View Full Version : SME Phonoplugs

Rare Bird
22-02-2013, 12:37
Im looking for SME original long pin phono plugs, obviously will need fettling but must be in excellent condition in general..

23-02-2013, 14:39
Might have a pair of these in my parts box str. How do I differentiate between 'long pin' and regular phonos?

The Black Adder
23-02-2013, 15:35
they have a longer pin...! :)

23-02-2013, 15:46
My outside pins are longer than one in't middle, although I wish it were other way round sometimes... :D

Rare Bird
23-02-2013, 16:39
Might have a pair of these in my parts box str. How do I differentiate between 'long pin' and regular phonos?

Sorry should have been more specific. The pins are twice as long as a standard Phono plug. The barrel cable entry doesnt have the strain relief it is a small diameter bore.

see attached pickkie

13-03-2013, 13:44
Finally found a pair in the bottom of my 'bits' box. PM sent

Rare Bird
13-03-2013, 14:05
Hi Stu
Thanks, i got sorted a bit back should have mentioned on this thread. Thanks for looking all the same.