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View Full Version : Scalford Next March.......

03-11-2012, 11:55
Thought I'd start this thread - anyone from AOS going or exhibiting?

James has got things organised very early on this time - I was'nt going at first and then managed to secure a syndicate room so I'll be showing a variety of analogue and digital tape machines feeding BBC monitors.

03-11-2012, 12:37
Myself and various friends will be going (as always) - I don't think any of us are intending to exhibit though this year (I certainly won't be).

03-11-2012, 13:46
Going but not showing. Happy to lend anything on my gear list to anyone who is showing though.

Rare Bird
03-11-2012, 19:36
If it's at the same venue nein from me

03-11-2012, 20:02
Yes, it's at the same venue - and jolly good it is too :).

03-11-2012, 20:05
Yes, it's at the same venue - and jolly good it is too :).

mmm - miles from anywhere, serious parking problems and lots of totally unsuitable rooms.

Still worth the trip though :)

03-11-2012, 20:11
All the shows are miles away for somebody - this one isn't exactly in my back garden, but then none of them are. The rooms are no worse than those of other UK hotels that host hi-fi show as and some are very good. I've never had any problem parking either - I wouldn't recommend arriving at lunch mind you - at least parking is free (unlike the Bristol show!). Blimey, audiophiles do like a good grumble.

03-11-2012, 20:15
I like the venue and think it would be a shame to change it.
540 mile round trip and wouldn't miss it for anything.

03-11-2012, 21:07
All the shows are miles away for somebody - this one isn't exactly in my back garden, but then none of them are. The rooms are no worse than those of other UK hotels that host hi-fi show as and some are very good. I've never had any problem parking either - I wouldn't recommend arriving at lunch mind you - at least parking is free (unlike the Bristol show!). Blimey, audiophiles do like a good grumble.

Yes I do like a good grumble but I'm no audiophile I'm afraid. I mean, c'mon have you ever read the equipment list in my signature?

Anyway somewhere accesible by public transport that doesn't involve a three mile hike along a road with no pavements would be, and I'm speculating here, 'possibly a bit better'.

But will be worth the effort just to see Lodgesound's kit with those crazy LS9's or whatever they are.

Rare Bird
03-11-2012, 21:09
Too hard for public transport users, especially Sunday!

I'm no audiophile either..

03-11-2012, 21:34
Oh we'll, at least parking isn't an issue if you don't, won't or can't drive. To be honest, it's already very well attended; personally, I would be happy if a few less people went (though I doubt they will) :).

04-11-2012, 14:43
I've got a room again I was there the first two years, missed the next and visited last years with my daughter.
my kit is nearly all DIY, just finished making the speakers I'm planning to take.
I'm hoping they work well in the smallish room this year, a few will be impressed with the sound quality they use beyma AMT's, they are something else in my view.

SE triode amps and high efficiency speakers ar'nt every ones cup of tea. But what the hell, it's a good day.

Before then is the audio talk DIY meet in Doncaster in a couple of weeks time.

Give the new speakers an airing before the big day at Scalford

04-11-2012, 15:08
I will be going with a room again, would not change the venue for anything.
Scalford hall is a cracking place, better than the generic hotels IMO

14-11-2012, 12:05
Making plans already for next March, any members from the north fancy going who might be up for sharing a lift and digs at a local hostelry. I dont mind driving from Newcastle and would take a passenger for a contribution to the fuel costs.

Also any recommendations for places to stay nearby assuming the hall itself is all booked up?

Is there another cheap as chips room next year (Alex?), if so I have a system I could bring...

14-11-2012, 12:15
Dad and I are having a room again, though what will appear in it has yet to be decided, it will be different as is the case every year, just to keep it exciting!

14-11-2012, 12:41
I'm in.

Might bring a turntable or two....:eyebrows:

16-11-2012, 22:12
Is there another cheap as chips room next year (Alex?)

I'm not sure Rich, I feel we should up the ante a bit. I'm thinking "swap a kidney for a system" or "a lung for a song" - I've heard people say "I'd give my right arm for a pair of those speakers" so maybe it is time to see who want's to put their money where their mouth is? (or at least their mouth used to be, until they swapped it for a scabby 1210 in Cash Converters... :lol:)

16-11-2012, 22:17
I'm not sure Rich, I feel we should up the ante a bit. I'm thinking "swap a kidney for a system" or "a lung for a song" - I've heard people say "I'd give my right arm for a pair of those speakers" so maybe it is time to see who want's to put their money where their mouth is? (or at least their mouth used to be, until they swapped it for a scabby 1210 in Cash Converters... :lol:)


17-11-2012, 14:54
I think the speakers we'll be taking along cost £25 quid for the pair, the amp was free and my turntable cost £120 quid + a cartridge a few years ago.

17-11-2012, 16:22
If there were another CAC challenge this year I would love to show my ditton 15s (10 quid, rescued from a local tip), on the end of my mini t bought in the group buy with cables I have scavenged over the years (cost nowt). This leaves around 35 quid to find a source if we decide to do the challenge. Anyone up for it?

17-11-2012, 18:11
Will be taking garrard,ai 300 and speakers.


17-11-2012, 18:43
Is there any further news regarding the AoS proposed show?

17-11-2012, 18:53
We hoping to update you all soon

17-11-2012, 19:32
You have a Tube Technology amp Stuart I see in your pic............I recently bought one for £200..........how do you find it?

17-11-2012, 20:06
It was one i borrowed for 6 months.
Found it a real all rounder and worked very well on AN E's , Tannoy Ardens and my current speakers.

Very good amp imo.

18-11-2012, 02:06
Will be taking garrard,ai 300 and speakers.


Something tells me this one is probably not eligible for a CAC challenge, nice try though:lol:

19-11-2012, 10:03
You taking your turntable this time, Stu (chelsea)? :whistle:

The Black Adder
19-11-2012, 15:01
Hi all.

Just wondering... Can anyone bring and place in equipment on systems at these shows?

For example, I was thinking of bringing the Black RT-909.. Not many people have seen one so it might be good to give it a christening n that.

The Tannoy crossovers maybe? - TD-124?

Would this be ok or does it have to be a set of equipment per person?

As you can tell, I've not been a big show go-er.

Wakefield Turntables
19-11-2012, 15:24
if your taking your cross overs I may just be coaxed down to see them. :cool:

The Black Adder
19-11-2012, 15:34
Sure... they may look different, case wise by then but you are more than welcome to take a butchers matey! :)

19-11-2012, 16:47
Best to ask on WAM usually people are quite happy to share if you got something exotic to add to their system

19-11-2012, 18:14
You taking your turntable this time, Stu (chelsea)? :whistle:

Yes,but probably the garrard jerry.
The voyd may be gone by then and doesn't travel well.:(

The arm has just been back to j7 though for a rewire/bearing overhaul though.