View Full Version : Trio Turntable query

22-10-2012, 11:12
Antone out there own one of those lovely Trio tt's with the composite plinths? Just wondered how good they are or not as the case may be. Often fancied one when i have seen them on thingy bay. answers on a post card please.

22-10-2012, 11:39
Dave Cawley has a beautiful Trio for sale on PFM.
Looks like a serious bit of kit ...

Wakefield Turntables
22-10-2012, 11:44
That means that it will also cost Serious money, I'd avoid if I were you.

22-10-2012, 20:22
Yeah, cawley is selling a rather lovely L-07D. Its on ebay and will go for serious money.
However I love my rather more modest Kenwood 750 that Shuggie sold me.
That is the one with the composite base.
Beautifully engineered and sounding.
It really came on song after adding an Achromat and especially after sitting it on top of a Mana stand, (and an AT-OC9)
Put it this way, it relegated my Linn Sondek into a box in the attic.

Mika K
22-10-2012, 21:04
Those on Kenwood-Trios are serious and surprisingly underrated decks. Had KD-7700 at some point and it was pretty sweet. Sold it as a whole as did not have the heart to start changing better arm to it..

Ammonite Audio
23-10-2012, 05:42
Yeah, cawley is selling a rather lovely L-07D. Its on ebay and will go for serious money.
However I love my rather more modest Kenwood 750 that Shuggie sold me.
That is the one with the composite base.
Beautifully engineered and sounding.
It really came on song after adding an Achromat and especially after sitting it on top of a Mana stand, (and an AT-OC9)
Put it this way, it relegated my Linn Sondek into a box in the attic.

Drat! :)

The Black Adder
23-10-2012, 14:36
The KD-500 is a lovely deck Steve.. Pick one up for about £250 ish. Or, if it's a belt drive then the 1033b but it's not a looker and build is basic but sounds great.

23-10-2012, 19:30
The KD500 series have the usual warm-toned mid bass - in stock form - which you could either regard as a blessing or a curse depending on taste. HOWEVER, modern mats, arm/cartridge matching and proper siting should all but eliminate the excesses.

A Sonus Blue and Marware Formula 4 sounded fab on a KD550 (I think that was the armless one) back in the day I remember..

25-10-2012, 03:34
KD-2055 was my first turntable.. cant' really say how it sounds as I've only ever used them with a cheap AT-95 on. Great for a first deck, certainly.

trio leo
29-10-2012, 20:53
The L07D is a rare beast indeed and last week there were 2 on ebay, though one was quickly pulled to return later maybe, why anyone would want to part with an L07D is a quandary to me.
Personally it is the best deck I've heard and I'm not saying that because I've got one, I've got one because that's what I've heard.
It will be interesting to see what Dave's goes for.
There was also a technics DD T/table that was like white marble, it looked great and sounded good as well,can't remember the model number.
A chap called Vermont had a post on AoS I think, he had 4 DD T/tables and they all looked fantastic.

enjoy your music

regards Al