View Full Version : WTD: Creek 4040S3 or 4140S2 for my Royd Minstrels

26-01-2013, 13:58
Hi again.

As some of you will know, I've just bought a SonyES integrated for my Royds, but along the way a fair number of people mentioned the Creek / Royd pairing as being one of the most musically involving / fun / well matched combos they had heard.

So, you can see where I'm going with this. I'm now looking for one of the old Creek integrateds please to recreate a legendary rockin', boogie on down system .

I have owned a number of the old Creeks in the past and really rate them, with the 4040S3 and 4140S2 being my particular faves.

Anyway, this one will need to have a phono stage, ideally (not essential) the tone controls and RCA inputs (not DIN).

WHY or do you know of to get my Royds rockin' ?

26-01-2013, 14:18
Don't rock 'em too hard or you'll damage a bass driver, which, despite its undoubted fine midrange qualities, didn't offer huge travel for meaty bass as I remember :)

From the late 90's, a "clamshell" Rega Mira (original model) is lovely and occasionally available, the Myryads of the period were well matched too as I recall, the Cameo having phono as standard I think and the MI-120 as an excellent option if you can find one. Both offer better performance than a possibly tired old 80's Creek.

Alex_UK had a creek Evo3 with good phono stage if nothing else, but wasn't there a 4340 before this that may be worth a look.

I HAVE to mention a Quad 77 integrated - read on and I'll explain... Line only and not many inputs, so you WILL need an external phono stage, BUT, the design is a modern one (class AB or B with UP TO DATE transistors all but eliminating the bad things this way of doing things could offer) and getting one serviced shouldn't be an issue. This range is overlooked so still good "sleeping" material. The sonics are divine, with a spacious and musical sweetness very like the old 22/II amp combination, but with none of the negatives and more than enough safe power for the Mintrels. You could look for one of the add-on Creek phono stages which could be tucked out of sight. Not a first choice for you, but a lovely and far better amp than a 4040 or 4140 I promise you.

Some of the better Arcams from the late 90's *may* be worth a look, the Alpha 9 and 10 not bad amps at all, despite the horrid casework. Smooth and safe sound and easy service/update is also in their favour I think.

26-01-2013, 14:39
Don't rock 'em too hard or you'll damage a bass driver, which, despite its undoubted fine midrange qualities, didn't offer huge travel for meaty bass as I remember :)

From the late 90's, a "clamshell" Rega Mira (original model) is lovely and occasionally available, the Myryads of the period were well matched too as I recall, the Cameo having phono as standard I think and the MI-120 as an excellent option if you can find one. Both offer better performance than a possibly tired old 80's Creek.

Alex_UK had a creek Evo3 with good phono stage if nothing else, but wasn't there a 4340 before this that may be worth a look.

I HAVE to mention a Quad 77 integrated - read on and I'll explain... Line only and not many inputs, so you WILL need an external phono stage, BUT, the design is a modern one (class AB or B with UP TO DATE transistors all but eliminating the bad things this way of doing things could offer) and getting one serviced shouldn't be an issue. This range is overlooked so still good "sleeping" material. The sonics are divine, with a spacious and musical sweetness very like the old 22/II amp combination, but with none of the negatives and more than enough safe power for the Mintrels. You could look for one of the add-on Creek phono stages which could be tucked out of sight. Not a first choice for you, but a lovely and far better amp than a 4040 or 4140 I promise you.

Some of the better Arcams from the late 90's *may* be worth a look, the Alpha 9 and 10 not bad amps at all, despite the horrid casework. Smooth and safe sound and easy service/update is also in their favour I think.

Thanks for the useful info Dave.

The reason for the Creek suggestion was that quite a number of people remember the Creek above any other amp as having a brilliant synergy with the Minstrels for rock music and general musicality.

As I say, the SonyES I bought hasn't even been delivered yet, but so many past and present Minstrel owners recommended the Creeks that I have to give one a go. Plus it would be of a similar British vintage and "retro cool" :)

26-01-2013, 17:55
No probs at all :) I remember the Creeks very fondly and they were our staple baby amps once NAD went off the boil and the beloved A60 price went out the window :(, apart from the Cyrus 1's which we were cajoled into selling so the sales director got his free skiing holiday - cough - ..... Hope you don't mind me mentioning a few other possible used buys though..

26-01-2013, 18:22
'course not.

Appreciated :)