View Full Version : FS Mike New Technics 1200 Bearing

28-10-2012, 18:34
I purchased this recently but have yet to received it from Mike. Unfortunate circumstances have required me to part with it. I am looking to get $600 USD for it. As far as shipping goes I can mail it out once I receive it. Thanks.

28-10-2012, 18:44
$600 US dollars and brand new ! Thats about £370 english pounds a big saving on the £465 I paid for mine new - Wont hang around long ! :eyebrows:

30-10-2012, 15:59
$600 US dollars and brand new ! Thats about £370 english pounds a big saving on the £465 I paid for mine new - Wont hang around long ! :eyebrows:

Still around. Any takers?

01-11-2012, 00:28
Halloween Bump in the Night.

03-11-2012, 17:33
Any interest?

Mika K
03-11-2012, 17:58
Yes interested but unfortunately have no funds available for any more upgrades this month. If you have this still for sale after a month or so feel free to send me a PM..

07-11-2012, 23:23
Still available, and it seems as if the bearings are being shipped out now from Mike. Any interest as I need to sell as soon as possible? $600 USD (shipping included).

09-11-2012, 11:57
Still here.

10-11-2012, 22:13
Still available. Would take $575 USD (shipping included). There's got to be some interest in this?

10-11-2012, 22:44
Have you considered contacting Mike to advise him of your situation Caleb? If you explain the circumstances to him and catch him before it ships he may be able to offer it to someone else and hopefully he will refund any money you have already paid.

10-11-2012, 23:23
Have you considered contacting Mike to advise him of your situation Caleb? If you explain the circumstances to him and catch him before it ships he may be able to offer it to someone else and hopefully he will refund any money you have already paid.

I attempted this weeks ago and his suggestion was that I attempt to resell it after I received the bearing. I have to admit I was a little perplexed by his response (though I imagine that as a small business he really cannot afford to accept too many cancellations?) . Either way, my Technics has now been sold and I am left holding a bearing with no home :(

12-11-2012, 15:33
$575 USD (shipping included). Is it lack of interest or my lack of reputation on this site?

Audio Al
12-11-2012, 15:40

Is it lack of interest or my lack of reputation on this site?
Reply With Quote

With a forum user name of Scumm :eek: and your remote location from the UK I would be very wary of sending that amount of money half way around the world , Its a long way to travel if the bearing never turns up

Maybe if you could get Mike to ship it direct from him if you dont have it yet that would give a buyer more confidence ;)

12-11-2012, 16:10
With a forum user name of Scumm [...]

SCUMM, as menacing as it may sound, is an acronym referring to a scripting utility for an 8-bit computer game. Though revealing this may also not be doing me any favors :doh: I also have a similar handle (Dr.SCUMM) on a popular auction website.

[...] wary of sending that amount of money

Likewise, considering the validity of the purchaser, I would also be willing to ship it first and collect money on arrival if that may help alleviate any distrust.

Audio Al
12-11-2012, 16:17
Do you have this bearing personally or is it still with Mike ?

How much would it cost to send it by post the London England ?

12-11-2012, 16:59
Do you have this bearing personally or is it still with Mike ?

How much would it cost to send it by post the London England ?

I believe it's in transit as we speak.
Once i receive it from Mike I would ship it out for $600 total.

Audio Al
12-11-2012, 17:03

Let me know when you have it and maybe post some images with a card showing your forum user name

We may have a deal ;)

12-11-2012, 17:06

Let me know when you have it and maybe post some images with a card showing your forum user name

We may have a deal ;)

Sounds good, I'll be in touch

18-11-2012, 13:14
Just received the bearing. I have yet to unpack it because I would rather just send it on its way. If anyone's interested or more proof is needed, I will take it out of the box. Looks like $600 USD is more feasible if shipping abroad.


19-11-2012, 18:08
still available

20-11-2012, 17:00
Any interest? Any at all?

21-11-2012, 22:19
Over 1000 views but most of the posts are mine. I know somebody out there wants this upgrade. I can't really go down on the price. This is brand new, still unopened, wrapped in the shipping box. $600 shipped to the UK and beyond. Anybody?

21-11-2012, 22:24
I'm soooo tempted but I just don't have the funds just before Christmas!! :(

23-11-2012, 18:20
$600 USD. Still better than the retail price.

24-11-2012, 12:48
back to the top

26-11-2012, 13:08
Still boxed, still unused, still $600 to the U.K. and beyond.

27-11-2012, 13:53
I guess I can entertain any reasonable offers. Remember, this bearing is entirely new, it will be received in the same condition as I have. The shipping box has not even been opened.

27-11-2012, 14:32
Surprised this is still here!! I guess being near christmas doesn't help.

I can throughly recommend this bearing though,it will completly change your Technics for the better!! I have only listened to mine for a few hours,but the first thing i immediately noticed was that it was less 'shouty' than the stock bearing.I won't go on,it 's been written about in other threads,but if you are able to buy this,i wouldn't hesitate,it's a great bearing!!

Good luck with the sale :)

27-11-2012, 16:32
Thanks Kininigin. For a while there it felt as if I were having a conversation with myself.

27-11-2012, 17:04
Thanks Kininigin. For a while there it felt as if I were having a conversation with myself.

Ha yes,it does appear that way,doesn't it Caleb!

I was in a similiar position to yourself,needed to make some money and had just purchased the bearing.I sold my pre-amp instead though,as i thought i'd be easier to sell,due to the more 'specialist' nature of the bearing.

I also didn't want to pay twice for import duty!!

Have you tried other forums,auction sites?

27-11-2012, 17:34
Yeah it's listed on an audio auction website (not sure if I can cross list here). I was thinking of listing it on the larger auction sites but thought the interest would be higher here. Mike New is also trying to help me find a buyer. Just no luck yet.

28-11-2012, 22:23
How about $550 USD? Shipped anywhere. Not sure how much lower I can go. :(

29-11-2012, 22:08
How about $550 USD? Shipped anywhere. Not sure how much lower I can go. :(

Madness how this aint been sold yet, - £340 approx delivered !!! It's brand new and unused :mental: Most of us have paid about £460 for ours. I just wish this had been around when I bought mine !

30-11-2012, 19:35
I'm going to keep this going. So many people have commented on this being a good deal, yet I have had no takers (a couple maybes and a few offers in the $200 range!). If it's my lack of reputation on this site, I have accounts elsewhere (such as the biggest internet auction site) under the moniker Dr.SCUMM (believe it or not, SCUMM was already taken). I to am surprised it has lasted this long, as Mike himself has said he has had many recent inquiries about the bearing. Oh well, it's still available. Same price. $550 shipped. That is all. For now.

30-11-2012, 21:19

30-11-2012, 22:06


The Grand Wazoo
30-11-2012, 22:49
Whoooooo-hooo, yeeeee-hah!!!!!!

01-12-2012, 13:25
Sold! Woo-Hoo Indeed.

01-12-2012, 19:55
Well I had to jump at this - I was all set to go for a RCM but I thought that I wont get a saving like this again. My Techie is a keeper and I 'm not looking for any other tables so the bearing will be with me till I drop ... and it's an early Xmas present for myself. Now all I've got to do is wait.

Caleb, let me know when its in the post :)

02-12-2012, 14:34
Nice one, Simon. Prepare to have a very Merry Christmas rediscovering your record collection!! ;)


03-12-2012, 18:45
Caleb, let me know when its in the post :)

Should be going out today. This is my first time shipping overseas. After reading the discussion about customs on the "Bearing" thread, is there anything special I should do when I send it out through the post?

04-12-2012, 10:22
You'll probably have to declare the value of what you are sending for insurance purposes. In this country I think everything is covered up to about £40 as standard.
It looks like import duty is a hit and miss affair at this end :(

10-12-2012, 10:06
Checked tracking this morning and quote ...

Your Item's Status
Your item cleared customs in GREAT BRITAIN at 5:56 am on December 10, 2012

Excellent! Should be here soon :)

13-12-2012, 20:54
In fact ...today. Yipee :)