View Full Version : ( Video ) My new record weight

Audio Al
12-10-2012, 20:58
During my time on the forum I have read several post's regarding record weights

Some have said it's a good thing , others have had differing opinions.

I can see that maybe it would help

When I was at the National Audio Show I noticed a record weight on one of the stalls , went to pick it up and was somewhat surprised at how heavy it was, also shocked at the price

With the above in mind I decided to try a weight but did not want anything massively heavy as I am of the opinion that a heavy weight will lead to premature bearing wear

The hunt was on for something to add a small amount of weight and not dent the bank balance

So do I use alloy, steel, iron, brass, bronze, plastic or an alternative material

Decided to use the following :-



12-10-2012, 21:03
YouTube linky no worky! :)

{Edit: now fixed}


Audio Al
12-10-2012, 21:06
YouTube linky no worky

Humm , tried doing it as per the tutorial and keep getting a whith box with nothing in it :scratch:

12-10-2012, 21:09


12-10-2012, 21:15
Humm , tried doing it as per the tutorial and keep getting a whith box with nothing in it :scratch:

Fixed it for you! :)


12-10-2012, 21:31
Make sure you don't have a space after the ] and the start of the YouTube video code... :)

12-10-2012, 22:03
Tee hee, another classic Al!:)