View Full Version : Musical Fidelity F22 Valve & Remote pre

07-11-2012, 15:21
A rare amp from MFs high end range. Features remote control (mute, volume & source), balanced outputs as well as single ended, relay switching of inputs and this one has the optional phono stage board installed. The line stage circuit uses 4 off ECC88.

Very nice sounding unit with your choice of either 4 off Voskhod 6H23n tubes or some Tesla PCC88s.

Excellent condition and has some very good reviews, an unusual combination of nice valve sound (not warm & mushy by any means) and ease of use with a remote. I have had this for a few years now and really enjoyed it but time to move on and try some other kit.

Looking for £350 + P&P or collect from Farnborough (No box but will be well packed)
(the last one on ebay sold for £368)


A few extra bits of info from the web and here:-

The preamplifier (which has a green LEDadjacent to its power switch) adds six small pushbuttons to control the inputselection (labelled Phono/Aux, CD, Tuner, CDV, Tape and Aux), each monitored byan adjacent miniature red LED, and a centrally mounted volume control knobwhose rotating position indicator is another tn-colour LED. The only otherfront panel feature of the preamplifier is the clear LED-like lens of aninfra-red receiver: the F22 is configured for remote control of all its primaryfunctions—input selection, volume adjustment and mute—for which a matchingninebutton handset is provided. The F22 conforms to MF's minimalist leaningsand as such has no balance or tone controls, no filters, no separate recordoutput selector and no tape monitor, electing instead to provide the leastcluttered signal path that could be devised.

In the F22 four ECC88 valves form the heartof the line-level signal path but are 'surrounded' by various discrete and ICsolid-state devices which provide such services as voltage regulation and, inthe case of the optional phono pickup board (which, when fitted, is soldered inplace on to eight long pins on the motherboard) gain and RIAA equalization. Itis all most impressively put together, with a minimum of point-to-point wiringand very neatly laid out pcbs. High quality components are prevalent.

The phono board is a dealer-fit optioncosting £100, and both 4mV sensitivity MM and 300RV MC options are available


There is little to criticiseand a great deal to praise about these units. On a purely practical basis, thenon-standard width (482mm as opposed to 430mm) may limit their domesticacceptability, since they will not be a match for an existing CD player, tunerand cassette deck

In terms of its hi-fl potential, this is awinning combination without a doubt.

Individually or in tandem the F22 and F15are very impressive amplifiers and deserve to do as well in the marketplace asthe generally very enthusiastic reception granted them so far would predict

F22 preamplifier Frequency response notspecified (20Hz-20kHz, -0- 1 8dB) Input sensitivity (for lv output) line-level235mV; optional phono MM 4mV, MC300IJV Total harmonic distortion (1V output)

Other useful links links:



07-11-2012, 23:33
A great Ad, JP - extra info and decent pictures always help a sale, as well as a bargain price of course! Have a free bump on me. :)

09-11-2012, 18:52
final bump before ebay.
Great pre this and amazed it didn't go very quickly.

09-11-2012, 22:30
Sold STP