View Full Version : New cartridge recommendation

19-02-2013, 20:57
Hello fellow vinyl aficionados

I'm after some advice and opinions, but please bear in mind that I am technically a dunce.

My Linn dealer (Loud & Clear, Edinburgh) who did an excellent job servicing my 1981 LP12 recently, has recommended a Dynavector 20x cartridge to replace my Asaka when I have the funds available soon. I have an Ittok LVII tone-arm and a a Puresound P10 phono stage with a Lentek step-up pre-amplifier.

I would like to stick with moving coil and I don't want anyone to suggest that I buy a cartridge fit it myself - when I say a dunce I really mean it, plus I like the guys in the dealership and am happy to give them some business so long as I'm paying a fair price. I also don't want to get a pre-owned cartridge, it's the one bit of kit I think I want to know exactly where it's been.

The current cartridge sounds good, but does struggle a bit on some tracks on very old LPs (this may just be the LP). I am told that an upgrade will give me more detail and a better sound.

The cost of the Dynavector 20x is £495, whcih seems to be the going rate according to Google. My budget is up to £750 or maybe a tad more. I'm sure the dealer will let me hear the cartridge and if I don't like it I will be able to swap for another, but does anyone have any strong opinions that I am about to do the wrong thing?

I may send the Asaka in for a service and keep it as a sapre or sell it on, depending on the cost.

Thanks in advance for any help


19-02-2013, 20:58
Benz Micro.

19-02-2013, 21:00
Benz Micro.

Which one? Do you have one on your TT at the moment?



19-02-2013, 21:05
I don't have one, but a friend has had a few. I'm hoping to get one soon. Will go for one of these.


The wood is better, but out of my price range. There is a Korean company that makes hard wood bodies for them, that I might try.

19-02-2013, 22:00
Ortofon Cadenza Red

20-02-2013, 03:50
+ 1 on "don't fit it yourself". When I sat in on the dude who installed my cartridge ... wow.

60 - 90 minutes
Equipment like Test Records, Fozgometer, Templates for offset
Accurate tracking force to .001 grams
Azimuth adjustment
Antiskating adjustment
Stylus Rake Angle

I cant really give a serious opinion because most of your equipment is unknown to me. I will just say I am very happy with my Benz Micro.

21-02-2013, 17:00
The DV is very good and that's a good price for the Mk2.

The DV17 is also just within budget and good on the Linn, especially one of your vintage as there is definite synergy. Quite a lean and clean presentation though compared to Asaka but very faithful to what's on the disc.

Goldring's Elite at £420 is also worth a look. I bought one myself a couple of months back and have been very impressed. Punchy funky bass just like good Linn MCs but cleaner and sharper focused thanks to a nice Gyger S stylus.

Then there is the Linn Klyde which is altogether more fulsome and weighty. Kind of harps back to the old Supex MC sound.


21-02-2013, 19:13
The DV is very good and that's a good price for the Mk2.

The DV17 is also just within budget and good on the Linn, especially one of your vintage as there is definite synergy. Quite a lean and clean presentation though compared to Asaka but very faithful to what's on the disc.

Goldring's Elite at £420 is also worth a look. I bought one myself a couple of months back and have been very impressed. Punchy funky bass just like good Linn MCs but cleaner and sharper focused thanks to a nice Gyger S stylus.

Then there is the Linn Klyde which is altogether more fulsome and weighty. Kind of harps back to the old Supex MC sound.


Hi Rob,

Thanks very much for the reply - very helpful. My speakers are quite warm sounding so the DV17 may be a better match. I will consult with the dealer again.


21-02-2013, 22:08
Just my opinion mind - and that's taken a severe beating in recent times although I shall be fighting back (respectfully of course) shortly :lol: but I found the Goldring MC's a bit crude and microphonic, especially in the Ittok (I did try several times and had client's decks in with these too), and the Klyde should have been still-born, so horrid is it to my ears (bass up/treble down and most importantly, very limited tracking ability)..

The Asaka was quite good as I remember, if not as refined as the Karma, and if your deck is well behaved, you might just find the DV20 about as rich toned as you'd need. I did ivery much like the 17D series and if you use the supplied fixing screws and are sensible with not tightening them up too much, the sound suits the old fruitbox with Ittok quite well, although I fully understand if some don't like its uber-clean sound (AT OC9 with balls...).

I must get to hear a Benz Micro, since so many people rate them...