View Full Version : For Sale - Quad ESL63

17-11-2012, 10:55
Due to space constraints, I have to sell my Quad ESL-63 electrostatic loudspeakers :( Their Harbeth replacements should be arriving soon :)

These are a late pair of ESL-63s in brown that I bought new in the mid-1990s and have owned ever since. They have the serial numbers 34105/6. Physically, they are in very good condition, with no obvious blemishes. I’ve attached some photos to this post; if anyone wants a more specific photo, please just ask.

They have never been driven hard – my typical listening is classical music played at moderate volumes. I have heard the occasional spark from them, but in recent months they have been quiet. They were returned to Quad in the late 1990s as one of their protection circuits had tripped; they have not had any service since then (as they haven’t shown any signs of needing it!)

In the interests of full disclosure, I think that anyone buying ESL-63s should take a look at One Thing Audio’s page of buying advice at:


This does emphasize that buying ESL-63s is not without risk! I think that in their favour, they are at the younger end of the scale for ESL-63s and have been well treated and have given me no problems. On the other side of the risk equation, they have not been serviced in recent years. I am therefore pricing them accordingly and asking for:

Price = £800

I’m afraid that I no longer have the boxes for them; they fell victim of the space constraints of where I live now. Therefore, this will be a “collect only” sale (from near York) – but I am willing to drive them for a fair few miles to deliver or to meet up if that makes sense.





21-11-2012, 11:44
Not a single bite?! Look chaps, I have to sell these or the kids get sent down the mines.

Oh, you're waiting for a proce reduction?

OK then...Price reduced to £650

29-11-2012, 15:07
OK, you drive a hard bargain; final reduction before they go to the seaside...

Price: £550

30-11-2012, 13:04

16-09-2013, 13:41
Did these sell?

16-09-2013, 16:44
Did these sell?

Nope, they are still for sale. I've just been too busy this year to actively promote them!