View Full Version : Goldring G900IGC MM Cartridge

14-02-2013, 17:32

It is time to say goodbye to on old and trusty friend. Purchased a little over two years ago from Chris (SatanFriendly) who is a very occasional contributor here but far better known to those who frequent Vinyl Engine I'm sure, Chris assured me that the D140IGC VDH1 stylus had no more than 50 hours on it when I collected it and at most I have put around another 30 on it in the time it has spent with me. I don't have the means to provide a decent close up shot of the stylus but I can assure the eventual buyer that it still sounds as good as the day I bought it.

I was going to hold back on this sale until March but I have been informed that there is a very low hours example of a D140 stylus on ebay just now, and seeing as these items are as rare as rocking horse poo I have decided to post it up so the eventual buyer has a decent chance to obtain it. The same seller also has a low hours D170IGC VDH2 stylus should you be unsuccessful bidding on the D140. I would ask the buyer to be a little patient though. I have a LAD TT arriving after Scalford which I am in the process of buying from Shuggie. I will need to hang onto the 900IGC to give me a chance to hear the LAD and my Techie side by side to help me make the decision as to which of the two I will be keeping. I suspect it will be the Techie but the LAD might surprise me yet. It goes without saying that I do not want a penny from the buyer until I am ready to ship the Goldring which should be the weekend after Scalford :)

Here is the link to the ebay listng for the D140 stylus http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Goldring-D140IGC-D-140-IGC-Van-den-Hul-1-stylus-for-G900-G910-G920-IGC-/300860881150?pt=UK_AudioTVElectronics_HomeAudioHiF i_Turntables&hash=item460cb4b8fe&_uhb=1

If I were to put this cart on ebay I am very confident it would go for well over one hundred pounds so I think £75 shipped would be about right for here ;)

When the time comes to pay, please could you pay via PP Gift. The cart and stylus will be very well packed for shipping, I have a lot of experience packing and shipping such delicate items. Thank you :cool:

Rare Bird
14-02-2013, 20:13
Nice Cartridge, if i were keeeping the unipivot i would have jumped at it as you know Dave..

14-02-2013, 20:28
Might be interested in this cart.

Bit of advice then, I've an AT1120 on an AR The Legend TT would this cart be suitable for that set up?



14-02-2013, 20:38
I have not heard the combination but being a low mass arm the Goldring should suit the AT1120 very well.

14-02-2013, 20:44
I have not heard the combination but being a low mass arm the Goldring should suit the AT1120 very well.

Thanks, so if anyone buys this then you recommend that the buyer should buy the stylus in the link or failing that the other one for sale?

However am I correct in thinking that the existing cartridge's stylus works fine but it's just not as good or nice sounding as the one on ebay?


PS, sorry for these 'basic' questions but I've not got a clue about low mass/high mass low compliance/high compliance & etc:doh:

14-02-2013, 20:47
The replacement stylii can be hard to come by. You can get them retipped when they wear out, though.
The stylii on ebay are higher up the stylus range iirc, but will fit perfectly on the body.

14-02-2013, 20:51
I've not got a clue about low mass/high mass low compliance/high compliance & etc:doh:

Tony - this calculator on Vinyl Engine does all the work for you - all you need is the mass of your tonearm & cart with mounting gear ....


14-02-2013, 20:53
The replacement stylii can be hard to come by. You can get them retipped when they wear out, though.
The stylii on ebay are higher up the stylus range iirc, but will fit perfectly on the body.


Ok then I'll take it at asking, if it's still fro sale, plus I don't mind waiting etc.

14-02-2013, 20:54
Tony - this calculator on Vinyl Engine does all the work for you - all you need is the mass of your tonearm & cart with mounting gear ....


Thanks Jules but linky no worky:D

14-02-2013, 20:55
If you can get one of the stylii off ebay I would recommend it as a replacement as they don't come up for sale that often.

I was contemplating bidding, but will leave them alone if you want to buy them.

14-02-2013, 20:56
hmm - not sure why it ain't working - try this and scroll down to "Cartridge resonance evaluator" link


14-02-2013, 21:02
The D140IGC, the one with the green housing, is the top of the range stylus for this cart. If you can, I strongly advise you to grab the one from ebay as they hardly ever come up for sale and the one I have linked to has very few hours on it. As I have mentioned in my description the existing stylus is also a D140IGC and is perhaps just over halfway through its useful life and that is reflected in the price :)

If you want it Tony it is yours. I will let you know when I can receive payment and will ship it to you asap after the second weekend in March if you that is acceptable :cool:

14-02-2013, 21:04
If you can get one of the stylii off ebay I would recommend it as a replacement as they don't come up for sale that often.

I was contemplating bidding, but will leave them alone if you want to buy them.

Hi Mark, thanks but bid away mate as I might not bid enough or have enough dosh to buy one:) I see that there are six bids anyway.

As a matter of interest how much would you expect to pay for these stylii?


14-02-2013, 21:08
The D140IGC, the one with the green housing, is the top of the range stylus for this cart. If you can, I strongly advise you to grab the one from ebay as they hardly ever come up for sale and the one I have linked to has very few hours on it. As I have mentioned in my description the existing stylus is also a D140IGC and is perhaps just over halfway through its useful life and that is reflected in the price :)

If you want it Tony it is yours. I will let you know when I can receive payment and will ship it to you asap after the second weekend in March if you that is acceptable :cool:

Thanks, I'm fine with everything, the date & payment details etc, just drop me a line and I'll provide you with my persona details.



14-02-2013, 21:09
Only ever seen one come up for sale before and it went for 160'ish IIRC :eyebrows:

14-02-2013, 21:09
hmm - not sure why it ain't working - try this and scroll down to "Cartridge resonance evaluator" link


Still a Google page Jules, no worries mate I'll find it thanks anyway:cool:

14-02-2013, 21:11
Only ever seen one come up for sale before and it went for 160'ish IIRC :eyebrows:


Thanks for the complete bargain then:eek:

14-02-2013, 21:12
Provisionally sold to Tony :D

14-02-2013, 23:22
hmm - not sure why it ain't working - try this and scroll down to "Cartridge resonance evaluator" link


How do you use this Jules?

Enter the tonearm mass (5g) + cart weight (4.25g)?

14-02-2013, 23:23
Provisionally sold to Tony :D


14-02-2013, 23:34
Yes just put in tonearm, cart and any extra weight added to headshell - is your tonearm really 5g?? It then takes you to a chart that shows you the resonance and whether it's in the recommended ranges. Does that make sense?

Can't get the site to work at the mo - links to that google page still ...

Rare Bird
14-02-2013, 23:53
Yep that AT is around 5g same as Dave's SME.. The arm i was using is even lower mass

15-02-2013, 08:25
It's a no brainer..at £75.00 this cart is bargain of the century...The g900 igc...is a superb cartridge...and on the legend with that low mass arm will sing like a nightingale...I'd love it for my Decca unipivot...but got no wonga...sob...Styli are always popping up on ebay...

15-02-2013, 09:30
It's a no brainer..at £75.00 this cart is bargain of the century...The g900 igc...is a superb cartridge...and on the legend with that low mass arm will sing like a nightingale...I'd love it for my Decca unipivot...but got no wonga...sob...Styli are always popping up on ebay...

Thanks, how much do these e-bay styli usually go for?

BTW, I've also bought one of these carts, a Shure M75 ED, which comes with a new aftermarket replacement (cheap) stylus but I've read that a new modern hi-end stylus makes them sound fantastic, any ideas which styli?


15-02-2013, 09:40
Yes just put in tonearm, cart and any extra weight added to headshell - is your tonearm really 5g?? It then takes you to a chart that shows you the resonance and whether it's in the recommended ranges. Does that make sense?

Can't get the site to work at the mo - links to that google page still ...

So I enter the effective mass of the tonearm in the box then the next page shows the weight of the cart & fixings (5g or 6g or 10g and so on) at the top and then down to the dynamic compliance (20, 30, 40 etc) on the left which gives a resonant frequency of Xhz which should be in the green area?

The cart weighs 4.25g without fixings and has a dynamic compliance of 40x10-6cm/Dyne

http://www.vinylengine.com/cartridge_resonance_evaluator_results.php?m=Goldri ng+G-900%20IGC&cm=4.25&dc=40&search=search


15-02-2013, 10:02
Thanks, how much do these e-bay styli usually go for?

BTW, I've also bought one of these carts, a Shure M75 ED, which comes with a new aftermarket replacement (cheap) stylus but I've read that a new modern hi-end stylus makes them sound fantastic, any ideas which styli?


You could stick a Jico SAS stylus on it. They are rated as pretty much the best you can get for them.

15-02-2013, 10:18
You could stick a Jico SAS stylus on it. They are rated as pretty much the best you can get for them.

Thanks, worth the £90 or so do you you think?

The cart was buttons BTW


15-02-2013, 10:26
Thanks, worth the £90 or so do you you think?

The cart was buttons BTW


I'd be tempted to get a V15 iv and put a sas stylus on that. I think Jico do an elliptical stylus as well that might be good vfm.

15-02-2013, 11:14
I'd be tempted to get a V15 iv and put a sas stylus on that. I think Jico do an elliptical stylus as well that might be good vfm.

Last night I fitted a brand new Jico SAS VN45HE to a Shure V15 iv.
It was replacing an Ortofon 2M Blue on my SME series 111s arm.
The difference, even after just a couple of sides is incredible. A beautiful revealing sound.
It took a year for the stylus to come up on Ebay, but it was well worth the wait.
Very very impressed.

15-02-2013, 11:29
I've got a Jico SAS on my Shure VST V. Cost me about £140 with shipping and import. 'Tis very nice indeed.

19-02-2013, 20:32
Right, who bought the two stylii?:steam:

Only kidding guys. Just interested if someone on here bought them.

I bid £125 for the green one and £65 for the blue but was outbid on both, they sold for £127 & £67 respectively:)

Good luck to whoever bought them.

19-02-2013, 20:39
Wasn't me although I was watching them intently ;)

19-02-2013, 21:12
Wasn't me although I was watching them intently ;)

Really stupid time to end both auctions, I was driving my daughter home from work at the time.

Think the seller might have cost himself some doh with that decision.

Have you ever tried to have a computer illiterate wife bid for you on an e-bay auction by text?:doh:

19-02-2013, 21:22
I'm lucky, my missus is probably more computer literate than me :D

19-02-2013, 21:28
Really stupid time to end both auctions, I was driving my daughter home from work at the time.

Think the seller might have cost himself some doh with that decision.

Have you ever tried to have a computer illiterate wife bid for you on an e-bay auction by text?:doh:

You needs a snipe program.

wee tam
19-02-2013, 21:29
You needs a snipe program.

19-02-2013, 21:41
You needs a snipe program.

WTF is a 'snipe' programme?:scratch:

wee tam
19-02-2013, 21:50
like this one
decide your max price
place bid
snipe tool will place bid 10/8 seconds to go
http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=12&cad=rja&sqi=2&ved=0CGgQFjAL&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hotukdeals.com%2Ffreebies%2Fg oofbay-free-ebay-tools-misspellings-typos-sniper-bargains-1006930&ei=KPMjUf7LOsWV0QXF0YCABQ&usg=AFQjCNG6427tguWHTahdFgUWCvFFHxPrDg&sig2=PPmm_6zoY4VC5q6LL2ImHg&bvm=bv.42553238,d.d2k

19-02-2013, 22:08
like this one
decide your max price
place bid
snipe tool will place bid 10/8 seconds to go
http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&frm=1&source=web&cd=12&cad=rja&sqi=2&ved=0CGgQFjAL&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.hotukdeals.com%2Ffreebies%2Fg oofbay-free-ebay-tools-misspellings-typos-sniper-bargains-1006930&ei=KPMjUf7LOsWV0QXF0YCABQ&usg=AFQjCNG6427tguWHTahdFgUWCvFFHxPrDg&sig2=PPmm_6zoY4VC5q6LL2ImHg&bvm=bv.42553238,d.d2k

Thanks Tam,


29-08-2019, 18:27
Dear Friends,
If you have a much-loved G900 series cartridge, all is not lost! Mantra Audio sold me a quite respectable new Tonar hyperelliptical replacement stylus for £106 that tracks beautifully at 1.2g in my Mayware unipivot arm. Even better, once that wore out I sent it to Expert Stylus Company for retipping with their Paratrace line contact stylus (£120) and it now sounds absolutely fabulous. I seriously believe that it is as good as the original G900IGC (which was very, very good).
My previous cartridge was a metal-bodied Denon DL103 with sapphire cantilever and Paratrace line contact stylus - and I believe that the Goldring sounds better. The only thing to watch is that the G900 cartridges are very sensitive to capacitance loading - the differences between 100pF, 125pF and 150pF in my Graham Slee phono preamplifier were clearly audible, with 125pF (plus lead capacitance) being 'just right' in my system.