View Full Version : Omnidirectional Speakers, a good thing?

09-10-2012, 22:45
There was a trend or fashion in the seventies and maybe into the early eighties for omnidirectional speakers. Well known examples being the various Sonab models and of course the Larson Pyramid.

Since these there have been no notable examples I can recall until Duevel came along with theirs. I rather like their more expensive compression driver tweeter models. I've had a brief listen and thought they definitely had something about them.

One can ignore the direct/reflecting Bose speakers made over the years, as they were not strictly omnidirectional (upward firing Lowthers too).

I built omni's myself in the past with surprisingly effective results and I sold a pair to a friend who was absolutely delighted with them.

Obviously, you don't get the kind of pinpoint imaging the conventional speakers offer, but if you get the output and balance right across the mid and top, omnidirectionals can be very nice to listen to.

Anybody got any observations?

10-10-2012, 09:13
No real observations other than they are not a popular choice. Maybe that's because they are usually expensive, or the styling doesn't suit or people prefer sharper iamgery rather than a wall of sound.

Shahinian have their followers but they are a difficult load and very expensive.

10-10-2012, 09:57
These get good reviews, though I have never heard any.


An old girl friend of mine used to have some Sonabs, they sounded great on 'musical type' music (she was a bit of a thespian) like Barbra Streisand. Er.......

10-10-2012, 11:44
My MBLs are omni.

Very nice. :)

10-10-2012, 12:14
Ive got a pair of Sonabs and an amp to match.
Still using the amp but the speakers are in a spare room as they have been usurped by linn saras....I did really like the sonabs though.I think Ill get them out over the weekend and have a listen:cool:

Rare Bird
10-10-2012, 12:36
Akai NDS-70/NDS-80 :eyebrows:

Rare Bird
10-10-2012, 12:39
Ive got a pair of Sonabs and an amp to match.
Still using the amp but the speakers are in a spare room as they have been usurped by linn saras....I did really like the sonabs though.I think Ill get them out over the weekend and have a listen:cool:

I used to have an 'R4000' had nothing but trouble with it!!

10-10-2012, 14:39
Shahinian obelisks are my main speaker and i love them. They're a tough load but my Brystons cope!

10-10-2012, 15:49
I used to have an 'R4000' had nothing but trouble with it!!
When I got the amp I found the fuseholder was broken off the back....a very kind member here(puffin) fixed it for me,which meant opening the amp up to solder new connections inside.....the amp had never been opened before and we found the original schematics taped to the top cover inside in an envelope.Ive been using the amp ever since with no probs...I love that vintage sound..its an R4000 complete with original brochure and hi fi mag review clipping and the same for the speakers...it actually came with a 5 year guarantee originally!!:cool:

10-10-2012, 16:47
Peter Walker designed omni ELS


Cheers, Alan

10-10-2012, 18:17
Both Jerry and my self were confirmed speaker swappers. Me not so much but rarely did a pair of speakers last more than 3 months in my house. That is until 2 years ago I switched to Duevel Omni's and although i get the occasional itch to try something else it never lasts long. It would be rash to say I would never change but it would take something very very special to shift these out of my system and only if I had the replacements directly along side to do a straight comparison.

10-10-2012, 20:45
Yes, I'd forgotten about the Shahinians and MBLs. There's also Ohm, if they're still going, a very unusual design.

Didn't Empire make some whacking great omnis in the seventies? 12" and 15" bass units I seem to recall.

I also remember JBL doing some, was it the Aquarius?

The Black Adder
14-10-2012, 17:10
I had some Luxor Omni's once... great little speakers, unusual too as they had 4 tweeters all angled at 45 degrees on each corner.

Rare Bird
14-10-2012, 17:47
Wor abaaaaaaaaaaaaaaart er Kolster Brandes 'KS-651' nor omni but they'll doo

14-10-2012, 20:22
I had some Luxor Omni's once... great little speakers, unusual too as they had 4 tweeters all angled at 45 degrees on each corner.

Yes, I remember the Luxors, don't recall ever hearing a pair though. Luxor made some decent gear.

Do you remember Korting? They made very similar stuff.