View Full Version : Akai and Toshiba Manuals

15-10-2012, 12:47
Maybe some here knows- I keep meaning to research this properly

I have a huge pile of original Akai Service and Instruction manuals and quite a few Toshiba as we used to print these by thee bucket load

I've seen people selling manauls on Ebay.
Seems a lot of work for very little return

Rare Bird
15-10-2012, 12:52
AOS library is always looking for rare handbooks & service data, even brochures..

Akai 'AA5000' & 'AA6000 Amplifier..'AA7000' 'AA8000' Reciever.. 'AA8500' Amplifier Please :eyebrows:

15-10-2012, 13:33
So anything we have on those models ?

Scanned to pdf ?

We have probabaly 100s of Akai manuals

Rare Bird
15-10-2012, 13:42

15-10-2012, 14:05
Okey dokey
Please don't hold your breath. We may spend a while finding them and have a big (tortuous! scanning job on right now