View Full Version : RFC - Customer Announcement

16-11-2012, 11:40
Some of you are already aware but I'm heading to the butchers shop for some major orthopaedic surgery on Monday and will be out of action for at least a week. All current orders have been completed.

Orders can and should still be placed though, as I will get onto them as soon as I am back on my feet, so please don't be put off from placing orders as you'll be put into an orderly queue which will be rapidly tackled in due course. All new orders should be turned around within two to three weeks and from two weeks time, all orders will likely be turned around within 5 working days.

I won't be able to respond to emails or PMs until at least mid to end next week, providing that they remember not to saw the wrong bits off :lol:. I am around until Sunday afternoon if anyone needs to get in touch.

16-11-2012, 11:57
Some of you are already aware but I'm heading to the butchers shop for some major orthopaedic surgery on Monday and will be out of action for at least a week.

On behalf of the team on AoS, Paul, I wish you all the best for Monday. I hope that everything goes to plan and that you make a full and speedy recovery! We'll be thinking of ya :)


16-11-2012, 12:42
Good luck mate.

16-11-2012, 12:47
providing that they remember not to saw the wrong bits off :lol:.

Are the jewels fully insured? :lol:

16-11-2012, 12:57
Good luck Paul and wishing you a speedy recovery.

16-11-2012, 13:03
+1 from me...

16-11-2012, 14:38
Thanks guys. Hopefully back on two feet within a fortnight (fingers crossed). Its a particularly nasty op, but fingers crossed I'll be able to get back to my cycling when all done and dusted :)

The Black Adder
18-11-2012, 15:15
In that case... can I order:
x400 IC's with two plugs or maybe 3 per end
x250 sets of speaker cables with banana plugs, spades and Ghurkins at x30 different permutations of length

It's Sunday now so make it tomorrow for delivery (around Tea time) will be fine! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Only joking matey... Hope it all goes well and you get well soon - take it easy! :cool:

rusty bearing
18-11-2012, 17:39
Can I add my best wishes for a speedy recovery? Get back on that bike sooner rather than later, best physio there is.......

18-11-2012, 17:54
In that case... can I order:
x400 IC's with two plugs or maybe 3 per end
x250 sets of speaker cables with banana plugs, spades and Ghurkins at x30 different permutations of length

It's Sunday now so make it tomorrow for delivery (around Tea time) will be fine! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Only joking matey... Hope it all goes well and you get well soon - take it easy! :cool:

No problem. Would you like that order gift wrapped? I can do it with the new RCAXLR Din stereo jack- plugs, 4 per end if you like. I can guarantee they 'll fit any system. May be 10 minutes after teatime for delivery if your postal deliveries are anything like ours and it also depends on the gear ratio your postie uses on his bike. If 48/13, you'll get it 10 mins before teatime and if 32/24 you'll get it 24.35 mins after teatime.

Thanks for the well wishes guys. Down with tonsillitis at present so looks like a double dose of misery for a few days to come :steam:

Audio Al
18-11-2012, 18:05
Hi Paul

Hope all goes well for you :)

18-11-2012, 20:12
Best of luck, Paul - drop me a line or give me a call if I can help out - I'm not that far away.