View Full Version : Ow, that really hurts...

Mr Nad
20-10-2012, 12:58
Sciatica. :steam:

I've been suffering with it for the past couple of days, and it's getting worse. None of the painkillers I have is working. Ibuprofen (400mg), Paramol, some bastardly long-named drug...

I can barely stand.:(

And to top it all, there's blood in my urine (a side effect of ibuprofen).

The only time it doesn't hurt is when I'm riding my bike; but I can't swing my leg over the crossbar without a sudden and intense flare of agony.

Someone please tell me something to make me smile.



The Grand Wazoo
20-10-2012, 13:03
Someone please tell me something to make me smile.

OK then - What's the difference between a penis & a bonus?

The Grand Wazoo
20-10-2012, 13:04
You can always rely on your wife blowing your bonus.

Mr Nad
20-10-2012, 13:11
Yes, I'm laughing, chaps; but that hurts, too.

Can't even get any time off work. Modern thought is that if you have a bad back, you have to keep moving.

The Grand Wazoo
20-10-2012, 13:13
Sorry Len, didn't mean to make it worse!

20-10-2012, 13:14
Go to your GP and get some Tramadol.

The Vinyl Adventure
20-10-2012, 13:21
Naproxen works for my back problems, and is in fact the only thing they have ever given me that does ... Works a lot better than ibuprofen as far as anti-inflammatory drugs go. It's my experience that most pain killers do sod all for back and back related pain

Mr Nad
20-10-2012, 13:23
Can't get to the GP for a while... not open on Saturday, online appointment system not working, so would have to wait until Monday to make appointment. Have to love the NHS - always there when you need it. (And that's not a jibe at the hard working nurses and doctors, but the 'system'...)

Laughter, the best medicine... my arse!

I'm going to listen to some soothing music. That might help.


Naproxen works by blocking a substance in the body called cyclo-oxygenase (also known as COX) which is involved in the production of certain irritant chemicals in response to injury or disease. By blocking the action of COX, naproxen reduces the symptoms of pain and inflammation.

Sorry, but I do not want my COX blocked. ;-)

Wakefield Turntables
20-10-2012, 14:05
right i'm more than qualified to talk about NSAIDS considering the amount of surgery we do from my clinic. Most COX inhibitors and COX II are bad for your heart so if you have a poorly ticker stop bloody taking them! Secondly they also stop production of stomach mucous which protects your stomach lining from the hydrochloric acid in your stomach. If you have ulcers be VERY careful as you can also develop a Adinocarcinoma (WHICH 85% OF PEOPLE DIE FROM 5 YEARS INTO DIAGNOSIS). Sorry for the scare mongering. If I were you see an osteopath.

Mr Nad
20-10-2012, 15:05
If I were you see an osteopath. Ah, now there IS one of those just around the corner from my place of work. I could shuffle in to see them...

Thanks for the advice.

Wakefield Turntables
20-10-2012, 18:11
Ah, now there IS one of those just around the corner from my place of work. I could shuffle in to see them...

Thanks for the advice.

Sure beats rotting the shit out of your stomach mate!

20-10-2012, 18:35
Have you considered a Filipino masseuse? Just make sure you avoid the Chinese ones!! Their method of treatment is barbaric and only makes the pain worse.

20-10-2012, 18:40
Aye, and go for one who likes giving a 'happy ending'! :eyebrows:


Mr Nad
20-10-2012, 19:59
You are so adolescent.

Guess that's why I feel so at home here...:D

Oh, my back's feeling a lot better since starting this thread. I knew you wouldn't let me down.:lol:

Reid Malenfant
20-10-2012, 20:07
Hi Lenny, take it from me that I know precisely how you are suffering & it really isn't any fun :(

My back has been stuffed since about 1990 or just before, sciatica is the easy bit as far as I'm concerned.

Yes I know it feels like someone is attempting to remove your leg while you happen to still be alive & conscious. But I find the occasional bout of sciatica far less problematic than having to literally lay down damn near 24/7 to get any relief from back pain.

Once you have been on your back for six months in one session, the sciatica soon becomes much easier to deal with.

I can also recommend Naproxen, I'm on it every day as well as Omeprazole to prevent my stomach from bleeding due to constant use of it & 30/500 Co-codamol, 2 tabs 4 times a day - every day...

Along with the Lisinopril & Simvastatin I reckon I damn near rattle in the mornings :eyebrows:

Hope you get better soon chap, I wouldn't wish back problems on my worst enemy..

Mr Nad
20-10-2012, 20:42
I have to laugh. The pain is so intense at times, that walking is impossible. In the past I've been forced to crawl on all fours. Of course, at the time it is terrible, but retrospectively...

Until you experience it, you just don't realise how sodding painful it is. The longest I've been laid up is about two weeks, and that was a decade ago. Nothing like your six months.

I'll see how the rest of the weekend goes, and then book to see the GP.

Reid Malenfant
20-10-2012, 20:45
Laughing is the only way, I reckon if I didn't, I'd go insane at times ;)

At least I get to read a lot of decent books :rfl:

Here's hoping things ease up for you soon.

20-10-2012, 20:49
Hi Lenny, take it from me that I know precisely how you are suffering & it really isn't any fun :(

My back has been stuffed since about 1990 or just before, sciatica is the easy bit as far as I'm concerned.

Yes I know it feels like someone is attempting to remove your leg while you happen to still be alive & conscious. But I find the occasional bout of sciatica far less problematic than having to literally lay down damn near 24/7 to get any relief from back pain.

Once you have been on your back for six months in one session, the sciatica soon becomes much easier to deal with.

I can also recommend Naproxen, I'm on it every day as well as Omeprazole to prevent my stomach from bleeding due to constant use of it & 30/500 Co-codamol, 2 tabs 4 times a day - every day...

Along with the Lisinopril & Simvastatin I reckon I damn near rattle in the mornings :eyebrows:

Kinda reads like my drugs list, at least its very similar... :eyebrows:

Reid Malenfant
20-10-2012, 20:54
Aye Dave, at least we are all in this together :rfl:


20-10-2012, 21:05
Another vote for naproxen, it sorted me out when i had a slipped disc recently,

I hope you get it sorted soon Lenny

Mr Nad
21-10-2012, 07:40
Feeling better today. Mainly the left side is screaming. I'm going to try to get through without any painkillers today... and maybe go for a bike ride.

Mr Kipling
21-10-2012, 10:14
Hi Lenny,

Have you tried "Ibuprofen Gel"?

Twenty-odd years ago I had an operation to have discs out - not something I would wish on any one. My back is buggered now and often have bother with it. Having a manual job doesn't help when you have to flog your wick out all day.

Anyway, I never bother with painkillers as you just get immune to them. When the pain is really severe though I've found the gel really effective, more-so than a brand of expensive painkillers regularly seen on tv specifically for backpain.

Kind Regards,

Mr Nad
21-10-2012, 19:40
Tried it, but it hasn't worked.

The pain did get too much this afternoon, so I took a couple of dicloflex. They didn't work either. Long hot bath has helped a little.

I find the muscle warming rubs most effective, though only for short periods. I guess I'll just have to tolerate it for a while longer...

21-10-2012, 20:06
I have the dreaded Sciatica too and it's no fun at all. Taking painkiller tablets provides only a small amount of temporary relief so I don't bother taking them.

I may have found something that so far has lessened and reduced the intensity of the pain and that is Magnesium tablets. Supposed to be good for cramps and nerve problems so have been taking one 500mg tablet every other day for just over a week and they SEEM to be working :eyebrows:

21-10-2012, 20:22
You poor bunch of lads.

My sympathy genuinely goes out to you, as I have aquaintances with terrible back trouble and I know what they've been through. Both very tall chaps as it happens, seems many tall people have back trouble.

Fortunately, I seem to have avoided it myself, but I'm a shortarse. Did break my neck though, doing judo about thirty years ago. It wasn't that painful strangely.

Mr Nad
22-10-2012, 16:41
Diclofenac... didn't work. But it certainly loosened my stools, and I passed a fair amount of blood. Urine looked like Coke and was just as frothy.


This is a serious side effect, and I'm supposed to contact the GP immediately. Chance would be a fine thing... earliest appointment I can get without having to miss any work (not easy when you're a teacher) is Friday.

I'm sure I'll get used to the pain...

22-10-2012, 16:55
Swimming works for me when my back goes.

22-10-2012, 16:57
Diclofenac is as good as not worth taking- dunno why they still sell it to be honest, l do not know of anybody who has taken it and said that it works. (That includes myself too).

Mr Nad
22-10-2012, 18:21
Swimming works for me when my back goes.

I can't swim! But I have found that riding my bike works a treat. If I weren't in such discomfort now, I would consider going for a ride.

Reid Malenfant
22-10-2012, 18:56
See if you can scrounge some Ketoprofen from your quack, that may well help. I think I was prescribed it for nerve pain when I got an infected socket when I had my wisdom teeth pulled.

Now I can tell you that I have never, ever known pain like that! I had to go to the hospital as I couldn't sleep, they gave me some ridiculously strong sleepers. Got about two hours sleep & was back there begging for anything to kill the pain, I was near to violence & that's not like me at all :eek:

In the end a doctor gave me a long acting local anesthetic straight into the socket...

Ah, instant relief...

Try Ketoprofen if your doc will prescribe it, it may work :)

Mr Nad
23-10-2012, 04:58
Well, chaps, 7 pm last night I was in excruciating pain. Curled up in two, writing in agony. Called NHS Direct just before that hit me, and was advised to go to A&E.

Turns out I have a kidney stone! Approx 5mm in size. I've had nitrous oxide (nice) blood tests, two X-Rays, a suppository (for the pain; self inserted), and had iodine injected into my system (curiously warming).

So, I just have to wait to see it it comes out... But if the pain continues I have to return to hospital to have further treatment.

Mr Kipling
23-10-2012, 07:10
If you can pass it and retrieve it, keep it. If you become famous you can sell it on ebay. William Shatner did.

23-10-2012, 07:23
Oh deep joy.
I've suffered from kidney stones twice,first one passed naturally after a couple of hours of discomfort
The second one required a weekend in hospital.
Also involved was the few weeks of ultra sound to break up remaining stones and the flexible cystoscopy where a camera gets pushed down your old chap to film your bladder from the inside.
As I said
Deep Joy

23-10-2012, 07:28
Kidney stones are one delightful experience from which I have been spared so far, and long may that continue. Both my mum and sister have suffered from them however so there is still time... :eyebrows:

Mr Nad
23-10-2012, 08:20
I hope none of you experience them.

I was very close to saying a terribly bad word in front of the children. A very bad word in deed.

Aside from feeling as if my testicles were being ripped from my body - dragging my intestines with them - the pain in my left side was akin to having my kidney minced by one of those machines our parents would fix to the worktop with suction pads.