View Full Version : Timestep MC Phono Stage - Own Design ?

06-02-2013, 18:36

Review by Hi-Fi Pig who is a member here. Has this got connections to A.N.T. or is it a new design? Looks a bit pricey to me. Apparently the ANT is no more but a successor is to be available as an 'Analogue Alchemy' product.

06-02-2013, 19:17
That's a bit of a touchy subject Paul, Alex was online earlier and there may be an issue. Anyway, I'd rather not say any more.

06-02-2013, 21:38
Loads of intellectual property there, since that's a very cheap board to make in quantity methinks...

06-02-2013, 21:39
That's a bit of a touchy subject Paul, Alex was online earlier and there may be an issue. Anyway, I'd rather not say any more.

Just posing the question knowing the past connection between DC and Alex. Frankly if DC had not closed his own forum I would have posed the question directly to the man.

Looks like questions need answering then though I'm sure Hi-fi Pig is an innocent party in any possible controversy.

Loads of intellectual property there, since that's a very cheap board to make in quantity methinks...

Relatively simple board in a plain box. I suppose if the circuit is an AN design would be obvious. Can't see how this can be £900 but then I thought the A.N.T. was pricey in material terms. Perhaps I like products where the selling price is set to give fair rather than excessive profit to the maker and seller irrespective of claims of outstanding SQ.


06-02-2013, 22:10
All I will say is that I hope Alex took my advice earlier...

Alex Nikitin
06-02-2013, 23:16

Review by Hi-Fi Pig who is a member here. Has this got connections to A.N.T. or is it a new design? Looks a bit pricey to me. Apparently the ANT is no more but a successor is to be available as an 'Analogue Alchemy' product.

I have to make a correction. A.N.T. Audio is alive and well, the Kora 3T MM "Limited Edition" and the award-winning Kora 3T MC "Limited Edition" phono stages are still available on a special order, as to the "Special Edition" - there are now DIY kits of parts + PCB available too for both MM and MC versions. The Analogue Alchemy phono stages and headphone amplifiers will be based on specially tailored and updated versions of A.N.T. Audio products. The circuit of the Kora 3T Special Edition phono stages (both MM and MC) was published on my web site last Autumn (http://www.ant-audio.co.uk/index.php?cat=post&qry=philosophy).

And to answer the original question: A.N.T. Audio had no involvement in the design of Timestep phono stages .



07-02-2013, 12:52
I have to make a correction. A.N.T. Audio is alive and well, the Kora 3T MM "Limited Edition" and the award-winning Kora 3T MC "Limited Edition" phono stages are still available on a special order, as to the "Special Edition" - there are now DIY kits of parts + PCB available too for both MM and MC versions. The Analogue Alchemy phono stages and headphone amplifiers will be based on specially tailored and updated versions of A.N.T. Audio products. The circuit of the Kora 3T Special Edition phono stages (both MM and MC) was published on my web site last Autumn (http://www.ant-audio.co.uk/index.php?cat=post&qry=philosophy).

And to answer the original question: A.N.T. Audio had no involvement in the design of Timestep phono stages .



Alex. Apologies for the unintended inaccuracy of information.

I did mean the ANT phono stage rather than the company. Though I noted there was still a kit I did not pick up on the special order product, though surely this means this is the end of ANT phono stages as a standard product line. Will prices be lower in line with their direct from manufacturer only supply?


07-02-2013, 13:03
Maybe I should take a foatie or two of the innards of the Rega Fono at under £200 (the only "cheapish" phono stage hifi dave sells to my knowledge, and post it here to see what £200 can buy, since it's also? made in the UK and not imported from China for pennies....

Alex Nikitin
07-02-2013, 13:16
Alex. Apologies for the unintended inaccuracy of information.

I did mean the ANT phono stage rather than the company. Though I noted there was still a kit I did not pick up on the special order product, though surely this means this is the end of ANT phono stages as a standard product line. Will prices be lower in line with their direct from manufacturer only supply?


Hi Paul,

All Kora 3T Limited Edition phono stages were always made on order from hand-matched components, tuned and tested by me personally, in my home lab, so there is no change there and no change in the price either.



07-02-2013, 17:55
"Building on his experience Dave has now produced a dual-mono phonostage with not a single integrated circuit or transistor in sight! No less than 16 FET's are used including a FET discrete power supply. The input FET's are laboriously hand tested and categorised before being inserted in blocks of 8 into the PCB."

From the Timestep website, used under fair rights.

Is he retarded? What does he think the T in FET stands for? Field Effect Transistor

07-02-2013, 18:01
Maybe I should take a foatie or two of the innards of the Rega Fono at under £200 (the only "cheapish" phono stage hifi dave sells to my knowledge, and post it here to see what £200 can buy, since it's also? made in the UK and not imported from China for pennies....

I'm sure the Fono has as many components as the Timestep and added convenience of user configuration.

Spectral Morn
07-02-2013, 18:31
This is a news item only on HiFi Pig - a regurgitation of facts taken from a press product release and not an actual review.

Frankly I would be very surprised if DC allowed anyone who was a member of AOS to review one of his items as he once told me he would not let me or anyone else involved on or with AOS do an official review - this was some time ago, so maybe that policy has now changed.

Wakefield Turntables
07-02-2013, 20:17
Frankly I would be very surprised if DC allowed anyone who was a member of AOS to review one of his items as he once told me he would not let me or anyone else involved on or with AOS do an official review .

oooohhhhh! Scary, I feel like i've been blackballed! How the hell is he going to know who or who dosent frequent AOS, what a gentlemans sausage.