View Full Version : TP16 - Cartridge - Phono amp help

05-11-2012, 19:18
The Denon dl110 is a great match for my Thorens tp16 but the p10 doesn't like it, the music sounds better through the Mira phono stage.
Can anybody recommend a MM cartridge to suit.

05-11-2012, 20:19
Does the P10 have an MC stage? If so, use that - really :) S'cuse my mental blockage, but why the P10?

Otherwise, if the TP16 is the heavy-headshell one, I'd suggest Ortofon 2M Blue, Sumiko Oyster or Pearl (may be a bit too beefy and dull perhaps?), Shure 97XE with damper-brush, Pickering XV15-625... Current grado's don't float my canoe at all and what's more, they're not very stable in massy arms. The Goldring 10** series is showing its age now and you might find the treble a bit spiteful possibly.

If the arm is the later with removable "wand," the effective mass is much lower and so the AT's, Stanton 681EEE, and any other good vintage 1.25g tracker could be used..

You know, I haven't done it yet, but new "original" PN7 styli are apparently available from Expert Styli, who made the later P77 styli for A&R for their P77 cartridge. may be worth seeing of you can find a body and get a PN7 stylus from EsCo (stylus os around £70 I think). Ballsy balance and clear, thanks to the excellent diamond fitted.

By the way, any Rega amp at any age should have a decent phono stage fitted, since vinyl's really where they've always liked to be!

05-11-2012, 20:32
I was quite happy with my dl 110 - Rega mira set up but then a P10 came my way and I want to get the best out of it. The p10 does not have a MC stage, the TP16 arm is the removable version so, an AT then :)

06-11-2012, 20:38
Sounds like a TP16 MkI arm. I have run Denon DL160, Denon DL103r, Sumiko Blue Point #2, and Sumiko Blackbird in that arm, and it prefers a lower compliance cartridge to perform best. Could it be a output mismatch from the DL110? I have to admit that I have no knowledge of the P10. I ran all those cartridges thru a Bellari V129 tube preamp, other than the DL103r which I ran thru a CA640p (Modified). I think the arm is highly underated. IMHO