709203262.123830.341207619263906&type=3)

05-03-2013, 13:14

19-03-2013, 09:18
and up again!

I would be glad to hear some opinions about this lovely pre and
will be happy to answer all your questions about obviously ;)

19-03-2013, 20:25
i think that looks stunning to be honest, wish i lived near i would love to put that on the end of my art amp and hear it

what is the details ang the price

19-03-2013, 20:31
i think that looks stunning to be honest, wish i lived near i would love to put that on the end of my atr amp and hear it

Txs Ron

You are a bit far, that's true, but as it comes in flying case there is no issue with safety shipping it out. I will take them on the show this year ,too. And obviously if you decide to go down to the sunny south cost - you know that you are more than welcome to pop up to my place and listen to them (together with amps) on my horns ;)

19-03-2013, 20:40
any prices and specs

20-03-2013, 08:12
any prices and specs

Ron , please follow the link for more pictures and tech spec.
All your LIKES (http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.508480709203262.123830.341207619263906&type=3) Gents are more than welcome ! ;)


Retail price is £ 5.000 ,which is pretty fair for the Preamp which posses such a sonic abilities , and comes with £ 1.000 worth valves as
a standard. But it have to be heard to be believed . Go not get mislead thinking about that is debut product coming out of young on the market
company. These Guys are building stuff over 15 years now. They tried everything and they targeted hi end Olympus at the starting point and they succeed.

Think about products from four or five times more priced level. That's the league in which De Forest is really playing game. And that is the level where its competitors sits on. During annual intro period now , it is the greatest bargain around, and it probably will keep this title even after that easy !!! The set got top notes in every possible categories given by Polish edition of HI FI Choice (http://gpoint-audio.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/Amare_deforest_tritiny_hfc-pl_review1.pdf) !!! Some British review will be On soon.