View Full Version : Over-exposure leads to a jaded palate

The Grand Wazoo
08-11-2012, 09:06
Some of the best music suffers from over-exposure – to the point that I can barely hear the first few notes of some tracks without cringing.
Am I alone in 9 times out of 10 preferring, nowadays, to hear the following for example?

'Pictures of Home' to 'Smoke on the Water'


'Going to California' to 'Stairway to Heaven'

TechHc8GK_Y inrhuTbxl5I

'Tuesday's Gone' to 'Freebird'

e-f2y1QC_yg 8lBNIiCMu7I

'Satellite of Love' to 'Walk on the Wild Side' ....and now they've done it to 'Perfect Day' too!

FH2EgYq_NCY qkwD261MHsc QYEC4TZsy-Y

'Key to the Highway' to 'Layla'

eK9E6-Eu3-Y sw01019P19g

'Remember' to 'All Right Now'

LIyihCqm7FA siMFORx8uO8

……..etc etc etc
Any thoughts chaps? (& chapesses)

08-11-2012, 11:18
Interestingly, I was thinking about starting a similar thread called "listening dynamics" albeit I was thinking more in terms of albums than individual tracks - I very rarely play anything other than the whole album for proper listening. But yes - I would agree with you Chris that theses days I tend to try and go for the less obvious choice. Familiarity breeds contempt in some cases, I guess.

08-11-2012, 14:36
If this is not really on point then please feel free to have it removed, but my bugbear for years has been radio playlists, particularly Radio2, Magic (and probably many others).

Why when there is sooo much good new music around that the same old stuff is played ad nauseum :-

Bill Withers - Lovely Day and Lean On Me
Sade - Smooth Operator, Your Love is King
Baker Street - Jerry Rafferty

And many many others that I am sure you can name. Ok they were great tunes, but did we have to hear them every day for the last 20 years!

Pete The Cat
11-11-2012, 14:10
I prefer "The Battle Of Evermore" to "Stairway..." now for the same reason.

On the upside avoiding the over-exposed tracks has helped me to appreciate the other tracks on albums even more over time.

I'd also suggest "The Prophet's Song" to "Bohemian Rhapsody".


11-11-2012, 14:26
I think its more a maturing of the palette perhaps, but I'm not really sure if that's true either :scratch:

Looking at that great selection Chris, have you seen a Zeppelin unplugged version of Going to California? I have no idea what its on, but a mate played it to me on DVD. They are sat on stools singing/playing and its astonishingly good. I keep meaning to ask him as its the best version I have heard of GTC, it just comes alive and has so much energy despite being stripped back.

11-11-2012, 14:53
If this is not really on point then please feel free to have it removed, but my bugbear for years has been radio playlists, particularly Radio2, Magic (and probably many others).

Why when there is sooo much good new music around that the same old stuff is played ad nauseum :-

Bill Withers - Lovely Day and Lean On Me
Sade - Smooth Operator, Your Love is King
Baker Street - Jerry Rafferty

And many many others that I am sure you can name. Ok they were great tunes, but did we have to hear them every day for the last 20 years!

I agree Rob, can I suggest you try Radio Paradise for a few days (Internet station), its eclectic and extremely varied....last hour they have played Grizzly Bear, Patty Griffin, Neko Case, Pearl Jam, Aimee Mann, Dan Auerbach, Dire Straits....and now they're playing The Shins....yesterday they played some Debussey.....no playlists.

The Grand Wazoo
11-11-2012, 15:43
Do you mean this one Tim?


Earls Court May 1975 from the Led Zeppelin DVD.


11-11-2012, 15:51
Do you mean this one Tim?
No that's no it, from recollection it seemed like it was in a studio and I think it was black and white - I'll have to ask him as its bugging me now, but I think he'll be asleep now as its nearly midnight in China. Mind you I'm sure he would love a call being a fellow music fan :lol:

The Grand Wazoo
11-11-2012, 15:56
In that case, no, I can't think of it in black and white.
Hmm - let me know if you find out?

11-11-2012, 16:07
The problem is that for most 'Classic' artists they only play one or two of their best kown tracks - the single hits normaly. To be fair Radio 2 often play the full versions of ' Layla' and 'Won't Get Fooled Again'. But they obviously think Gerry Rafferty only recorded 'Baker Street' and Judie Tzuke 'Stay With me Till Dawn'.

However that can be a blessing if you own a number of the artists albums and you can still bask in the delights of music the general public never get to hear. So I would say that generaly the overexposure of certain tracks does not put me off listening to albums. I can still even listen to 'Smoke On the Water' and other classic stalwarts in that context.

As for playing new music I do wish they would play more from current albums from older artists rather than their old material. The most recent material from Kate Bush and Judie Tzuke is just as valid as playing a few old Chestnuts. As for new music by new artists I think given the lack of breadth in quality material one gets to hear enough. Not saying there isn't good music out there if you look for it.

The Grand Wazoo
11-11-2012, 18:12
We've been to the US several times for holidays which have always involved several thousand mile car trips. When we pick up the hire car, we generally tune into whatever FM rock station is handy.
Then the waiting starts: with baited breath, we count the seconds passing until 'Hotel California' is played!

11-11-2012, 18:39
with baited breath, we count the seconds passing until 'Hotel California' is played!

...usually followed by Freebird.


11-11-2012, 19:48
I very nearly had my all time favourite rock track destroyed when it made it onto a radio playlist. I'm happy to say that 'Seasons' Dont Fear The Reaper now gets played rarely enough for it still to be up there for me.

If I hear Hugh Masekelas 'Coal Train' being played at a HiFi show I simply walk past the door. How many times does that have to be played at a show? Is it an offering to the HiFi gods?

I agree re Radio Paradise - one very cleverly intertwined playlist that somehow melds together seamlessly.

12-11-2012, 07:57
I often find that the album I bought for a specific track that I liked yields other goodies, often another track that then becomes my favourite. Many albums have done that for me and it's so rewarding.

As for Satellite of Love, I always thought that was the best song on Transformer.

15-11-2012, 15:26
In that case, no, I can't think of it in black and white.
Hmm - let me know if you find out?
Just remembered this Chris as I'm having a bit of a Zeppelin day - I have just sent a text to my mate asking him what it was he played me . . awaiting a reply?

The Grand Wazoo
15-11-2012, 19:19
Yes please!

15-11-2012, 23:31
Sorry about the delay, been to see Joan Armatrading and just got back in.
My mate says it was from the How the West was Won DVD, which I guess I am going to have to buy now, as I remember it being superb, especially as it was recorded so long ago.

I'm now going to check YouTube to see if I can find it?

15-11-2012, 23:41
My mate says it was from the How the West was Won DVD

I've got that kicking around here - I'll have to dig it out and play it again :)

The Grand Wazoo
15-11-2012, 23:49
Oh, right - I've never seen that - I have the CDs. Thanks Tim.
Judging by the current price on Amazon (http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/B0000CDLC8/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&condition=new), if you don't already own one, it's too late for real people to get a copy!!!!

16-11-2012, 00:18
Oh, right - I've never seen that - I have the CDs. Thanks Tim.
Judging by the current price on Amazon (http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/offer-listing/B0000CDLC8/ref=dp_olp_new?ie=UTF8&condition=new), if you don't already own one, it's too late for real people to get a copy!!!!

Your link is for the DVD-A Chris, not the DVD-V


The Grand Wazoo
16-11-2012, 00:30
Yes, you're right that I've linked to a DVD-A of HTWWW.
But the video (let's call it that for now, shall we?) you show is not called HTWWW - it's called Led Zeppelin & Tim already said it wasn't on that - see from post #7.
So I wonder if there was some video footage as a bonus maybe on the DVD-A that I linked to?

16-11-2012, 00:31
Tim said it wasn't that DVD though Chris - I have that one - see post #7 & after.

More specifically Tim said (post #7) that he didn't think it was that one, but that he'd have to check with his friend.

DVD-Audio discs generally do not have video incorporated, so it's highly unlikely that it's the one you've linked to.
As to the B&W footage - I've not played this DVD for some time, but IIRC there are sections of B&W footage.

Edit: Just found the DVD set - I'll give it a play and later rip it to HDD. Even if it's not the same DVD, thanks for the memory nudge Tim :)

16-11-2012, 00:48
If it assists and I am going back a few years, it almost looked like an outake or a demo in a studio, it was unplugged and I think, but I'm not sure it didn't include JB, just Robert, Jimmy and JPJ - they were sat on wooden bar type stools and performing Going to California and for me it was the best I have ever seen them sing it. It was really special and Adrian said at the time, how about that for pure musical talent, which was the reason he played it to me, its pure simplicity was its strength. It obviously made an impact as I cannot remember much else from that holiday - well, nowt' I'm owning up to anyway!

I reckon the next time I go over to China I will be riffling through his DVD racks and sneaking it into my hand luggage :eyebrows: He won't notice, he has literally hundreds maybe thousands - of course, its possible he has a Chinese 'copy copy' of something?

The Grand Wazoo
16-11-2012, 00:48
More specifically Tim said (post #7) that he didn't think it was that one, but that he'd have to check with his friend.
Yup, that's correct, but seeing as it's pedant's night in, Tim's mate said it was from a DVD of How the West Was Won!

As to the B&W footage - I've not played this DVD for some time, but IIRC there are sections of B&W footage.

The tracks are listed here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Led_Zeppelin_DVD) - there's only one version of Going to California & it's the 1975 Earl's Court performance that I linked to.

16-11-2012, 00:53
Right, I'm defiantly going to have to 'borrow' it from him now :lol:

It's not the one you linked to Chris, it wasn't a live concert that's for sure.

The Grand Wazoo
16-11-2012, 00:59
You've got my appetite whetted now.
I'm going to have to do some digging tomorrow evening.

The Grand Wazoo
16-11-2012, 01:02
There was some b&W footage from a French or Danish TV programme on the DVD we've been discussing, but that was 1969 - stuff from the first album.

16-11-2012, 01:04
You've got my appetite whetted now.
I'm going to have to do some digging tomorrow evening.
Me too Chris, as I want a copy myself now - I'm going to email his wife and see if she can give me a definitive answer, as he's on a business trip at the mo and not at home. I'm sure she won't mind, as she is a lady of leisure.

16-11-2012, 01:25
I wonder if it's some BBC footage from 1971?
The BBC Sessions album has "Going To California" on it, on the 2nd CD.
I recollect first hearing it from a friend's cassette tape - it was a much bootlegged performance.

16-11-2012, 01:31
That was the first thing I thought of Chris TBH, seems more likely as it did look like an outtake, it was a very sparse room. Don't worry, I'll get to the bottom of it, even if I have to go out to China and find it myself, I'm due a trip over anyway :eyebrows:

16-11-2012, 07:14
The BBC were advertising an interesting looking interview with Jimmy Page (snippets shown on News 24 this morning), scheduled for 25th December. Worth setting the box to record.

He looks older. I used to chat with him some afternoons when his daughter and my son were in the same primary school.

The Grand Wazoo
16-11-2012, 08:04
I wonder if it's some BBC footage from 1971?
The BBC Sessions album has "Going To California" on it, on the 2nd CD.
I recollect first hearing it from a friend's cassette tape - it was a much bootlegged performance.

Well no, because the only session on that album that wasn't from 1969 & hence too early, is the Paris Theatre concert and that was a radio show.

The Grand Wazoo
16-11-2012, 08:43
If it is the BBC - and it could well not be, then I think it must be from this session:

Radio One Live Session- 1971.04.01 John Peel Sunday In Concert BBC TV Studios, London (Original Broadcast) 1971.04.04

01) Going To California
02) That's The Way
03) What Is And What Should Never Be
04) Whole Lotta Love
05) Thank You
06) Communication Breakdown

Now then, most importantly of all, I'm reminded by Mrs Wazzles of a BBC documentary series on BBC4 earlier this year. Thinking she was on to something I had a quick look on the w's, yes she probably is correct.
It was called 'How the Brits Rocked America: Go West'

Episode 1 How the West Was Won.
A look at how a British invasion led by the Beatles conquered the US in the 1960s.

Episode 2 Stairway to Heaven
How Led Zeppelin spearheaded a British stadium rock assault on the States in the 70s.

Episode 3 We're the Kids in America
How the Sex Pistols and Duran Duran led new rock and pop invasions in the 70s and 80s.

Confusingly, the episode about the Beatles & their peers is the one called How the West Was Won, but I daresay that episode 2 could have had footage from the above session. That would fit better with Tim's mate's description - assuming Tim's mate had access to BBC programmes from China.

18-11-2012, 20:11
Hi Chris

I couldn't resist telling you a story about this Deep Purple Track.

When I was at Cranfield University some years ago doing an MSc my fellow students and I found ourself having to submit 3000 word assignment on the most crushingly boring topics. As a wheeze we hatched a plan to check whether the garbage we wrote was being read.

The wheeze was that we each had to build the name of a popular song into the text of an assignment and see if it was spotted by the lecturer. Song titles were put on scarps of paper and we each drew out a song. My song title was Smoke on the Water. A friend had Madonna " like a virgin". Now how you build that into an assignment on Supply Chain management (which is as crushingly boring as it gets) I will leave you to ponder. The funniest bit was that the lecturer, also our Course Director, was a good guy, and he spotted them all and thought it was a huge joke!!

David :cool::cool:

18-11-2012, 20:23
Generally, when I listen to an LP, I just play my favorite side and then go on to the next album. Nowadays though, I find my self playing the "B" side instead of my favorite side, just because I am getting so tired of hearing the same thing over and over. It is like listening to a new set of songs. I wish they would start up a classic rock station that would play only the songs that were not hits. It would still be classic rock, but would still sound like all "new" music :-)

19-11-2012, 00:23
I like that idea, Mike.