View Full Version : Scalford March 2013

06-01-2013, 18:31

So who from here is going?

I'm in a syndicate room this year with a variety of analogue tape machines.

We will be accepting material on analogue quarter inch half-track tape for audition (for those who work in this format).

06-01-2013, 18:34
Me, purely as a visitor this year, for a change - thank fook! :)


06-01-2013, 18:43
I shall look forward to hopefully meeting you Marco for the first time....

06-01-2013, 18:56
That'll be a definite, Stewart. Look forward to hearing your amazing professional broadcast equipment! :)


06-01-2013, 19:35
I'll certainly be going as a visitor, although a bit worried if the venue can cope with the crowds as it becomes evermore popular. Will make certain to get there early. It was the AoS room a couple of years ago that led me to this forum, and all the help/info therein. Anyone know if there will be any of Anthony's amps being used by anyone this year?

06-01-2013, 19:48
Hi Peter,

Glad to hear that the hard work we put into our demos in previous years paid off! :)

To answer your question, I suspect that Steve Toy, who posts mainly on pfm, will be there with his Tube Distinctions Copper amp. Last year that, in conjunction with his Tannoy Turnberry SEs (amongst other things), produced what I thought was the best sound of the show, allowing for the restrictions of the ridiculously small bedroom Steve was put in! :doh:

Let's hope that if he decides to exhibit this year, he gets a decent-sized room to properly show off his rather good system....


06-01-2013, 20:00
I'll be there again, I've got a small room at the end of the ground floor passageway. once my speakers are in there wont be much room for visitors
and with a couple of watts from the amp and a bit of led zep..there's bound to be requests to it down, unlike the big quorn room i had the first couple of years

I went as a visitor last year, which was a good day. and I had chance to enjoy some chat, as I'm back to bringing kit again this year. my daughters volunteered to come to look after the room... great for me and i'Il have chance to have a good look around again.

06-01-2013, 20:26
I'm looking forward to not exhibiting this year. Plenty of time for a wander round. Is anybody going up on the Saturday?

06-01-2013, 20:28
Saturday is defo when I would be going, and staying over until Sunday. We should have an AoS meeting in the bar - my shout! :cool:

Oh, and if anyone would like a lift, who lives either near me, or en-route from Wrexham to Melton Mowbray, then please let me know. There will be loads of room in the new car (as per my avatar)!


06-01-2013, 20:44
No curry this year. They are putting a buffet and a band on at the hotel. There is a charge for that though.

06-01-2013, 20:46
Hope as always to get there for Sunday, long day but certainly worth it

06-01-2013, 20:47
Lol - fook that bollarkz. I'll be going out with Anthony, and the some of the lads in the mod team, for a curry in Melton, so if you want to join us, you'll be more than welcome.

We found a great place in the town last year and met up with the dudes from the audio talk forum - great crack! :cool:


06-01-2013, 20:49
Yep, Dad and I will be there again exhibiting on the second floor.

Something different again this year.

06-01-2013, 21:16
What kit are you taking this year, Rob? :)


06-01-2013, 21:25
I am going again this year, will be interesting to see how the 104/2's get on in a larger room, if I still have them by then!

06-01-2013, 21:36
I am going again this year, will be interesting to see how the 104/2's get on in a larger room, if I still have them by then!

Not getting on with them?

06-01-2013, 21:38
Hi Peter,

Glad to hear that the hard work we put into our demos in previous years paid off! :)

To answer your question, I suspect that Steve Toy, who posts mainly on pfm, will be there with his Tube Distinctions Copper amp. Last year that, in conjunction with his Tannoy Turnberry SEs (amongst other things), produced what I thought was the best sound of the show, allowing for the restrictions of the ridiculously small bedroom Steve was put in! :doh:

Let's hope that if he decides to exhibit this year, he gets a decent-sized room to properly show off his rather good system....


Yep, same room (room 88) and I'll be there with Steve and my greatly improved amps.


06-01-2013, 21:43
Nice one, Andrew. I'll defo pop along. Shame you're in the same room, though, again this year! :doh:


06-01-2013, 22:12
Nice one, Andrew. I'll defo pop along. Shame you're in the same room, though, again this year! :doh:


The room acoustics could have been a lot worse (I have Syndicate 15 etched in my brain!)


06-01-2013, 22:20
Lol - the room you've got is too bloody small to have any acoustical issues! :eyebrows:

Anyway, I'm sure you'll make the most of it. Aside from the improvements in your amps, Steve's also got his new ReVo rack and an improved mains block, so cumulatively, things should be even cheerier this time :cool:


06-01-2013, 22:30
I shall be exhibiting again (in a bigger room than last year, thankfully!).

System yet to be finalised but there will be definitely more than one turntable in action on the day.... :eyebrows:

I'll also be bringing the Toshiba SR-510C along especially for you, Marco!

06-01-2013, 22:48
Lol - the room you've got is too bloody small to have any acoustical issues! :eyebrows:

Anyway, I'm sure you'll make the most of it. Aside from the improvements in your amps, Steve's also got his new ReVo rack and an improved mains block, so cumulatively, things should be even cheerier this time :cool:


Heh heh, and Steve has major source improvements with his Audiolab front-end.


06-01-2013, 22:52
I'll also be bringing the Toshiba SR-510C along especially for you, Marco!

Oooh, lurvely... What cartridge will you have on it, Adam? :)


06-01-2013, 22:54
I may well be selling off at least one of the machines at the end of the show - they are not used in the studio now & I certainly don't use them for listening anymore.

Rare Bird
06-01-2013, 23:23
Do you have a Tosh 'SR50' Adam?

07-01-2013, 07:27
Not getting on with them?

No Stu, I am but at the rate I am going, nothing is sacred. I think they may well still be here though.

07-01-2013, 09:28
What kit are you taking this year, Rob? :)


Hi, to be honest it's yet to be decided, but will include at least one wheel of steel, probably two and some exciting little 'bookshelf' loudspeakers, amplification is TBA....

I think and hope it will be our best offering yet, probably.......

Looking forward to it!

07-01-2013, 10:24
Oooh, lurvely... What cartridge will you have on it, Adam? :)


It currently has an Ortofon VMS20E on it but the arm has a standard removable SME type headshell, so if you want to bring some dodgy old groove grinder of your choice along to try on it, feel free! ;)

07-01-2013, 10:27
Actually, I was thinking of your own DL-103. I'd like to hear that on it, or your Empire fitted with it.

Any chance? Pretty please? :)


07-01-2013, 11:06
I'll be there again, I've got a small room at the end of the ground floor passageway. once my speakers are in there wont be much room for visitors
and with a couple of watts from the amp and a bit of led zep..there's bound to be requests to it down, unlike the big quorn room i had the first couple of years

I went as a visitor last year, which was a good day. and I had chance to enjoy some chat, as I'm back to bringing kit again this year. my daughters volunteered to come to look after the room... great for me and i'Il have chance to have a good look around again.

Look forward to seeing you again there, Steve. Your systems always sound good! :)


07-01-2013, 11:43
Please can someone inform me as to what is scalford? , what is it? where is it? when/what time etc? thanks.

07-01-2013, 11:49
3rd of March 2013 just outside of Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire. Here's a link:


07-01-2013, 11:52
Thanks Martin.

07-01-2013, 12:02
Well worth the trip - you will hear very expensive systems sound rubbish and cheap lash-ups sounding fantastic (okay some of the expensive set-ups sound fantastic too, but it is still a bit of an eye-opener).

07-01-2013, 12:54
Actually, I was thinking of your own DL-103. I'd like to hear that on it, or your Empire fitted with it.

Any chance? Pretty please? :)


Fear not - the Empire and DL103 combo will be there too!

07-01-2013, 17:30
Looks like I will be sharing a room in support of Paul 'pmac' of the Wam.
He'll have his Kharma Ceramique 3 speakers - lovely things, a pair of which I owned for a whole 2 years. :thumbsup:
I'll be taking my McCormack silver disc spinner and maybe some amplification of the Parasound variety to add a little je ne sais quoi to Paul's kit. :)

07-01-2013, 17:36
Well worth the trip - you will hear very expensive systems sound rubbish and cheap lash-ups sounding fantastic (okay some of the expensive set-ups sound fantastic too, but it is still a bit of an eye-opener).

thats so true...

07-01-2013, 17:49
Please can someone inform me as to what is scalford? , what is it? where is it? when/what time etc? thanks.

If you are thinking of going post on here and maybe the Wam to see if anybody wants to share a lift up. It usually makes it cheaper.

07-01-2013, 18:28
I get what Steve and Martin mean. I have only been to the Bristol HIFI show, it was the same there. The show was such a disappointment, but then again i think i was expecting so much more. When i used to read HIFI mags i would always wonder how the high end kit reviewed would sound to me, i was so naive thinking that a £10,000 amp would sound 9 times better than a £1000 amp etc. Show time, got there early, started at the top floor, worked my way down through all the rooms, to say i was disappointed would be an understatement. thinking that maybe equipment needed more time to warm up, i started to work my way up through all the rooms . Yes some stuff sounded good, but most did not, some of the cheaper equipment sounded better than the more expensive stuff. I did tell some of the demo guys my thoughts, to be answered with "its not the ideal room for this equipment " (well what is). positive side when home i spent the rest of the day playing vinyl/cds on my modest system and really enjoyed the sound somehow more than before i visited the show. Maybe the realization that my kit ( most bought ex-demo very cheap), was not that bad after all, and works perfectly well in my room in the Glasto house

07-01-2013, 18:31
The difference with scalford over Bristol and other hi fi shows is that at scalford these are carefully put together systems that people use at home.

Whether you like how they sound is another thing.

Above all it is a very very good social weekend and well worth trying to get there.

07-01-2013, 18:32
Scalford is much better than a trade show - it is just enthusiasts demonstrating their own kit. I certainly didn't find it disapointing - far from it. I'm hoping to go again this year.

07-01-2013, 18:33
thats why i am thinking of going , sounds more like my type of event. I did'nt think you were disappointed with the scalford show Martin.

07-01-2013, 18:43
I get what Steve and Martin mean. I have only been to the Bristol HIFI show, it was the same there. The show was such a disappointment, but then again i think i was expecting so much more. When i used to read HIFI mags i would always wonder how the high end kit reviewed would sound to me, i was so naive thinking that a £10,000 amp would sound 9 times better than a £1000 amp etc. Show time, got there early, started at the top floor, worked my way down through all the rooms, to say i was disappointed would be an understatement. thinking that maybe equipment needed more time to warm up, i started to work my way up through all the rooms . Yes some stuff sounded good, but most did not, some of the cheaper equipment sounded better than the more expensive stuff. I did tell some of the demo guys my thoughts, to be answered with "its not the ideal room for this equipment " (well what is). positive side when home i spent the rest of the day playing vinyl/cds on my modest system and really enjoyed the sound somehow more than before i visited the show. Maybe the realization that my kit ( most bought ex-demo very cheap), was not that bad after all, and works perfectly well in my room in the Glasto house

It is very difficult to get some kit working in a random room. You will probably hear the same issues at Scalford. Some expensive kit will not sound at its best. Some cheap kit will sound good.
The idea that a 10k amp will sound 10 times better than a 1k amp doesn't work. There is a law of diminishing returns. Some people are happy to pay a lot for a small improvement, and others not.

What you wil get at Scalford is a bunch of enthusiasts setting their own kit, their pride and joys, up in a hotel room for you to go and have a listen to. Some might not be to your taste, some will. Everybody will be happy to play your music and chat with you about their kit and why they chose it.

Don't go and ask why it doesn't sound so good. The response could be quite rude.

07-01-2013, 19:10
Again thats why scalford sounds more like my cup of tea. Having never heard a megga bucks amp/speakers etc before the Bristol show, i always wondered how much better such a thing would sound,or was it build and finish that cost so much more. I am now not as naive. I would never ask anyone why their kit sounded so bad, to each their own when it comes to the sound you like. The Bristol show, some demo guys would say what do you think etc, i would say that the sound of their kit its not for me, and yes twice i said that i was expecting more .

07-01-2013, 19:33
Again thats why scalford sounds more like my cup of tea. Having never heard a megga bucks amp/speakers etc before the Bristol show, i always wondered how much better such a thing would sound,or was it build and finish that cost so much more. I am now not as naive. I would never ask anyone why their kit sounded so bad, to each their own when it comes to the sound you like. The Bristol show, some demo guys would say what do you think etc, i would say that the sound of their kit its not for me, and yes twice i said that i was expecting more .

I'm sure you'll enjoy Scalford.

I heard a system the other week that would cost roughly 400 times what I've paid for mine. 'Twas really rather nice. But I just don't have the room for the speakers.

07-01-2013, 20:32
One of the best things about Scalford from a visitors point of view is the variety of kit, Vintage and new all mixed up, Classics mixed up with DIY and just different approaches that people take to getting a system together, as already mentioned its what people have paid their hard earned on!

07-01-2013, 21:14
Freefallrob and I will be demoing 2 budget systems for 5th year-this time based around our 2 sl1200's -currently trying out to match each table to the same diamond tip on a Goldring mm and a goldring mc -each setup feeding the same lively amp/standmount suitable for 3-4m rooms.
We are not affording much mods.
We got an good result from the coil. We demand bounce, appropriate decay at all frequencies, and clear multilayering [without expense]. Impossible?
Our MM in original Techy arm is not acceptable-it will be because Rob has got his ears focussed on beating the MC. Scalford Second floor promises to be energetic.

wee tam
07-01-2013, 21:21
always a good room dave , you n rob always put on a good show
Freefallrob and I will be demoing 2 budget systems for 5th year-this time based around our 2 sl1200's -currently trying out to match each table to the same diamond tip on a Goldring mm and a goldring mc -each setup feeding the same lively amp/standmount suitable for 3-4m rooms.
We are not affording much mods.
We got an good result from the coil. We demand bounce, appropriate decay at all frequencies, and clear multilayering [without expense]. Impossible?
Our MM in original Techy arm is not acceptable-it will be because Rob has got his ears focussed on beating the MC. Scalford Second floor promises to be energetic.

07-01-2013, 23:41
Look forward to seeing you again there, Steve. Your systems always sound good! :)

cheers marco, will be nice to catch up... the speakers are much better since last time you saw them, although i'll be taking the smaller ones without the 18" drivers..
i would guess you like them more than the last ones, they measure really well, and the drivers are all very low distortion..
I really could do with a bigger room for them to sing, but it will be nice to among the main rooms for a change.

Lee Henley
07-01-2013, 23:42
I shall be going this year for sure, always a great day out

08-01-2013, 19:49
fourth year this year, gosh how time flies . one of the highlights of the year especially the aos room of course !

08-01-2013, 19:51
5th year...How time flies.

09-01-2013, 11:17
We started in first year naively thinking hifi was about making a lean clean sound. Over the years the realisation was that it was about musical reproduction with its sonic 'faults'- and the beating of time.Particularly cutting out a piece of 'me' time ie put on lp -sit- listen -enjoy. Then go back refreshed to everyday life. Hope you can trip up north a bit Chelsea .It's an experience worth repeating.