View Full Version : crossover capacitators upgrade

09-02-2013, 17:45
would you please recommend High Quality 4.7 uF film cap to replace Solen stock for high pass filter and reasonable quality film cap of 82 uF to replace stock bipolar for mid filter

Rare Bird
09-02-2013, 17:56
Ansar 'Supersound' do both those values.

09-02-2013, 18:22
You need to match the ESR of the old caps not just the capacitance if you don't want to alter the frequency of the crossover. It won't be an issue with the film cap replacement they'll be very close. But that bipolar could have a bit of ESR, maybe even an ohm or so and than probably will make an audible difference if you replace it with a big film cap with essentially zero ESR.

09-02-2013, 19:51
I did the last pair of speakers I had with with Mundorf supreme but the largest value was only 6.8uF. In my new speakers, I need 8.2uF, 68uF and 150uF which would be far too expensive if I could get them at the right value. The change from std horrible elco's to the supreme's was a significant upgrade. I do accept that the xovers characteristics would have changed as a result of the cap change, but for me I was very very happy with the result.

I've heard the Mundorf Evo series are very good :)


09-02-2013, 21:11
Ansar 'Supersound' do both those values.

are they better than Clarity ESA

I've heard the Mundorf Evo series are very good :)


any reviews ?

The Black Adder
09-02-2013, 21:45
I prefer ESA's to Ansar Supersounds. Had them both in a crossover. The ESA's take a little longer to burn in but they are worth it.

10-02-2013, 06:44
I have read that SA and ESA are dull souding

where are you using ESA which rate 250 V or 630 V - Is It reasonable choice for mid pass filter

have you tried to add to ESA Mundorf Supreme as Tony Gee recomendations

what Is your choise for high pass 4.7 uF

Rare Bird
10-02-2013, 10:00
I fully understand why a lot of people choose different Caps, certainly inst the reason i do it hence i stick to what i use. I don't want my speakers sounding more bright & detailed, i want them sounding how they do but more well defined in all areas.

10-02-2013, 11:14
I have read that SA and ESA are dull souding

where are you using ESA which rate 250 V or 630 V - Is It reasonable choice for mid pass filter

have you tried to add to ESA Mundorf Supreme as Tony Gee recomendations

what Is your choise for high pass 4.7 uF

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10-02-2013, 19:19
I have used Clarity Cap SA and ESA as well as manny others.
The clarity line above PX uses very heavy duty film and break in takes forever but they are worth it in the end. A mix of capacitors is better than using just one brand and or type,I mix the CC ESR with Oblangatto Gold or Mundorf supreme then one cap dosen't leave a sonic signature.
Don't believe that Clarity Caps are dull after break in there is a pair of Mission 762i speakers in my wifes Solon with SA 630v caps that have been running 7 days a week,10+ hours a day for well over a year and it seems the longer they run the better they get, they are fully cooked in now.

My Tekton Lores in our home use ESA caps 630v are 1 year old and are still breaking in due to our busy life, they don't have 400 hours on them, but they are far better than when they where new.
I went through the same thing with Black Gates,then one day you just go Wow!
There it is!
Seems some good caps just take more time to cook.

10-02-2013, 19:45
would you please tell me your impressions about clarity cap esa vs Obbligato Premium Gold vs Mundorf Supreme
from my experience Obbligato Premium Gold does have fine analogue midrange and fine highs but Is not detailed airy and a little muffled with lack of bass control

10-02-2013, 20:02
I used the Obbligato with a clarity cap ESA 630v in the tweeter part of the Xover so bass control I can't comment on but muffled they are not, smooth yes. less digital sounding.
The Mundorfs where just to bright with the Audax Gold tweeter.
See the climb below ,so I have loads of sparkle and a bright cap is a bad choice.

Remember it's not just your capacitor choice but the total synergy of how everything works together and the same cap used as a coupling cap will sound totally different in a speaker x over. So don't put to much stock in reviews, trust your own ears and you will be much better off.
Samoloco please do as Marco has asked, this site is very easy going but posting anonymously is not allowed.

10-02-2013, 20:55
would you please tell me your impressions about clarity cap esa vs Obbligato Premium Gold vs Mundorf Supreme
from my experience Obbligato Premium Gold does have fine analogue midrange and fine highs but Is not detailed airy and a little muffled with lack of bass control

Did you read my previous post (#9) about supplying your first name and location?? Please comply with my request before posting any further on this thread. We don't permit people to be anonymous here.

I would also ask that no-one replies to "samoloko" about capacitors until he or she fulfils his or her requirements.


12-02-2013, 11:16
anyone auditioned new Mundorf M Cap Evo In Oil and Aluminium In Oil

12-02-2013, 22:42
Thanks Sam
For giving your info.
There is just one question I need to as you before I try to help
What is it you hope to improve with new capacitor s.
Even good caps make suttle changes.
For some speakers the Solons my be just fine.
You may not see a huge improvement or a very small one.
Sorry im typing on my cell .

13-02-2013, 04:50
would you please tell me your impressions about clarity cap esa vs Obbligato Premium Gold vs Mundorf Supreme
from my experience Obbligato Premium Gold does have fine analogue midrange and fine highs but Is not detailed airy and a little muffled with lack of bass control

I agree with Goraman. The difference between high-grade capacitors is quite subtle. When people try to describe the differences between capacitors they often exaggerate in order to make the differences between capacitors sound larger than they really are.

In my experience, different capacitors won't make fundamental changes to the sound or voicing of your speakers. It is 'icing on the cake' kind of stuff - the last 5-10% of sonic performance.

The Clarity Cap ESAs are pretty darn decent for the price IMHO.

13-02-2013, 05:18
I agree with Goraman. The difference between high-grade capacitors is quite subtle. When people try to describe the differences between capacitors they often exaggerate in order to make the differences between capacitors sound larger than they really are.

In my experience, different capacitors won't make fundamental changes to the sound or voicing of your speakers. It is 'icing on the cake' kind of stuff - the last 5-10% of sonic performance.

The Clarity Cap ESAs are pretty darn decent for the price IMHO.

What he said, with only one small caviott to add " I like Clarity caps because they are flat neutral ". They are not bright or dark sounding.
And after burn in they really open up from a rose bud to a full bloom / not just sound stage but over all they sound fuller and richer around 400 hours real time.
If you run them in 8 hrs. a day they will be burned in at 50 days.

15-02-2013, 03:30
I feel we have given you an honest assesment after spending loads of money doing what your getting ready to do.
All of the. Caps in the $30.00 to $50.00 U.S. range are going to be pretty good and spending loads of money gets so little better and some times not better at all.
Don't fall for all the hype and puffery.
Just get some matcheed caps of good quality netral sounding and go for it.

16-02-2013, 08:52

thank you
I know that there are expensive choices that would not fit
but also I am agree that almost every polypropylene to replace 82 uF would bring Improvement
the problem will be matching ESR of the lityc cap and polypropylene
what Is better to do to get a LCR meter and measure both caps ESR and to add a compensation resistance In series to polypropylene

16-02-2013, 19:05

thank you
I know that there are expensive choices that would not fit
but also I am agree that almost every polypropylene to replace 82 uF would bring Improvement
the problem will be matching ESR of the lityc cap and polypropylene
what Is better to do to get a LCR meter and measure both caps ESR and to add a compensation resistance In series to polypropylene

I would think a lower ESR would better, It was for me in every case.