View Full Version : Cubox Pro - tiny low powered pc

16-01-2013, 23:31

Wonder what kind of streamer we could make with this, seems well suited to audio applications? Suggestions please

17-01-2013, 08:12
Can't believe the size of this. Hopefully this thread will get the attention of the more experienced members in file based audio replay.

17-01-2013, 12:58
The Cubox Pro is the successor to the original Cubox which has been around for a while. This version has increased memory and a better external design, but I believe is otherwise unchanged. Fuller Cubox specs are here:


Information about availability and reliability is hard to find. These devices run Linux and have a fiddly boot/installation process unless your are willing to stick to a pre-configured Linux system on a supplied SD card. This is no different to say a raspberry pi, but it will be a massive put off for many folk.

Wonder what kind of streamer we could make with this, seems well suited to audio applications? Suggestions please

If I've read the specs correctly, the hardware is clearly superior to something like the raspberry pi and the ethernet/USB hardware implementation should not suffer from the problems experienced by raspberry pi user when using USB audio and networked files simultaneously. Although there is still the limitation of USB power draw as the Cubox runs from a 5V/2A supply. Hence the possibility of having to use a powered USB hub, depending on what you want to hook up to the device.

The makers of the Cubox obviously targeted the design as a potential “Linux Media server” with perhaps more accent on HD video than audio alone, but there is a separate audio controller with S/PDIF out which is supposed to support up to 24bit/96KHz.. As to its SQ, I have no idea.

Here's a vid showing the original Cubox running XMBC:


If you're thinking of using a Cubox device as an audio server running MPD, then it appears to work OK. See here at bottom of page:


Whether it's any better than the tried and tested combination of a DC powered an ALIX motherboard, or an Intel Atom board, running say VoyageMPD or mpdPUP Linux, is an open question. I suspect the SQ is potentially no better if you're connecting to a USB DAC, and the Arm based Cubox device may have some software problems that have long been ironed out on the x86 compatible ALIX board which just uses standard Linux software.

In short the Cubox is an interesting project which adds to the choice of lilputing devices (plug computers, computers on a USB sized stick etc.) , but for a dedicated audio server I'm not sure it would be top of my list.