View Full Version : Stuff I'm taking to the AudioJumble

Ammonite Audio
27-01-2013, 13:12
Just in case anyone's interested in buying them from here, I shall be taking these items to the AudioJumble on 10 Feb:

Tannoy Lancasters with 15" Monitor Golds. Drive units are like new. Very nice condition cabinets; innards are unmodernised except for new binding posts. £1900

Lyngdorf CD1 CD player/transport, boxed £550

MIT AVTS1 Speaker cables, 10ft pair, with box. Box chewed by puppy who also left some fine teeth marks on the heat shrink sleeve of one cable. No damage to the cables themselves. £300

LAD GAJ828 Direct Drive turntable, with Audio Origami fettled LAD (Jelco) arm, which now has a 5 pin DIN plug at its base, so no arm cable is provided. This is a "professional" (eg quite ugly) deck and does not come with a lid. Achromat is extra. £150.


While I'm not actively seeking to sell the following items, I might if offered the right money (please contact me to discuss if interested):

Quad 34 Preamp
Quad 306 Power Amp
Quad FM4 Tuner
Ortofon Rohmann cartridge
Thorens TD124 Mk2 Alloy Main Platter
Thorens TD124 Alloy top platter (slight kink at edge, but it's flat at the top)
Thorens TD124 Main bearing with bronze end cap and new (not yet fitted) oilite shells

27-01-2013, 13:17
I'm looking forward to the Audio Jumble!

Those Grado SR80 should sell well....Great cans IMO!

27-01-2013, 13:59
I'm looking forward to the Audio Jumble!

me to :)

Ammonite Audio
27-01-2013, 19:50
Grado phones and Ittok are no longer available.

Pics of the Lancasters, to whet someone's appetite:


Ammonite Audio
27-01-2013, 20:18
Microscope is sold

28-01-2013, 04:12
You have a PM Hugo ;)

Ammonite Audio
29-01-2013, 06:59
Microscope, LAD turntable and Ortofon Rohmann are SOLD.