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04-03-2009, 20:33

I'm looking for Solid Speaker Cable like Cyrus High Purity Solid Core (the old ones in grey color)... It could be any brand with that topology...


The Grand Wazoo
05-03-2009, 23:39
H, Kim,
I've got some of that Cyrus solid-core in a box with a heap of valves & stuff. If my memory serves me correctly though, it's a very short pair - 1.5, maybe 2 metres per channel. Come to think of it, I also have a pair that's longer than I need that's hooking my Tannoys to my Yamaha receiver in my 2nd (or is it 3rd.........or 4th sytem- don't know how long they are either!!) - I could probably swap those for the short ones if you needed more . Let me know if you're interested & I'll have a measure up & let you know how much there is.

Obviously there would need to be a small consideration involved!


06-03-2009, 18:22

Thanks for the reply...

I'm realy interested... please send me measures...


31-03-2009, 12:46

31-03-2009, 13:30
Hi José,

Don't despair, Chris is a busy boy and so pops in and out. Rest assured he'll come back with the measurements soon on his next visit - he's one of our regular contributors :)


The Grand Wazoo
31-03-2009, 15:04
I'm sorry, I've been unable to get to the cables. I promise I will get back to you asap.
I apologise for not keeping you informed
Speak soon

31-03-2009, 22:11
Thanks Chris

29-04-2009, 19:13

If anyone have this cables to sell... please tell me...

It could be also Mission Solid Core (old ones)


The Grand Wazoo
29-04-2009, 19:21

If anyone have this cables to sell... please tell me...

It could be also Mission Solid Core (old ones)


You have a PM

29-04-2009, 19:32

If anyone have this cables to sell... please tell me...

It could be also Mission Solid Core (old ones)


Do you mean by 'solid core', a pair of single conductors? If so, then DNM make some solid core quadrifilar (4 separate conductors) ribbon speaker cable, intended for bi-wiring.

Or, you could try 20A twin and earth mains cable (ignore the earth conductor). Cheap as chips, although stiff, but then I doubt that the Mission Solid Core cable is particularly flexible. Michael Hughes raved about the use of mains wiring cable as speaker cable many years ago.



30-04-2009, 09:19
Hi Barry,

I mean by 'solid core', a pair of single conductors...

Where i can find 20A twin?

I don't need Flexible cables... i tryed Cyrus Solid Core and the sound was amazing... que cable are neutral...



30-04-2009, 10:56
Hi Chris,

I'm not shure if you are receiving my messagens... my sent messages are empty...

If you can please give me your e-mail....



30-04-2009, 14:15
Good grief...!!! I used twin and earth mains cable for years and was very impressed by it. I didn't think it was still fashionable. These days I use NVA LS5 ultra low capacitance cables available via ebay. These cables have produced a staggering difference in sound quality over other cables I have used.

30-04-2009, 21:18
Hi Barry,

I mean by 'solid core', a pair of single conductors...

Where I can find 20A twin?

I don't need Flexible cables... I tried Cyrus Solid Core and the sound was amazing... que cable are neutral...



Hello Jose' (sorry, I don't know how to type accented letters),

Assuming you live in the UK, twin core + earth mains cable can easily be obtained from any DIY hardware store such as: B&Q; Homebase; or at any electrical retailer. Maplin sell it by the metre; what I had in mind was:

1.5 mm^2 (20A rating), Maplin 6242Y-L26BQ, £0.99/metre, or
2.5 mm^2 (27A rating), Maplin 6242Y-L27BQ, £1.39/metre.

Trust this is of some help.



30-04-2009, 21:54
Good grief...!!! I used twin and earth mains cable for years and was very impressed by it. I didn't think it was still fashionable. These days I use NVA LS5 ultra low capacitance cables available via ebay. These cables have produced a staggering difference in sound quality over other cables I have used.

Hello Shaun,

I have no idea if the use of twin + earth mains cable for speaker cable is still fashionable or not, I merely suggested it as a possible low cost alternative.

I think it was Peter Walker who said that "the most important property of a cable was that both ends should reach the components they are required to connect". (If it wasn't him, then it is the sort of thing that he might have said.) Whilst I admire his ruthless practical approach, I would say that speaker cables should preferably have a low series inductance and a low series resistance, that is, have a large conductor cross section area. Something like 2.5mm^2 is quite sufficient, or a cable of 20A current rating.

