View Full Version : FS MF V-Link 2

01-12-2012, 17:01
I have for sale a V-Link 2 ( the silver one ) . Looking for £60 inc. postage . Excellent condition. Will also throw in a Belded /Canare digital interconnect if you need one.

02-12-2012, 08:57

02-12-2012, 09:19
pm sent

02-12-2012, 10:50
Guess its USB then Brian ;)

02-12-2012, 11:16
Most definetely Tim . :). ' Pipe and slippers ' rule mate.

02-12-2012, 11:17
pm sent

PM replied to.

02-12-2012, 11:19
Now sold. Ta .

02-12-2012, 13:36
' Pipe and slippers ' rule mate.
Hahaha, yes Brian. I much prefer a relaxed, warm and organic sound, rather than a 'modern' clean and highly detailed sound. In fact I cannot listen to systems like that for long, they just don't engage me. I prefer to listen to the music, rather than the system.

I think one of the Rega strengths is that the two inputs are subtlety different and likely to appeal to more people than a DAC which sounds exactly the same, no matter what feed you use. I tried a V-Link but never took to it, I didn't like the SB Touch via S/PDIF either.

02-12-2012, 15:12
Yup agreed mate .I much prefer the relaxed , warm type of sound , sometimes at the expense of detail. The V-Link was very good , I must say ,but the USB input suits my musical tastes better . Incidentally which USB cable are you using . I use a Furutech Formula 2.

02-12-2012, 22:10
Tried the USB on Brian's reccy.
Have to say I liked what it did, could easily live with it.
I liked the focus in teh mid and top end it brought.

Lost some soundstaging and impact though compared to my Vlink 192 and I could only play 24bit tracks at 16bit for some reason?

Worth a try though, sounded great.
Goes to show...never discount stuff till you try it!

02-12-2012, 22:15
Yup . I've kept my coax cable just in case I get the chance to try the V-Link 192 versus USB in my own system ;)

02-12-2012, 23:48
I'll bring it Brian next time I'm over mate.

03-12-2012, 09:46
Cheers buddy. :)

03-12-2012, 17:39
Incidentally which USB cable are you using
At the moment Kimber, keep meaning to try the Furutech. USB leads isn't something I have really explored, only tried what I have now and a trusty Belkin, didn't really notice a difference if I'm totally honest :scratch:

03-12-2012, 18:12
Me and a couple of the troops had a little get together and we tried a few Tim. All of us heard differences . The top of the tree was the TQ USB cable followed by the Furutech . Never tried the Kimber but we did have a Belkin . We all more or less agreed on the outcome .