View Full Version : Mark - Reid Malenfant

Spectral Morn
09-01-2013, 20:48
Hi Guys

Mark - Reid Malenfant has not been on AOS for quite awhile (23/12/12) and feeling concerned I was wondering if anyone has heard from him recently? If not, I was wondering if anyone who lived near Walton, in Peterborough might consider popping round to see if he is ok?

If you contact Marco directly by PM he will give you Mark's details.

Thank you in advance.

Regards Neil

09-01-2013, 20:55
I can try calling him Neil. I do know where he lives but I no longer have a car and it is thirty odd miles to his place from here :(

09-01-2013, 20:56
I'm sure I've seen some posts from Mark in the last few days - there was one on DVD players.

He has changed his 'avatar', so perhaps that is why you thought he had gone 'missing'.

09-01-2013, 20:59
He's definitely not been on since 23.12.2012 - must have been some old posts, Barry. Dave - if you could try calling that would be great.

09-01-2013, 21:02
Forget the forum, Barry. He's not answering his phone, despite me having been trying now for the last three days, and given that he's been rather depressed lately....

If someone near Mark, with a car, could pop by and see if he's ok, I'd be very grateful. Like Neil says, PM me for his full address.



Wakefield Turntables
09-01-2013, 21:15
He's not posted in 10 days, could he be on a two week holiday, perhaps:scratch: Didn't he have a break from posting on AOS last year, perhaps he's just having a rest??

Spectral Morn
09-01-2013, 21:19
He's not posted in 10 days, could he be on a two week holiday, perhaps:scratch: Didn't he have a break from posting on AOS last year, perhaps he's just having a rest??

I certainly hope that's the case and he takes our concern in the spirit its mean't, that we care about him. I don't want to embarrass him.

Wakefield Turntables
09-01-2013, 21:29

Its nice that people like yourself exist and care as much as you do. I can only think that Mark will be recharging his batteries and will be answering all our questions before we know it. ;)


09-01-2013, 21:48
I am trying to organise a lift over to Marks', will keep you all informed...

Spectral Morn
09-01-2013, 21:52
I am trying to organise a lift over to Marks', will keep you all informed...

Thank you Dave.

Regards Neil

09-01-2013, 21:56
Okay guys, got a lift and will be leaving in 15 - 20mins. Marco, can you call me please?

09-01-2013, 22:03
This is very touching. I love this forum.

09-01-2013, 22:06
We might rub each other up the wrong way from time to time but no one could accuse us of not caring ;)

Mr Kipling
09-01-2013, 22:20
Odd thing human nature. Odd how you can be concerned, care about and miss someone you don't know and have never met. Going to get me hankie so I can blow me nose.

Spectral Morn
09-01-2013, 22:28
Okay guys, got a lift and will be leaving in 15 - 20mins. Marco, can you call me please?

You are a special human being Dave, thank you.

09-01-2013, 22:32
Call made. Dave is now on his way :)


09-01-2013, 23:11

Its nice that people like yourself exist and care as much as you do. I can only think that Mark will be recharging his batteries and will be answering all our questions before we know it. ;)


I certainly hope so!

If he was away on holiday he would likely have informed the Mods or Admin. The fact he's not answering his calls is worrying.

Let's hope Dave finds that all is well.

Spectral Morn
10-01-2013, 00:50
Dave is just off the phone with Marco and Mark is ok.

Thanks go to Dave who went the extra mile for a friend in potential need.

Regards Neil

10-01-2013, 00:54
Dave is just off the phone with Marco and Mark is ok.

Thanks go to Dave who went the extra mile for a friend in potential need :cool:

Regards Neil


That's a relief! I was starting to get worried.

This is the sort of thing that makes AoS a 'cut above' the rest. Thanks Dave!

10-01-2013, 01:24
Hi guys.

Well, even though I couldn't get Mark to answer the door, he is okay. My daughter noted him through his bathroom window taking a whizz so panic over. Met a nice chap called Dave who works for the AA and who lives opposite Mark. He is going to pop round and check that everything is okay in the morning. He also has my phone number and he said he'd contact me to let me know of any developments. I have also popped a note through Mark's letterbox... ;)

10-01-2013, 01:45
You are a special human being Dave, thank you.

No thanks necessary Neil, Mark is a good mate and I could not live with myself if... Well, you know the rest.

Mark, I know you are not with us at this moment in time but I am sure I speak for everyone here when I say that you are truly missed when you are away. You have a huge heart and an easy charm. You are sensitive to the needs of new members as can be read after any number of first posts, and often you are the first person at the metaphorical front door when someone needs a helping hand on the forum. AoS may only be a teeny part of this huge virtual world that is t'internet, but you, my friend, reach beyond the boundaries and touch peoples hearts. Be safe my friend and don't be a stranger... :)

Rare Bird
10-01-2013, 01:47
I like Mark even though i never met him :scratch:

Wakefield Turntables
10-01-2013, 09:17
I like Mark even though i never met him :scratch:

Plus one. He's helped me out numerous times with infinite patience. Let's hope he gets on board pretty soon. ;)

10-01-2013, 09:21
I've just got off the phone to Mark. He called me about 20 minutes ago and he seems slightly bemused as to what all the fuss is about... :lol:

10-01-2013, 09:30
Plus one. He's helped me out numerous times with infinite patience. Let's hope he gets on board pretty soon. ;)

Plus one from me too. Good to know he's OK :) .

10-01-2013, 09:38
I've just got off the phone to Mark. He called me about 20 minutes ago and he seems slightly bemused as to what all the fuss is about... :lol:

Lol.... Well, if he'd answer his bloody phone! ;)


10-01-2013, 09:53
Glad Mark's OK . Come back soon mate . Numpties like me need you here . Keep well .:)

Wakefield Turntables
10-01-2013, 11:41
Perhaps he might find it touching :eek: nod nod wink wink.. :)

10-01-2013, 12:36
Lol, never talked to the chap and already like him, gotta love this forum and it's members! :cool:

Spectral Morn
10-01-2013, 13:09
I've just got off the phone to Mark. He called me about 20 minutes ago and he seems slightly bemused as to what all the fuss is about... :lol:

That is the result I was hoping for.

Dave in a post above you act very humble about what you did, but the simple sad truth is there are many so called friends who when you are in need turn their backs, cross the street etc don't act on that wee inner voice that says something might be wrong here and go find out. You did and I applaud that - you are a gentleman.

Regards Neil

Spectral Morn
10-01-2013, 13:10
Perhaps he might find it touching :eek: nod nod wink wink.. :)

I sincerely hope so too.

Regards Neil

10-01-2013, 13:14
mark might have been given a companion for Christmas and he might still be trying out the various mode of operation after consulting the user's guide entitled the Kama Sutra ;).

Spectral Morn
10-01-2013, 13:29
I want to take this opportunity now we know Mark is safe to publicly acknowledge the great debt I owe Marco, Alex, Barry, Anthony, John, Martin, Chris, Nick and Mark (the subject of this thread) who in a great time of personal need were good friends to me.

Last November late on I took a very serious dose of flu - only better now - that really kicked the crap out of me and not long into that period my Dad died. He rang me to see how I was and while talking to him on the phone he went silent - no sound at all bar the open line. As it turned out (he was in Spain at the time) it was at the moment he went silent, on the phone, that he suffered a massive heart attack that killed him instantly. His neighbour found him the next day sitting upright on his sofa with the phone in his hand.

I was before this time going through a bad time personally that mean't I had steeped back from AOS and I was not active here. Running my online magazine mean't I had a responsibility to publish there I was taking a break after my Dad's death and shortly thereafter I was emailed by all the above guys who expressed their concern.

I have to say that this and the following emails (many) and cards sent mean't a massive amount to me. Sadly some of my so called friends elsewhere did nothing similar.

AOS isn't perfect and we all have our flaws and occasional fall outs, but there is a special vibe here, a concern, care and love that does mean in reality that the community of AOS is at its heart a family and family care for each other.

I just wanted to say the above, I felt it needed saying.

Thank you guys and Dave (synsei) for going to help Mark :cool:

Regards Neil

10-01-2013, 13:36
I want to take this opportunity now we know Mark is safe to publicly acknowledge the great debt I owe Marco, Alex, Barry, Anthony, John, Martin, Chris, Nick and Mark (the subject of this thread) who in a great time of personal need were good friends to me.

Last November late on I took a very serious dose of flu - only better now - that really kicked the crap out of me and not long into that period my Dad died. He rang me to see how I was and while talking to him on the phone he went silent - no sound at all bar the open line. As it turned out (he was in Spain at the time) it was at the moment he went silent, on the phone, that he suffered a massive heart attack that killed him instantly. His neighbour found him the next day sitting upright on his sofa with the phone in his hand.

I was before this time going through a bad time personally that mean't I had steeped back from AOS and I was not active here. Running my online magazine mean't I had a responsibility to publish there I was taking a break after my Dad's death and shortly thereafter I was emailed by all the above guys who expressed their concern.

I have to say that this and the following emails (many) and cards sent mean't a massive amount to me. Sadly some of my so called friends elsewhere did nothing similar.

AOS isn't perfect and we all have our flaws and occasional fall outs, but there is a special vibe here, a concern, care and love that does mean in reality that the community of AOS is at its heart a family and family care for each other.

I just wanted to say the above, I felt it needed saying.

Thank you guys and Dave (synsei) for going to help Mark :cool:

Regards Neil

That is a sad story, but a nice touch tipping your hat to the guys who matter.

10-01-2013, 17:39
Sometimes personal experience can make things just that bit clearer..
we do need to look after each other a bit more, the world would be a bit less f*cked up.

Sorry to hear about your Dad Neil, that stuff stays with you if you let it.

Glad Mark's ok, he's helped me out a few times in the past here on AOS.

10-01-2013, 18:32
Nowt but good things to say about my interactions with Mark and miss his great musical suggestions and huge knowledge here. Hope he returns to AoS and is doing OK.

I second all that's been said about the forum and doing right by each other. I hope to meet more of you lot personally over the coming year.

BTW nice 1 Dave.

11-01-2013, 17:49
Marks a don.

Rare Bird
11-01-2013, 17:53
I'm gonna be dissapearing soon, please don't come looking for me..

11-01-2013, 18:08
Aye, we'll be hiring a private detective! :eyebrows:

Where are you off to, dude? :)


11-01-2013, 18:13
Aye, we'll be hiring a private detective! :eyebrows:

Where are you off to, dude? :)


Yep - we know where you live! :eyebrows:

Rare Bird
11-01-2013, 18:14
No you dont ;)

11-01-2013, 18:41
Glad that Mark is ok - was his back playing up again? That may be why he can't come to the door.

Neil - it's good to see you posting in good spirits again. Here's to a better year for you starting now :cheers:

11-01-2013, 18:58
No you dont ;)

I do! ;)


Rare Bird
11-01-2013, 19:36
No you don't ;)

11-01-2013, 19:39
No you don't ;)

Have you moved André? If so, what is your new address? :lol:

Rare Bird
11-01-2013, 19:43
Nein, not moved but never ever disclose my real address :eyebrows:

11-01-2013, 19:45
Nein, not moved but never ever disclose my real address :eyebrows:

We already know you live in the 'Land of grey and pink'. :eyebrows:

Rare Bird
11-01-2013, 19:54
Please find me the Grey/Pink double vinyl, Ltd edition of it will ya then.

11-01-2013, 20:01
Please find me the Grey/Pink double vinyl, Ltd edition of it will ya then.

Double vinyl? That's new to me. So it looks like your address is safe after all! :)

Rare Bird
11-01-2013, 20:03
I don't like disclosing prog tendencies as in all fairness it's suppose to be mostly underground


11-01-2013, 20:22
I don't like disclosing prog tendencies as in all fairness it's suppose to be mostly underground


Looks like all 500 pressings have been sold!

Rare Bird
11-01-2013, 20:27
:lol: I know that :rfl:

Rare Bird
11-01-2013, 20:53
tbh: i would be very browned orf if some contrived a topic regarding me going missing.so don't go there if i do, cos at the day i have no friends & no intentions in creating none,what friends i have are all cyber

12-01-2013, 06:08
tbh: i would be very browned orf if some contrived a topic regarding me going missing.so don't go there if i do, cos at the day i have no friends & no intentions in creating none,what friends i have are all cyber

Each to his own of course but no friends? And how the hell can you describe people you chat to on the Internet as 'friends'?

My idea of what constitutes a friend is a bit more complex than that. When I was sacked (unfairly) 10 years ago, my best mate (and colleague) resigned in protest. No job to go to either. You wouldn't get that on the inter web eh?

Rare Bird
12-01-2013, 07:47
Nop no nor do i want any. Even the so called best ones stab you in the back cos at the end of the day people look out for number one at any cost.

Na the only friend i have is my music.

oops forgot the wife :lol:

12-01-2013, 08:44
Nop no nor do i want any. Even the so called best ones stab you in the back cos at the end of the day people look out for number one at any cost.

Na the only friend i have is my music.

oops forgot the wife :lol:

Well we've all been stabbed in the back. And I know better than most. But the picture you paint is rather sad. Bleak in fact. Your choice though and respect for that.

Rare Bird
12-01-2013, 08:47
It might look Bleak Harry, but when you've have been stabbed in the back so many times by so called mates, even by Ex-Wives, you learn to trust absolutly no one. It still amazes me even to this day why i got married again after last time around! One thing i was gifted with was the ability to see thru people like crystal or is that something i learned along the way!

12-01-2013, 09:27
Andre, Maybe you should look at why things happened rather than be so bitter about it? I find a look in the mirror from time to time can be very useful in gaining some perspective.

Rare Bird
12-01-2013, 09:34
No need to do that Harry i know perfectly well what people are.

12-01-2013, 09:40
tbh: i would be very browned orf if some contrived a topic regarding me going missing.

There was nothing "contrived" about it, dude. It was a situation of genuine concern. What you don't know is that at Christmas Mark wrote something rather worrying about his personal circumstances in the mod area (a private section of the forum for mods and admin), which combined with other stuff (I can't go into details) strongly suggested that he may have been intending to do something 'silly'....

Then when we tried to call him, and for over three days he wasn't answering his phone (as Mark rarely goes out for long), things looked distinctly dodgy. Therefore, purely out of concern for his welfare, I alerted Dave (who knows Mark well) to the situation, as he lives near him, and he of course he went down to Mark's place to see if he was ok, which thankfully he was (well, alive at least).

How do you think we'd have felt if we'd just ignored the situation and then discovered later that he'd done something terrible to himself? These things do happen, you know! Anyway, all is well, and I'll be speaking with Mark over the weekend to see how he's doing. I certainly don't regret acting as I did, and neither I'm sure would Dave.

As for friends, I know you've made your mind up on that issue, so I won't attempt to change it, but remember that not all of us have had the same unfortunate experiences as you of betrayal. Others and I here have very good friends we've known for years, who've never let us down and who would do anything that they could to help in times of distress, and have experienced that first hand. These are people you can genuinely rely upon.

I would certainly be there for my friends in that way, if they needed me, as you know only too well with someone on AoS you correspond with, who is a very close friend of mine, and whom I was there for in his time of need, despite me living 100s of miles away......! ;)


Rare Bird
12-01-2013, 09:47
Sorry Marco, i had no idea of this, however if it were me i would still be annoyed.

But i suppose their is some good friends, it's just that i never had any hence don't intent trying another lot out :D maybe ive been too soft enough to take advantage of in the past, i dunno! Anyway i don't have time for mates, im all the wife when i can fit her in..

12-01-2013, 10:05
Sorry Marco, i had no idea of this, however if it were me i would still be annoyed.

No worries, but would you have been annoyed if our intervention had saved your life?

But i suppose their is some good friends, it's just that i never had any hence don't intent trying another lot out :D maybe ive been too soft enough to take advantage of in the past, i dunno!

Who knows, dude. I'm certainly not going to stand in judgement of your decisions in that respect. All I would say is that coping with life today is tough enough as it is WITH the help of your friends and loved ones around you.

Shunning friendships, however seemingly well justified, and alienating yourself in that way, especially as you're still a relatively young man, with half of your life ahead of you, with respect, doesn't strike me as the most sensible of plans for self-preservation ;)


12-01-2013, 10:30
I am really glad to hear that Mark is ok,
And a big thank you to Dave and others here for making the effort!:)

Wakefield Turntables
12-01-2013, 11:17
I am really glad to hear that Mark is ok,
And a big thank you to Dave and others here for making the effort!:)

Hurrah :cool:

12-01-2013, 17:54
All I would say is that coping with life today is tough enough as it is WITH the help of your friends and loved ones around you.

Shunning friendships, however seemingly well justified, and alienating yourself in that way, especially as you're still a relatively young man, with half of your life ahead of you, with respect, doesn't strike me as the most sensible of plans for self-preservation ;)


Agree 100%. There are some total shits in the world and I've had to deal with plenty, especially professionally. But for every complete bastard there are at least a dozen good guys.

Rare Bird
12-01-2013, 17:59
I hope your not refering to me!

12-01-2013, 18:22
Yes. We both are.

Rare Bird
12-01-2013, 18:44
Um well im off for good.

12-01-2013, 18:52
We know where you live ;-)

12-01-2013, 19:08
I'm not sure that's come across right Harry, I think André has taken it that you are calling him a total shit, which hopefully you aren't :scratch:

12-01-2013, 19:11
Um well im off for good.

Andre', if I can just put my oar in here, no one was referring to you with the comment of "a complete bastard". If I can speak on their behalf they were meaning thar their comment referred to you only in the sense that their experience was different from yours - they think that there are a lot more good guys out there than absolute bastards. No one in their right mind on this forum would ever think of you as being anything but one of the good guys, albeit having a different view of life to most of them.
Stick around mate, your unparalleled specialist knowledge, comments and contributions to this forum will be sadly missed.
Hope you stay around long enough to read this.
ATB, either way,

12-01-2013, 19:20
I'm not sure that's come across right Harry, I think André has taken it that you are calling him a total shit, which hopefully you aren't :scratch:

Tim, of course I wasn't calling Andre a total shit. Indeed I wasn't calling him anything. I've never met him so why would I do that.

I think it was quite obvious what I was referring to, it was Marco's excellent 'advice' which I added to.

I fail to see how anyone could see it any other way. But I'm quite happy to apologise if anyone took it the wrong way.

12-01-2013, 19:23
Tim, of course I wasn't calling Andre a total shit. Indeed I wasn't calling him anything. I've never met him so why would I do that.
I realise that Harry, but I just happened on this thread and it *could* possibly be construed another way, especially if one took a defensive stance. What we type is often taken in the wrong context and I'm as guilty of that as the next man ;)

12-01-2013, 19:26
Tim, I'm usually very careful what I type (35 years in journalism) and I honestly can't see how it could be taken any other way than the way in which I meant it. But there you go.

Wakefield Turntables
12-01-2013, 19:26
I thought this thread was supposed to be about Mark ??

12-01-2013, 19:57
I'm gonna be dissapearing soon, please don't come looking for me..

And so it was.

12-01-2013, 20:42
And so it was.

And comments like that really help :(

12-01-2013, 21:00
And comments like that really help :(

Sorry, Rare Bird hasnt been online since 1840, taken his avatar down. I think he is having a wee break from AoS.

12-01-2013, 21:03
Andre I really hope you not gone from AOS

12-01-2013, 21:15
Inappropriate and thoughtless comments removed.
Jeff - that's not on.

Mark Grant
12-01-2013, 21:25
I want to take this opportunity now we know Mark is safe to publicly acknowledge the great debt I owe Marco, Alex, Barry, Anthony, John, Martin, Chris, Nick and Mark (the subject of this thread) who in a great time of personal need were good friends to me.

Last November late on I took a very serious dose of flu - only better now - that really kicked the crap out of me and not long into that period my Dad died. He rang me to see how I was and while talking to him on the phone he went silent - no sound at all bar the open line. As it turned out (he was in Spain at the time) it was at the moment he went silent, on the phone, that he suffered a massive heart attack that killed him instantly. His neighbour found him the next day sitting upright on his sofa with the phone in his hand.

I was before this time going through a bad time personally that mean't I had steeped back from AOS and I was not active here. Running my online magazine mean't I had a responsibility to publish there I was taking a break after my Dad's death and shortly thereafter I was emailed by all the above guys who expressed their concern.

I have to say that this and the following emails (many) and cards sent mean't a massive amount to me. Sadly some of my so called friends elsewhere did nothing similar.

AOS isn't perfect and we all have our flaws and occasional fall outs, but there is a special vibe here, a concern, care and love that does mean in reality that the community of AOS is at its heart a family and family care for each other.

I just wanted to say the above, I felt it needed saying.

Thank you guys and Dave (synsei) for going to help Mark :cool:

Regards Neil

Sorry to hear about your Dad.

The people you mention look like they are all moderators so I guess there was some discussion in the secret moderators forum that most of us dont see, more people would probably have been in touch in your time of need if they had known what had happened.

I thought there had been a forum forum tiff or something when you where away, shows how wrong I was.:doh:

Glad to hear contact was made with Mark as its a month or two so since I spoke to him on the phone.

12-01-2013, 22:11
Inappropriate and thoughtless comments removed.
Jeff - that's not on.

Jeff, IMHO that is one of the most unhelpful comments you could have made in the circumstances. I think I know Andre' possibly as well as anyone else on this forum, having spent most of one day in his company. He is without doubt, IMHO, one of the really good guys out there but, like many 'giving' people, can be a bit more fragile than most. Although he doesn't broadcast about it he was virtually looking after a disabled neighbour the last time I discussed it with him, setting him up with a cobbled together hi-fi system - this from a guy who doesn't have the financial resources to indulge his own hi-fi tastes and who works more hours than most just to keep his head above water. His knowledge of Prog Rock is probably unmatched, certainly on this forum. For reasons that neither you nor I have any knowledge of, Andre' genuinely believes life has dealt him a rough hand and it does sometimes tend to get him down. When someone is 'down', IMO it is unhelpful to say the least to ridicule his state of mind. Just be grateful your skin is a little thicker than Andre's at this moment.
He's been down before and he's bounced back - let's hope it happens again.
Just my two penn'orth :) .

13-01-2013, 20:11
It is such a shame that a thread which was begun to help someone who is in a bad place right now has resulted in the loss of another member who is himself encountering his own problems. Let's avoid any recriminations please, I think enough damage has been done already... :(

Edited for better clarity

13-01-2013, 20:29
Jeff, IMHO that is one of the most unhelpful comments you could have made in the circumstances. I think I know Andre' possibly as well as anyone else on this forum, having spent most of one day in his company. He is without doubt, IMHO, one of the really good guys out there but, like many 'giving' people, can be a bit more fragile than most. Although he doesn't broadcast about it he was virtually looking after a disabled neighbour the last time I discussed it with him, setting him up with a cobbled together hi-fi system - this from a guy who doesn't have the financial resources to indulge his own hi-fi tastes and who works more hours than most just to keep his head above water. His knowledge of Prog Rock is probably unmatched, certainly on this forum. For reasons that neither you nor I have any knowledge of, Andre' genuinely believes life has dealt him a rough hand and it does sometimes tend to get him down. When someone is 'down', IMO it is unhelpful to say the least to ridicule his state of mind. Just be grateful your skin is a little thicker than Andre's at this moment.
He's been down before and he's bounced back - let's hope it happens again.
Just my two penn'orth :) .

Don't get me wrong I like Andre,
Not having met him myself I did not know he was going through an emotional time.

I have told him several times we would like him to stay on the forum.
It seems every couple of months he is leaving and not coming back.
After a while it seemed like an attention thing.

Sorry Andre,
You know I have been an advocate but I really do wish you would see the over whelming amount of friends you have made on AOS and stop focusing on one or two that give you grief. I was wrong to say you where leaving for attention and I apologize.
It just seems odd to me you are always wanting to leave a place that likes you so much when your upset.

And yes, life dose kick the crap out of us sometimes but thats when we pull our friends in close to us.

I am truly relived that Mark is ok, and that was the main reason for my post.
And I really do hope that Andre sticks around here.

Mark and Andre hang in there!

Spectral Morn
13-01-2013, 21:48
It is such a shame that a thread which was begun to help someone who is in a bad place right now has resulted in the loss of another member who is himself encountering his own problems. Let's avoid any recriminations please, I think enough damage has been done already... :(

Edited for better clarity

Agreed :(

13-01-2013, 23:02
Hi Neil,

My apologies for not commenting on your moving post concerning your Dad a little sooner, it affected me deeply.

I lost my Mum a little over eighteen months ago to Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. What made it particularly painful was that I spent the last two years of her life watching her gradually fade away. During this period she was constantly in and out of hospital but all they could really do was make her as comfortable as her condition would allow. Soon after diagnosis I was informed by Mum's consultant that the condition would kill her, and because the COPD had severely damaged her heart, should it fail, any attempt to restart it would only cause her further pain and suffering. Throughout the entire period I knew it would eventually claim her but I had to put on a brave face so as not to worry her unduly, in case the stress of it pushed her over the edge. I can tell you that was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I was a live-in carer for my Mum for over seven years (she had previously survived a stroke) and fully intended to see it through to the end, I just didn't expect the end to come so soon.

I also lost my Dad six years ago this June to a heart attack so you have my utmost understanding and deepest sympathies.

I miss them so much...

With much love

Dave & Jo...

14-01-2013, 14:06
If anyone is now in contact with Mark please let him know he is missed and we all want him back-when he is ready.
Neil-that was a dreadful way to loose your Dad but I guess there is a crumb of comfort knowing that he didn't suffer and that he was in touch with you when he passed away.

Spectral Morn
14-01-2013, 14:44
Hi Neil,

My apologies for not commenting on your moving post concerning your Dad a little sooner, it affected me deeply.

I lost my Mum a little over eighteen months ago to Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. What made it particularly painful was that I spent the last two years of her life watching her gradually fade away. During this period she was constantly in and out of hospital but all they could really do was make her as comfortable as her condition would allow. Soon after diagnosis I was informed by Mum's consultant that the condition would kill her, and because the COPD had severely damaged her heart, should it fail, any attempt to restart it would only cause her further pain and suffering. Throughout the entire period I knew it would eventually claim her but I had to put on a brave face so as not to worry her unduly, in case the stress of it pushed her over the edge. I can tell you that was the hardest thing I have ever had to do. I was a live-in carer for my Mum for over seven years (she had previously survived a stroke) and fully intended to see it through to the end, I just didn't expect the end to come so soon.

I also lost my Dad six years ago this June to a heart attack so you have my utmost understanding and deepest sympathies.

I miss them so much...

With much love

Dave & Jo...

Its ok Dave and thank you and reading the above moved me as well.

I know how hard it is to watch your Mum die. Mine passed on 7 years ago from Leukaemia, diagnosed in July gone on the 12th of November same year. I was very close to my Mum and I took it badly.

There is no doubt life can be very hard and I know there are always others who have much worse experiences and stories, and sometimes that can help you refocus but not always. I miss my Mum and Dad terribly and life will not be the same again but it must go on.

I am sorry for you losses too and you have my very deepest sympathies as well.

Regards Neil

Spectral Morn
14-01-2013, 14:48
If anyone is now in contact with Mark please let him know he is missed and we all want him back-when he is ready.
Neil-that was a dreadful way to loose your Dad but I guess there is a crumb of comfort knowing that he didn't suffer and that he was in touch with you when he passed away.

Yes Jerry it does and I would have hated it if he had died alone. To be honest that would have been something that would have ate at me until my dying day.

and Yes Mark please come back soon.

Regards Neil

14-01-2013, 23:52
Not good, pissing off Andr'e.

I liked the guy and his slightly off key input. I was enjoying what he had to say.

Come back Andr'e!


(tried to PM you, but that's turned off)

15-01-2013, 04:04
Andre thr more I think about the post I left the more it bothers me.
To be honest with you I was raised not to share openly any real feelings .
Not knowing how hard you work and still make time for others changes a lot in my mind and has made me feel like an ass.
We have posted and pmed a number of times andidlike tosay I am truly sorry and embarrassed .

Please forgive my stupid post and come back to us at AOS even if you don't want to post ith me and I would understand that. Don't let my stupid action keep yyou from a comunity you have so become a part of. Truly sorry Jeff

Andre can't be pmed.

15-01-2013, 05:24
Jeff, there are times in life when we all say or do things that we regret later on, after all we are but human. It is doubly difficult on the internet where it is all too easy to misconstrue the tone of a post. Also, let's not underestimate the important role that body language and facial expressions play when communicating face to face. Non of these cues are available to us on an internet forum therefore it is inevitable that misunderstandings happen occasionally, it is how we deal with the resulting fallout that defines us as individuals. It takes a big man to admit that he has made a mistake ;)

15-01-2013, 05:46
Jeff, there are times in life when we all say or do things that we regret later on, after all we are but human. It is doubly difficult on the internet where it is all too easy to misconstrue the tone of a post. Also, let's not underestimate the important role that body language and facial expressions play when communicating face to face. Non of these cues are available to us on an internet forum therefore it is inevitable that misunderstandings happen occasionally, it is how we deal with the resulting fallout that defines us as individuals. It takes a big man to admit that he has made a mistake ;)

No, a big man would have looked a little deeper and not posted something rashly with out having all the facts, It is in fact a very small act and an apollogee no matter how sin sear is still a pretty weak way to make someone you may have hurt feel better. But being I'm to far to show up with a beer a couple of steaks to grill it's all I got.

Oh Master of Prog I summon thee to return to your kingdom of Prog in the Provence of AOS!

15-01-2013, 09:14
Jeff, I'm with Dave (Synsei) on this - everyone, even me ;) , opens their mouth and puts their foot in it from time to time and it does take a big man to publicly acknowledge that he was wrong.
What little I know of Andre', he's also a big man, in every sense of the word, and whilst your comments may well have reinforced his view of things at the time I do not think he will dwell on it for long - so don't dwell on it yourself would be my advice.
Andre' may or may not come back some time - he's done it before and hopefully will do it again - he has friends on here, whether he thinks so or not, and his contributions will be sorely missed.
So Andre', let the dust settle, have the ocassional glass of red (ocassional :lol: ), and the next time you have something you'd like to share you know where we are.

17-01-2013, 11:30
Perhaps somebody with the authority and contact details could contact Andr'e and encourage him to return.

It would be nice to see him posting here again, we had some interesting banter.

17-01-2013, 11:37
Hi Geoff,

Your sentiments are appreciated, but previous experience shows that it's best simply to let Andre return when he's ready, which he usually does in the fullness of time :)


17-01-2013, 12:29
Hi Geoff,

Your sentiments are appreciated, but previous experience shows that it's best simply to let Andre return when he's ready, which he usually does in the fullness of time :)
