View Full Version : Another interestig record cleaning solution?

03-02-2013, 23:19
Ready to have this picked to bits and I'm sure there a zillion reasons why not to, but hey ho, for what it's worth.

I have a particular album that was a bit of an impulse eBay buy, mainly as I remember my dad playing it to death when I was a kid and it brought back some memories

For an eBay bargain buy it played pretty damn well and after a good clean the only great annoyance was a jump on the side 2 first track where it would consistently play the same few words 3 times before finding its way through and playing as normal

So today I was cleaning the car and a thought occurred to me

Detailing clay,

Now the principle behind this stuff is its a non abrasive substance designed to pull out microscopic paint contamination prior to polishing the car.

If you keep the surface wet enough it doesn't leave any residue.

Having been very impressed with its effect on cars and the amount off crud it removes from the paint, I wondered if it could achieve the same thing with pulling crud out of record grooves.

So I tried it.

First attempt reduced the repeat from 3 to 1 before the track carried on

A total of 3 treatments and that problem track is now playing perfectly, and the clay has a visible amount of crud

So, might not be something to do on a regular basis, but may possibly help with a problem case

My only concern was leaving any clay to be trapped on the stylus, so far though it seems fine

The Grand Wazoo
03-02-2013, 23:21
Well, it worked that time, which is great!

Rare Bird
04-02-2013, 05:34
Gets worse. :D