View Full Version : Wanted Integrated valve amp

29-01-2013, 20:07
Wanted Intergrated valve amp up to about £600

29-01-2013, 21:07
£ 450 dared I-30
30wpc push pull
headphone amp
usb dac 24/48
ipod input

ex demo very little use , demo or loan no problem




30-01-2013, 13:51
Wanted Intergrated valve amp up to about £600

A nice WAD integrated on hifiwigwam for £500 that may be of interest.

30-01-2013, 19:19
I've got an Image i65 integrated, bettered a £2.8k Cayin A88-T I had so sold it, it's KT88 and comes with 4 brand new Gold Lions, 2 x Tungsram ECC82's and 2 x Siemens and Halaske ECC83's, it's 40wpc absolutely gorgeous sounding with excellent bass and detail.

Looking for £550 posted


30-01-2013, 19:51
Try this brand new at 550 quid. Gorgeous midband and seriously good bass.


30-01-2013, 20:13
A nice WAD integrated on hifiwigwam for £500 that may be of interest.

What ^Kev^ said. :)

Spectral Morn
30-01-2013, 23:12
Look for a second hand Audio Innovations Series 500, 25Watts of Class A magic.

Dared :eek: nope, not in the same ball park in my humble opinion experience, except their VP 845 which is stunning sounding but a dogs dinner re looks, the rest are poor in my experience.

Regards Neil

Rare Bird
30-01-2013, 23:26
Any idea what the phono stage sounds like in the '300 Mk.1'?

30-01-2013, 23:32
Icon Audio stereo 40i sitting on my lounge floor all lonesome!

Spectral Morn
30-01-2013, 23:32
Any idea what the phono stage sounds like in the '300 Mk.1'?

Yes I used to own one and it sounded beautiful. If you have a nice pair of sensitive speakers then this amplifier punches way above its original price point.

I would look for a mk one as I felt the mk2 was not as nice. I only got rid of mine as I needed a wee bit more power and the 500 gave me that - I still own my series 500.

I have read Guy Sargent say, that he could quite happily live with a series 300.

Regards Neil

Spectral Morn
30-01-2013, 23:34
Icon Audio stereo 40i sitting on my lounge floor all lonesome!

Nice Electric Fire that one too :eyebrows:

Regards Neil

Rare Bird
31-01-2013, 00:00
Yes I used to own one and it sounded beautiful. If you have a nice pair of sensitive speakers then this amplifier punches way above its original price point.

I would look for a mk one as I felt the mk2 was not as nice. I only got rid of mine as I needed a wee bit more power and the 500 gave me that - I still own my series 500.

I have read Guy Sargent say, that he could quite happily live with a series 300.

Hi Neil
Yeh has to be the Mk.1, i heard one once but only with a CD player, sounded wonderful, i loved the two tone Grey finish... I don't know how much they fetch these days in minto condition tho..

I think i could get away with 10 watter with my un demanding 90dB speakers in the small room..

31-01-2013, 00:05
About £3-400.

Rare Bird
31-01-2013, 00:10
Thanks Stu.

post No.13,000 from me :eek: wish i had one of those buttons Marco has to ad on thousands of posts :lol:


The Grand Wazoo
31-01-2013, 00:26
I liked the 300 too, it was great but much too agricultural looking for the time. Lovely sweet sounding little amp. The Export version in white with the thin, round ended, left to right slots in the casing (as opposed to the grey one with wide, rectangular, front to back slots) always reminded me of the BBC-B computer!


Rare Bird
31-01-2013, 00:30
Yeh i love the colour scheme would look loverly by the side of my Ferrograph amp :eyebrows: perspex facia just the same.

The Grand Wazoo
31-01-2013, 00:33
Yeh i love the colour scheme....

Have you gone off bright orange & chocolate brown then?


Rare Bird
31-01-2013, 00:36
O no.. I'll let you into a secret, the Lenco TT project will have an Acrylic top plate, i'm making one in orange to match the Quad '33'/'FM3' facia & a duplicate in light grey to match the Ferrograph 'F307' facia, as ive not decided which im gonna be using it with yet :rfl:

The Grand Wazoo
31-01-2013, 00:38
Grey/Ferro for everyday use & orange/Quad for when you have visitors - that'll get shot of 'em!

31-01-2013, 11:23
O no.. I'll let you into a secret, the Lenco TT project will have an Acrylic top plate, i'm making one in orange to match the Quad '33'/'FM3' facia & a duplicate in light grey to match the Ferrograph 'F307' facia, as ive not decided which im gonna be using it with yet :rfl:

The design of the 33, FM3 and AM3 was made by the late Peter Walker. Maybe not to everyone's taste, it was though good enough for Quad to be awarded Design Council approval.

Me, I just love the 'snot green' and orange of the Series 3 Quad electronics. :)

31-01-2013, 11:25
Grey/Ferro for everyday use & orange/Quad for when you have visitors - that'll get shot of 'em!

No - to get rid of unwelcome guests, you need only to put on Tangerine Dream's 'Pheadra'.

31-01-2013, 12:23
This is worth a look:

31-01-2013, 12:27
This is worth a look:

Just keep in mind that the seller says it drops out on one channel. Should be able to get it fixed, but you need to be aware none the less.

Rare Bird
31-01-2013, 12:38
Me, I just love the 'snot green' and orange of the Series 3 Quad electronics. :)

Just fantastic aesthetics/colour scheme..

Spectral Morn
01-02-2013, 20:08
The 300 was also available in black that was the colour of mine - wish I had kept it :doh:

01-02-2013, 20:45
not too bad. Just a little soft in the upper bass/mid