View Full Version : Using a Rega Carbon cartridge...

11-11-2012, 21:20
All the talk on this section regarding exalted and expensive cartridges has got me going :)

For some decades now, the humble yet capable AT95E has been the low cost cartridge of choice for many impoverished vinyl lovers. Not too expensive and made immortal by Linn adopting the conical version (AT93?) as the mk2 Linn Basik, the AT95E elliptical version has a safe-as-houses quality to the sound. Recent currency revaluations have seen this model (and most pickups from the far east) rising in value and the AT95E is now retaiuled at well over thirty quid and no longer pocket money.

So, what else is there as a starter cartridge? The Ortofon OM 3 and OM5e promise much, but tend in these versions to sound rather crude and rough in the treble, magnifying surface noise and the basic rawness of the low cost decks they're often fitted to by manufacturers on an OEM basis. Rega obviously felt this way, and may have been stung by Ortofon's all but relentless price increases in recent years - all my opinion, but I think it has to be said!

Instead, Rega looked to AT for a solution. The AT91 and the related OEM AT3600 have been around for years, ignored by "us/me" because of the AT95E model. I've heard a few possibly tired AT3600's and found them dull and a bit thick toned, but the Rega version certainly doesn't seem to do this IMO. I'm told the Rega version of this model has been tweaked a little, but cannot confirm this.


Examination under a microscope shows the stylus seems to be a typical conical shank mounted diamond chip, this shank mounted in the carbon/plastic? cantilever. Polish seems good and the diamond is a lot less coal like than some 1970's models I remember. Compliance is fairly low on my sample and behaves impeccably in my medium mass Dual tonearm with little microphony (the Dual arm is a bit "lively" in the upper mid with some pickups).

So, how does it sound? Well, tracking at 2 grammes, it comprehensively trounced my Ortofon M20FL Super in the bass and lower mid, the former being clearer and the latter substantially clearer, reverb and spatial clues being reproduced with ease in comparison. The upper mid and treble is gentle, but certainly not lacking and tracking of sibilants is clean as long as bias is set correctly - rather higher than I'd normally dial in for conical tips, on my sample at any rate. End of side seems good too, which is great for such a tip IMO. What comes across is the fact that this cartridge seems to cover it's tracks so well. Of course it's not as etched or detailed as better cartridges, but neither is it sharp but limp-wristed or bassy-n-dull with it. The firm, ballsy and musical quality reminds me of a good G800, but without comparing the two just yet, I'd say the treble of the Carbon is superior and less splattery than the G800, which can sound a little crude at times when the tracking going gets tough I think.

So, for £25 or so, I reckon this cartridge is great value and better for "us" than the beefy Stanton 500V3 or dearer OM Pro and its DJ siblings. Maybe the AT91 is the same, but I'm glad Rega have brought this design back into enthusiast consciousness. I'd like others to hear it at some point, putting it into half decent tonearms and seeing if my good vibes towards it are justified. I certainly think that it should be great used with vintage integrated turntables since it's so stable and I hope others are pleasantly surprised by it as I am. I was going to shove it in my Garrard 60mk2 but I'm so pleased with it I'm going to keep it in the Dual 701 for a bit longer :)

12-11-2012, 12:05
I notice that Rega state the out put at 2.5mv at 1Khz, where as the AT91 stated 3.5mv (freq not stated), smaller magnets, less turns on the coils? There for lower inductance, more extended top end?

Thanks for the write up, I wonder if one will work in my current Linn Basik Plus, how does it compare to the AT95e??

12-11-2012, 12:13
where can I get one?:)

12-11-2012, 12:25
Rega dealer?! You'll be able to mail order this too.


12-11-2012, 13:05
Thanks Dave for a very clear and informative write-up: a budget cartridge to watch for sure.

12-11-2012, 18:46
I had an AT95e after a Goldring G1042, it's was better!

12-11-2012, 20:09
The output is about the same as the resident V15 III, so around 3mV or so at 5cm/s.

Lest I have the usual accusations thrown my way, I should say that it'll be available all over the place, is very cheap, and with Rega's dealer margins, the supplier ain't going to make very much at all out of it on its own.

I really hope that anyone else trying it finds it as fun as I do. Music first - definitely :lol:

The AT95E may well be slightly better overall, but i don't remember the bass and lower mid being as involving. I shall have to mount my 95E and do a comparison, probably at the weekend 'cos I'm too knackered during the week.

12-11-2012, 20:49
Try an LPGear HE stylus on your AT95 Dave, I bought one for mine and it pushed the performance up by several notches. I no longer have it as I let it go with the Thorens TD316/Linn LVX+ combo I sold a couple of years ago, but from memory it wasn't far off the performance of the 900IGC. It's also bloody good value.

13-11-2012, 18:05
I shall, thanks. I believe there's an elliptical available from a third party supplier for the AT91 as well.

I do remember that the AT95E sounded fab on a "proper" turntable, sounding totally out of its price class. AT do upper models based on the same technology though and the better bodies, internal wiring and far more sophisticated styli and cantilever/mounts can work wonders in subtlety, but I just find these basic ones get the "musical basics" right so well...

13-11-2012, 19:29
Lpgear offer a few interesting takes on the AT95, including a shibita tipped option >>, http://www.lpgear.com/product/LPGAT95, & also the hypereliptical you mention. Got to see I've been intrigued by these & wonder if any other folk on here have tried any of these options?

linky to the range offered here>>, http://www.lpgear.com/category/AT95SERIES.html , Theres also a Vital line VL, line contact offering too.
Try an LPGear HE stylus on your AT95 Dave, I bought one for mine and it pushed the performance up by several notches. I no longer have it as I let it go with the Thorens TD316/Linn LVX+ combo I sold a couple of years ago, but from memory it wasn't far off the performance of the 900IGC. It's also bloody good value.

13-11-2012, 19:54
I don't know how many of you are aware, but there's a whole and now lengthy thread about "us" on the HiFi Subjectivist forum! I mention this because the motivation for my enthusing about this low cost and very low profit product which is available all over the UK has been called into question, together with the question as to whether I actually PAID for the thing! The accusation has been made that HiFi dave has wound me up and set me off on the shilling road again - and all for a £25 product that most of you chaps would ignore anyway! I've barely mentioned the RP8, a FAR more interesting product from Rega :steam:

I'm getting sick of these people jibing from the sidelines to their little audience. I HAVE bought this item, although why I should have to justify this I really don't know. The profit margin is so low it's not as if Dave can do me a demon deal in any case.

Criticism like this has spoiled some good natured banter and experiences for me at any rate, hence the almost toal absense of the threads once posted when Alex and I visited Dave and as well as having a great banter and lunch, we were able to hear stuff that we'd never get the chance to hear otherwise. My skin ain't thick enough for this - apologies folks :(

13-11-2012, 20:34

What Richard Dunce and his half-dozen resident halfwits write on his toytown 'forum' is of no consequence to anyone important. They're 'no marks': losers. Rise above it, mate, and ignore it - as I do now. You'll find it most cathartic :)


13-11-2012, 20:50
I had an AT95e after a Goldring G1042, it's was better!

Well something was wrong then. Used an AT95 as a stop gap on a Linn Axis many years ago. Upgraded to G1042 and difference was night and day for the better !!! Maybe the later 95E is a big iimprovement or 1042 production has got worse?


13-11-2012, 20:54

Out of sight, out of mind.

If you stop reading it, the membership will be halved..:zzz:

13-11-2012, 23:39
I don't know how many of you are aware, but there's a whole and now lengthy thread about "us" on the HiFi Subjectivist forum! I mention this because the motivation for my enthusing about this low cost and very low profit product which is available all over the UK has been called into question, together with the question as to whether I actually PAID for the thing! The accusation has been made that HiFi dave has wound me up and set me off on the shilling road again - and all for a £25 product that most of you chaps would ignore anyway! I've barely mentioned the RP8, a FAR more interesting product from Rega :steam:

I'm getting sick of these people jibing from the sidelines to their little audience. I HAVE bought this item, although why I should have to justify this I really don't know. The profit margin is so low it's not as if Dave can do me a demon deal in any case.

Criticism like this has spoiled some good natured banter and experiences for me at any rate, hence the almost toal absense of the threads once posted when Alex and I visited Dave and as well as having a great banter and lunch, we were able to hear stuff that we'd never get the chance to hear otherwise. My skin ain't thick enough for this - apologies folks :(

Dave, based on my experience of Rega gear so far I've no reason to believe that this cartridge is anything less than the fantastic value you suggest. For someone who doesn't do vinyl as a main source but likes decent quality playback then this cart and budget is well up my street. Thanks for giving us your perspective, certainly worth the dosh to see for myself.

13-11-2012, 23:51
I wouldn't sweat it too much Dave and as David says, don't read it if you think it may be upsetting. I must admit I pop over and read 'the' thread as I find it hilarious and a ripping good yarn :)

14-11-2012, 05:27
Dave, I wear my 'ban' from HiFi Subjectivist with pride. I have a brother-in-law who loves the sound of his own voice and he is a complete tit, just like Dunne. The only reason Dunne hasn't banned you is because he enjoys winding you up. Don't give him the satisfaction mate he's a bully, and like all bullies he uses his bombastic nature to hide his own shortcomings and fails miserably. The great thing about being banned is that I can't read anything that pissant writes anymore... :lol:

As La Rochefoucauld observed, "humility is the worst form of conceit ~ Ernst Stavro Blofeld

14-11-2012, 13:45
ICriticism like this has spoiled some good natured banter and experiences for me at any rate, hence the almost toal absense of the threads once posted when Alex and I visited Dave and as well as having a great banter and lunch, we were able to hear stuff that we'd never get the chance to hear otherwise. My skin ain't thick enough for this - apologies folks :(

Don't pay it any heed Dave, it is total bollocks. Post whatever you want, when he sees he is having no effect whatsoever he'll get bored and pack it in. If it were me I would re-double my efforts - but then I am the sort of person who when he sees a 'No Smoking' sign immediately lights one up :lol:

Rich On TC1
14-11-2012, 19:47
All the talk on this section regarding exalted and expensive cartridges has got me going :)

For some decades now, the humble yet capable AT95E has been the low cost cartridge of choice for many impoverished vinyl lovers. Not too expensive and made immortal by Linn adopting the conical version (AT93?) as the mk2 Linn Basik, the AT95E elliptical version has a safe-as-houses quality to the sound. Recent currency revaluations have seen this model (and most pickups from the far east) rising in value and the AT95E is now retaiuled at well over thirty quid and no longer pocket money.

So, what else is there as a starter cartridge? The Ortofon OM 3 and OM5e promise much, but tend in these versions to sound rather crude and rough in the treble, magnifying surface noise and the basic rawness of the low cost decks they're often fitted to by manufacturers on an OEM basis. Rega obviously felt this way, and may have been stung by Ortofon's all but relentless price increases in recent years - all my opinion, but I think it has to be said!

Instead, Rega looked to AT for a solution. The AT91 and the related OEM AT3600 have been around for years, ignored by "us/me" because of the AT95E model. I've heard a few possibly tired AT3600's and found them dull and a bit thick toned, but the Rega version certainly doesn't seem to do this IMO. I'm told the Rega version of this model has been tweaked a little, but cannot confirm this.


Examination under a microscope shows the stylus seems to be a typical conical shank mounted diamond chip, this shank mounted in the carbon/plastic? cantilever. Polish seems good and the diamond is a lot less coal like than some 1970's models I remember. Compliance is fairly low on my sample and behaves impeccably in my medium mass Dual tonearm with little microphony (the Dual arm is a bit "lively" in the upper mid with some pickups).

So, how does it sound? Well, tracking at 2 grammes, it comprehensively trounced my Ortofon M20FL Super in the bass and lower mid, the former being clearer and the latter substantially clearer, reverb and spatial clues being reproduced with ease in comparison. The upper mid and treble is gentle, but certainly not lacking and tracking of sibilants is clean as long as bias is set correctly - rather higher than I'd normally dial in for conical tips, on my sample at any rate. End of side seems good too, which is great for such a tip IMO. What comes across is the fact that this cartridge seems to cover it's tracks so well. Of course it's not as etched or detailed as better cartridges, but neither is it sharp but limp-wristed or bassy-n-dull with it. The firm, ballsy and musical quality reminds me of a good G800, but without comparing the two just yet, I'd say the treble of the Carbon is superior and less splattery than the G800, which can sound a little crude at times when the tracking going gets tough I think.

So, for £25 or so, I reckon this cartridge is great value and better for "us" than the beefy Stanton 500V3 or dearer OM Pro and its DJ siblings. Maybe the AT91 is the same, but I'm glad Rega have brought this design back into enthusiast consciousness. I'd like others to hear it at some point, putting it into half decent tonearms and seeing if my good vibes towards it are justified. I certainly think that it should be great used with vintage integrated turntables since it's so stable and I hope others are pleasantly surprised by it as I am. I was going to shove it in my Garrard 60mk2 but I'm so pleased with it I'm going to keep it in the Dual 701 for a bit longer :)

Hi david,

Thankyou for your excellent review of the Rega Carbon.
For £25 i just had to buy one as a cheap backup to my Denon DL-103 cartridge,that i use on my Technics 1210Mk2.
Iam going to fit it to a jelco 750D.Should be a bit of fun going through my croft micro 25pre,and series 7 power,and at £25 can anyone really complain?

14-11-2012, 20:03
That's the point, I don't think anyone can complain as long as the thing tracks ok and doesn't carve trenches in your precious vinyl. Like the Mini-T, I think it's something many vinyl lovers could keep in their backup drawer if nothing else, and conical tip aside, it may well surprise a few :)

I also bought one of Amptastic's 1m interconnects a short while ago. Around £20 to AOS'ers and fitted with two ferrites, which is what got me interested. Oh and by the way, hifi dave doesn't sell it!!!! Want me to post a few comments in another thread?

14-11-2012, 23:09
Well something was wrong then. Used an AT95 as a stop gap on a Linn Axis many years ago. Upgraded to G1042 and difference was night and day for the better !!! Maybe the later 95E is a big iimprovement or 1042 production has got worse?


I found the 1042 very HiFi but not actually that good at making music enjoyable. It wasn't bland just very matter of fact.

14-11-2012, 23:14
+1. Soz, never liked the G1042... Its soulless a-musical sound epitomises everything that I hate about modern cartridges! If it's Goldring, give me an (elliptical) re-tipped G800, any day.


14-11-2012, 23:20
+ 2 then. I can't stick em and also the Eroica jobbies.

14-11-2012, 23:23
The voicing is just plain wrong. Those kind of carts might give a frigid 'measurist' a stiffy, but not a passionate music lover!


14-11-2012, 23:28
Not sure I ever get a "stiffy" with any cartridge..:scratch: I just find them bland and lacking involvement.

14-11-2012, 23:34
Not sure I ever get a "stiffy"...

Yes, at your age, I guess those days are long gone! :eyebrows: :D



14-11-2012, 23:38
Right, that's it, I'm off to a sensible forum.:finger:

That's just ageist crap and surely must be unlawful..Ab homosexual or something..:wheniwasaboy:

The Grand Wazoo
14-11-2012, 23:39
Would a bunch of frigid measurists compare their stiffytistics?

14-11-2012, 23:42
Only at the right sort of party.


15-11-2012, 00:35
Can I just add - though I've yet to hear it - this cartridge is surely the most exciting thing to happen to hifi in ooh, at least a month - and it really is the best thing since sliced bread. Well, unless what you actually wanted was a sandwich. In which case it isn't. Or toast. Sliced bread is much better for both of those things.

However, if you'd all be good enough to buy one from hifi dave, DSJR and I can then claim our cut from the c. 30p margin he will surely make on every one, and I reckon if every active member on the forum buys one, the "shill fee" should mean that by around May next year DSJR and I will have collected enough commission to buy a bus ticket across the Southern border into Essex, where I very much look forward to giving Mr Dunn a Rega-sponsored moon. :booty: :lol:

I know it is a bit early Richard, but merry Christmas to you and your cronies, and I hope you find a more fulfilling pastime in the New Year than busting a gut commenting on all the drivel we talk about here. :D

15-11-2012, 00:47
I'll give you a shilling for one of those Alex http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w63/greatgig/groovy.gif


15-11-2012, 10:02
Yesterday, whilst stacking up my huge bonfire, I was wondering just what does " shilling " means and where does it come from ? Does it have anything to do with an old coin of the Realm ?

Whatever, carry on cos I don't care..:rolleyes:

15-11-2012, 13:10
AFAIK it comes from the wonderful world of casino gambling. Casinos operate shills and proposition players. A shill is given money by the casino to play in order to encourage action from genuine punters. A proposition player is paid a wage by the casino but gambles with his own money.

15-11-2012, 13:15
I found the 1042 very HiFi but not actually that good at making music enjoyable. It wasn't bland just very matter of fact.

Interesting this - I sold loads of 10** series with Rega decks after I found I disliked the Bias and Elys, and found the Exact not enough better to justify the cost difference - see, I DO disagree with hifi dave on some things :lol:

However, a 1042 in my 701 sounded just as others above have posted - "HiFi" with leaden bass and a one-note-tinsel treble totally at odds with what I heard in Rega decks fitted with these cartridges. The cheaper Goldring MC's I never liked in anything, the microphony adding a nasal "meh" to the sonics I just couldn't live with.

15-11-2012, 13:52
+1. Soz, never liked the G1042... Its soulless a-musical sound epitomises everything that I hate about modern cartridges! If it's Goldring, give me an (elliptical) re-tipped G800, any day.


What I find strange is that internally the 900 and 1000 series carts from Goldring are identical and yet they couldn't sound more different if they tried. I find the 1042 analytical in the extreme whereas the 900IGC does it all without kicking the baby out with the bath water. My comparison is somewhat flawed because I listened to a 1042 fitted in a Linn LVX+ on a Thorens TD316 and my only experience with the G900IGC has been via a TD160 and SL1210, both fitted with an SME Series III arm. Perhaps the arm has a lot to do with it but I should also note that the G900 sports a Van Den Hul Type II stylus whereas the 1042 has a Fritz Geiger II tip which might also have some bearing on this.


From left to right:

Fritz Geiger

15-11-2012, 14:00
Linkys to VE no worky on this forum...

Points taken, Dave, but I wouldn't blame the Fritz Geiger. My SPU Royal GM uses a version of that, and it sounds nothing like a G1042! ;)


15-11-2012, 14:08
Perhaps it is down to the different cartridge bodies then Marco. All I can say is that I like what the G900 does in the SME III very much ;)

15-11-2012, 17:23
It's simply because you've achieved synergy :)


15-11-2012, 21:15
The 900IGC was leaner in tone than the 1042 I remember (a bit like one of the cheaper AT MC's I think), but the former had this sense of continuity to it as say an AT F5 did. What can destroy any sense of suspension of disbelief is when the bass has one quality and the treble something totally different - crude but the only way I can explain these things as I experience them. The Carbon has a meaty but gentle quality to it all the way through, painting with broad but consistent washes of colour as it goes, unlike the OM5e, which tries to be top end and stumbles in its brashness in doing too much it cannot handle .

01-12-2012, 18:39
+1 for the Rega Carbon - listening to it playing great tunes in my Techy as I type. I bought this having not read this thread before :rolleyes: - only landed here as I did a search to see if any other posts before I posted my very positive findings.
At 2.8 g vtf it tracks like a demon - great PRaT excellent controlled bass and loads of detail - seems at its best with acoustic and vocals Forcione and Jansch brilliant - a tad " ordinary" on "rock music" - currently listening to the original Dire Straits album which is sounding as good and as fun as I remember so it must be doing something right :) - not sure why some have a downer on it - maybe 'cos its not HiFi kandy :ner:
FWIW I really didn't like the Rega exact in this system.

01-12-2012, 21:40
Track the Carbon at 1.75g. it really shouldn't need any more than 2g and I lost no hf tracking by going down to the recommended figure :)

The Exact is really for Rega decks, since the lightning fast bass of the decks are tempered by the slightly softer bass of the exact - in my opinion. The two together really are better than the sum of the parts, and the better the Rega deck, the better the Exact sounds - IMO..

01-12-2012, 21:45
Just ordered one of these wee beasties for my Tecchy - will look forward to hearing what it can do. For the price of 2 decent bottles of wine, it's got to be worth a shout. :)

02-12-2012, 11:25
Track the Carbon at 1.75g. it really shouldn't need any more than 2g and I lost no hf tracking by going down to the recommended figure :)

The REGA blurb that came with the cart states recommended tracking weight is between 2 - 3g.

I do tend to use the HfN test disc quite a bit when initially setting up new carts - especially the 4 bias tracks end of side 1 just so I've got a good place to start before using the mark 1 ears. If I can get a cart to track band 3 properly then I'm happy I'm in the right ball park. With the Carbon at 2g it would track band 2 no issues but broke up on band 3 - upping vtf to 2.8 and upping the bias a bit was spot on. I'll have a play at reducing it but it's working very fine as is.


02-12-2012, 12:56
OK :lol:

You'd have thought I'd have been mad for not dragging out my old HFS test discs, but if you look on Rega's site, it now has the Carbon on there and at the bottom of the page it says simply (probably for simplicity more than anything else...) to track all of them at 1.75g. To be honest, a conical tip ain't going to do any harm much under 8 grammes downforce, so use what's best for tracking AND perceived reproduction of depth and spatial/reverb/flutter effects :)

02-12-2012, 17:53
OK :lol:

if you look on Rega's site, it now has the Carbon on there and at the bottom of the page it says simply (probably for simplicity more than anything else...) to track all of them at 1.75g

Yes it is a tad more open at 1.75g with no loss in bass and cymbals/hihat are more "shimmery"

OK - so what's the deal here? :scratch: I don't think I'm prone to the Emperors New Clothes syndrome but I can't help thinking this cart at this money is outrageous. It is very very good so how come its so cheap ( or perhaps how come most others are so expensive)? It does absolutely nothing wrong and to my old ears does most things exceedingly well.
It's better than the Ortfon Rohman I had that was so disappointing, better than the Reca Reson that I also moved on. It sounds very similar to my Garrott P77 but what's interesting ( well to me anyway) is that I spent yonks sourcing a P77 then got a new stylus from ESC and after a few days of use headed back to the Decca Blue - clearly something was not grabbing me. Well so far the Carbon is definitely staying.


02-12-2012, 19:37
The Carbon is another example of Rega's great value products. It's what they do.

02-12-2012, 20:15
Steve, I tried mine at 2.8g and didn't like the slight deadening effect it had. I appreciate some may prefer the more "solid" quality this higher playing weight gives to the sound and of course the suspension shows no sign of collapse either, so if anyone's interested, try it and see for yourselves :)

Attention of Mark (YNWOAN)!

I finally found my AT95E (new stylus), hiding amongst a couple of shagged K9's :lol: I mounted it in an identical Dual headshell and compared it to the Carbon. I also brought down a much loved ADC Phase IV, arguably the last and best of the XLM series...

The AT95E does seem to widen the performance "envelope" a bit, but to me, the downside of the extra bass clarity and slightly greater treble sparkle is, to me, a less wholesome presentation (read below). In fairness though, the AT95E can sound stupendous in Top End tonearms on a Top End turntable, so maybe the Dual 701 just isn't "good enough" for it????? :)

Lastly, I mounted up the ADC. I've always been a fan of the XLM, following it from the over-compliant and almost useless original, through to the more universal Series 2/Improved and the III/Improved as well. Each time, the suspension material became more stable, holding the cantilever more centrally and increasing dynamic range and overall tracing ability as a result. The III and IV models had better diamonds too, the main limitation being the way these diamonds and cantilevers were aligned at the factory, despite the IV and I think many of the "Improved" models, having better machined "hinge-points" on the cantilever assembly. Just to say the sound opened out completely in a very satisfying way. maybe not as good as a decent MC type, but a far more open window while keeping the musicality, reverb etc., timbres and expression in the playing, which the V15 III doesn't quite manage in comparison.

I'm still convinced that the Carbon, at only a fiver more than its AT91 donor, is an excellent general purpose cartridge and perfect for a standby model should you wish.

03-12-2012, 13:47
Lpgear offer a few interesting takes on the AT95, including a shibita tipped option >>, http://www.lpgear.com/product/LPGAT95, & also the hypereliptical you mention. Got to see I've been intrigued by these & wonder if any other folk on here have tried any of these options?

linky to the range offered here>>, http://www.lpgear.com/category/AT95SERIES.html , Theres also a Vital line VL, line contact offering too.
Just picked up on this thread. . .

When I had my GyroSE I ran a G1042 which I thought quite good at the time. For varying reasons I sold the Gyro and got a couple of Technics parallel trackers - which of course use p-mount cartridges and therefore cut the options down a lot.

On my unmodified SL7 I now have an LPGear Shibata-tipped AT and this easily outshines the G1042 (I had both decks for a short while) in musicality and involvement.

The Vantage Audio modded SL-QL1 has anything from an OM40, X1-MC, Empire 1080, Technics p540 to the original P22, sometimes with an SAS. But the current favourite is a Pickering TL4S - it loses out on top end refinement to the SAS and original P22, but has fantastic body and tone.

On another topic, as it were - I registered an account with HiFiSubjectivist the other day. What a humourless bunch of muppets! :lol: Talk about chips on shoulders . . . And a self-righteous crusade to impose the dogma of the few on the masses. :mental:

I was quite interested in buying some NVA kit - but having read the pronouncements of the leader and his acolytes I'll be steering well clear.

03-12-2012, 15:37
Just picked up on this thread. . .


On another topic, as it were - I registered an account with HiFiSubjectivist the other day. What a humourless bunch of muppets! :lol: Talk about chips on shoulders . . . And a self-righteous crusade to impose the dogma of the few on the masses. :mental:

I was quite interested in buying some NVA kit - but having read the pronouncements of the leader and his acolytes I'll be steering well clear.

Probably a very wise decision Bob. When buying any sort of equipment consideration must be given to long term usage and if things go wrong, say after warranty, what will it be like having to deal with the NVA owner amongst other considerations? :rolleyes: Stories abound!

03-12-2012, 15:40
From what i know from others,NVA after sales are superb.

03-12-2012, 17:48
From what i know from others,NVA after sales are superb.

Then by all means buy and hope your faith will not fail you;)

03-12-2012, 17:51
Only use valve amps so ss is not needed these days.
Would quite happily buy off rd though.

03-12-2012, 18:24
From what i know from others,NVA after sales are superb.

I have no personal experience, but I too have heard nothing but good things about NVA's backup, so I think you shouldn't worry about that.

04-12-2012, 08:23
I have no personal experience, but I too have heard nothing but good things about NVA's backup, so I think you shouldn't worry about that.
That may well be so, but the forum leaves a nasty taste and it's not like there are no alternatives out there . . . ;)

04-12-2012, 10:36
That may well be so, but the forum leaves a nasty taste and it's not like there are no alternatives out there . . . ;)

Not quite sure which forum you refer to as 'leaving a nasty taste', this AoS or The HFS one. All forums, including this one, will upset someone, somewhere sometime or other?:D

Now lets get back to the subject of this thread, viz: 'Using a Rega Carbon cartridge, you all!

04-12-2012, 11:04
Not quite sure which forum you refer to as 'leaving a nasty taste', this AoS or The HFS one. All forums, including this one, will upset someone, somewhere sometime or other?:D

Now lets get back to the subject of this thread, viz: 'Using a Rega Carbon cartridge, you all!
HFS of course! My last words on this particular subject . . .:rolleyes:

Yes - back on topic . . .

06-12-2012, 10:58
Just ordered one of these wee beasties for my Tecchy - will look forward to hearing what it can do. For the price of 2 decent bottles of wine, it's got to be worth a shout. :)

Hello, have you had chance to try the Carbon on the Techy yet? Be interested to hear what you think:). I see your currently using a Shure.#



06-12-2012, 11:15
Hello, have you had chance to try the Carbon on the Techy yet? Be interested to hear what you think:). I see your currently using a Shure.#



Hi Rob - I ordered it on saturday from Movement-Audio but it hasn't turned up yet. Would be a bit difficult at the moment anyway as the 1210's arm was sent off to J7 yesterday to have the bearings done.

Am looking forward to giving the Carbon a try though and will report back, natch. :)

06-12-2012, 11:21

Aha! What does J7 do to the bearings out of interest?

06-12-2012, 11:23

Aha! What does J7 do to the bearings out of interest?

They're just being serviced and adjusted - nothing radical. :)

Once done, the arm will be good as new. :)

Edit: Well, whaddya know, the Carbon's just this minute arrived in the post. :)

06-12-2012, 11:25
Cheers Richard.

13-12-2012, 23:19
Here she is - 25 quid's worth of bouncy, musically effervescent loveliness...


14-12-2012, 09:48
Cool, sounds like a good 1st impression then, so much hifi fails to get the 'energy' of the performance over. How is it on the inner grooves, or hasn't it made it that far yet?!

14-12-2012, 19:30
Here she is - 25 quid's worth of bouncy, musically effervescent loveliness...


Well Richard?:)

14-12-2012, 23:52
If I can butt in, I've had the chance to try mine in two different decks now, and find end-of-side surprisingly good for "only" an elliptical tip. To be honest, I can't hear a degradation as the side moves on, just this even handed temperament in a ballsy package..

15-12-2012, 13:50
Well Richard?:)

Just pasted a couple of comments from the Gallery thread...

Just put an hour or so's use under the Carbon's tip and it does indeed sound pretty darn good. For example, playing Michael Brecker's first album and the track 'Nothing Personal' there's a repetitive E/F#/G acoustic bass line where the first 2 notes are played on the beat, the third is at a slight syncopation to colour the rhythm. However, the bass doesn't always follow the same rhymic pattern which adds interest. The Carbon picks out the plucked bass's natural decay quite beautifully and has great pitch definition with no unnatural bloom (one of my pet hates tbh) allowing the track to rip along.

Not had a lot of time to do much serious listening unfortunately, but hope to grab an hour or so later this afternoon. There's a slightl channel imbalance on some records (which didn't occur with previous cartridges) and the stylus housing doesn't sit perfectly square in relation to the cartridge body.

Haven't listened to any orchestral music yet either. Safe to say though, this is a fun, no-nonsense bit of kit for what in audio terms is pin money.

15-12-2012, 19:40
Mmmm thanks David and Richard, glad you are enjoying the cartridge, visually it sort of reminds me of the Stanton 500 :)

15-12-2012, 19:46
I think it's better than a 500V3, being a bit more natural in balance - not sharp at all, but not as "smothered" as I find the 500V3 and indeed, a good 500Amk1 I also have.

Yeah, it's the mid bass to midrange which I find rather special for such a cheap cartridge. Further up, please don't expect reference resolution, since it just isn't there, BUT, this little cartridge covers its tracks so well, you're never aware of anything missing until you go to something rather more expensive, and I mean 2M Red money - IMO... Outside of a Rega system, I feel it's rather better than any of the Rega cartridges up to the Elys 2!

16-12-2012, 20:42
Ok - managed to grab a couple of hours' listening to some vinyl this morning and can put a few more thoughts together regarding the Carbon.

Downsides - it's not kind to surface noise, and whilst not really 'hissy' it doesn't have quite the black background of more posh cartridges. Not a deal-breaker though.

Dynamically it's a really nimble little fellow, and it has a great balance between being lively and not too in-yer-face. Any more dynamic clout and it would sound coarse; bearing in mind that its tip isn't as 'clean' as some this is no bad thing. It certainly doesn't have the AT95E's propensity for getting carried away with itself (should add I was always a fan of the 95, just very aware that it could get seriously raucous on the wrong material).

What the Carbon does though is sound fundamentally 'correct' musically. It'll sort out the difference between a drumkit's cymbal sounds (ride/crash etc) and not lump them all into a too-similar sonic pigeon hole. Its tonal colours are dense enough - there's a satisfying thickness to Tenor Saxophone (a total bitch of an instrument to record, let alone reproduce) and there's plent of power there to let the instrument breathe.

It works very nicely in the Tecchy's arm aswell - the bog-std deck, whilst being very able, can sound grey and wayward at times; almost as though it can't be bothered. The Carbon goes a long way to helping it find its way and as a result is a very sweet combination. For 25 quid there is pretty much nothing to dislike.

Will be very interested to hear it in the Jelco once it's up and running. :)

18-12-2012, 10:19

I have a bog standard At91 here (with carbon fibre shank thing). I'm gonna give it a whirl and see what happens;).

18-12-2012, 10:21
If I can butt in, I've had the chance to try mine in two different decks now, and find end-of-side surprisingly good for "only" an elliptical tip. To be honest, I can't hear a degradation as the side moves on, just this even handed temperament in a ballsy package..

It's an elliptical is it? The standard AT91 is conical. Can you confirm this?

18-12-2012, 13:30
SH*T! It is conical as far as I'm aware. Apologies for my short-mindedness... :duh:

22-05-2013, 10:49
So guys, how goes the Rega Carbons out there, still enjoying them?

I set up an AT91 the other day on a Thorens, it made very good sounds.

11-03-2014, 14:36
Old thread I know....

But, I ran a Rega Carbon/AT91 at Scalford this year on my Techy, alot of folks were surprised how good it was:mental:.


11-03-2014, 21:09
Is it more enjoyable than an AT95e, Rob?

11-03-2014, 21:40
I heard cheap rega carbon on freefallrobs techy up against a 2m black on Inspire eclipse in same demo. It did not disgrace itself. With 5mm acrylic mat and rega 301 arm it bopped along very nicely and the loss of higher frequencies and narrower stage as claimed by some critics were certainly not apparent .Many admirers stunned by its sheer ebullience. Details were absent but it mattered little because it seemed so outright musical. Not sure how much weight it needed FFR wil add I expect.

11-03-2014, 22:12
Is it more enjoyable than an AT95e, Rob?

I'm not sure about that to be honest Nigel, I haven't had an AT95e on the arm for a while, I like the 95 alot.

The Carbon sounds very 'right' and unpretentious and just lets you enjoy the music with out analysis, it has very good tonal balance.

13-03-2014, 09:24
I'm not sure about that to be honest Nigel, I haven't had an AT95e on the arm for a while, I like the 95 alot.

The Carbon sounds very 'right' and unpretentious and just lets you enjoy the music with out analysis, it has very good tonal balance.

Hi Rob and everyone,

I have been using a Carbon on a Rega RP1 with Edwards Audio TT-AP Acrylic Platter and frankly I am astonished at how good it is.:) Its only significant weakness to my ears is lack of HF extension but maybe that is down to capacitive loading :scratch: although it should be alright as i am using it into a Brio R. Its great on vocals and well it's just fun to listen to. Who cares if its "only" got a conical stylus? Makes you wonder whether the more complex stylus shapes are worthwhile especially as an interesting video on YouTube on vinyl groove damage suggests they can do more damage to the grooves than simpler conical and elliptical shapes.

Perhaps one of HiFis few genuine bargains today? I think so!


23-05-2014, 17:09
Hi Guys,

Apologies for somewhat belated addition to this post but I have been using a Rega Carbon in my Rega RP1 for almost 2 years and only just had the opportunity to try an Audio Technica AT95e in its place. Now I am aware the AT95e has a well deserved reputation for offering one of the biggest bangs for the bucks so I was expecting great things.

Well the first thing that strikes you is a brighter frequency balance with a slightly more forward upper mid range and the expected extension to the HF from the AT95E elliptical stylus but what I wasn't expecting was a thinner tonal colour palette. The sound also had less body/solidity. Although the imaging was slightly better and soundstage a little larger there was for me something missing. It lacks a little refinement and sounded more HiFi than fun. In fact the Carbon midrange and LF were more cohesive lending vocals a more fluent and intelligible quality. One thing I have learnt with the Carbon is despite it only having a conical stylus it rewards with careful alignment and set up by reducing the HF grain it can occasionally display. The factory alignment of the Carbon in my RP1 was a little out.

I have no affiliation with Rega other than being a customer and I don't know :scratch: what pixie dust Rega may have sprinkled on the Carbon but it truly is extraordinary for the money and puts a smile :) on my face . If a manufacturer throws enough money at a product they will probably (not always) end up with a pretty decent sound but I take my hat off :clap: to companies that can achieve this without a massive commitment of the world's scarce resources and without charging a stellar high price.

The AT95e is no doubt a great cartridge for a very reasonable price but for me the Carbon is more enjoyable and at £25.99 an out and out steal. Wholeheartedly recommended!



13-03-2021, 16:45
How the Rega Carbon compares with the new AT VM95e?