View Full Version : New Donald Fagen album coming soon - on vinyl

08-10-2012, 12:36
Here is the link:


Will be out on vinyl as well - the cover looks cool.

08-10-2012, 20:14
Saw that yesterday when I pre-ordered the new Neil Young vinyl. I've signed up for the email alert.

09-10-2012, 10:20
Already ordered it from Diverse Vinyl.

09-10-2012, 10:56
Just ordered mine from Diverse too.
Just had a chat with Paul, and without hesitation he said "hello Chris", which considering that we've not spoken for a good while is amazing - he must speak to literally thousands of people a year.

I'm trying to work out whether I've made a good or a bad impression on him :eyebrows:

13-10-2012, 14:54
The news that it's going to be available on vinyl makes me want to buy a turntable...

Concerto Audio
16-10-2012, 11:42
Went to HMV Westfield yesterday and bought the album....listened to it few times....sound like DF is going out of steam sound like a dance album to me.
Let me know your opinion on the album

18-11-2012, 11:05
Couldn't quite bring myself to pay 30 odd quid for the vinyl version so I've ordered the CD. If I really like it I will get the vinyl but as Morph The Cat left me a bit cold I'm not going to splurge out blind.

Any more opinions on the album from those who have heard it?

18-11-2012, 12:07
I like it a lot..treads no new ground and some tracks could easily be Steely Dan but a very good album IMO.

18-11-2012, 12:28
I have the CD, for me the way his stuff is mastered (not only this CD but others) makes it very hard to hear the lyrics. Given that the major part of his appeal to me is as a result of his clever lyrics, makes it very frustrating. Of course it could be the shit reproductive equipment I use;)

The content is a bit bland IMO and you can hear them as re-hashes of older tracks.

18-11-2012, 12:49
I have the CD, for me the way his stuff is mastered (not only this CD but others) makes it very hard to hear the lyrics. Given that the major part of his appeal to me is as a result of his clever lyrics, makes it very frustrating. Of course it could be the shit reproductive equipment I use;)


Must be the type of shit equipment you are using because I don't have that issue on the shit equipment I am using ;) Maybe your midrange sucks (out) ?

18-11-2012, 12:53
I've got everything by Steely Dan and all the solo stuff but I'm reluctant to buy this. Some pretty bad reviews on Amazon.

18-11-2012, 12:55
I'm listening on shit equipment too. So I'm no further forward.

18-11-2012, 13:09
Maybe your midrange sucks (out) ?

It's my middle-age that sucks (out?):lol:

18-11-2012, 15:57
Does anyone actually LIKE later Steely Dan albums, let alone the solo stuff?

This stuff was once de rigeur for audio dem fodder 'cos its clinical with a capital C and so clever-clever it might get a few uber-intellectuals going, but good music?????????????????

18-11-2012, 16:22
I'd suggest Aja which was fairly late in their career is the pinnacle both musically and technically.
Call me old fashioned if you like but I like the idea if musicians who can really play well. That's what Steely Dan have always excelled at. From the start of their career to the present they've always insisted on the best.
I'm fortunate enough to have seen them live. Awesome doesn't even come close to describing it.

18-11-2012, 17:16
The later the better for me.

18-11-2012, 18:39
I bought Gaucho when it came out in 1980, IMO the content and engineering are top notch. Aja is another superb album. I got to see Larry Carlton a couple of weeks ago at a "masterclass" in Guildford. Whilst chatting and strumming he spontaneously started playing the intro to Josie, magic. There is a fantastic DVD of Cassic Albums where Fagen and Becker go back into the studio and go through the making of Aja. Brilliant.

18-11-2012, 20:22
Does anyone actually LIKE later Steely Dan albums, ?????


Yes they do.

19-11-2012, 13:52

Yes they do.


20-11-2012, 22:04
Does anyone actually LIKE later Steely Dan albums, let alone the solo stuff?

This stuff was once de rigeur for audio dem fodder 'cos its clinical with a capital C and so clever-clever it might get a few uber-intellectuals going, but good music?????????????????

I do.
All of them.
If you think of it as simply audio dem fodder then you've missed the point :eyebrows:

25-11-2012, 12:12
I don't know how it is for you but I do find that the albums I love tend to be the ones that grew on me over time rather than impressed me on first listen. So it seems to be with 'Sunken Condos'. My first thoughts were that this is Fagen-lite, a little bit throwaway. However have given it a few spins now and I am not surprised to find it is growing on me.

One criticism I could make (and it applys to most of Fagen's solo output) - What happened to wilfully obscure lyrics? That is one of the things I love about the 'Dan - you could spend your whole life trying to work out what some of the tunes are about. For example who would have thought 'Chain Lightning' was about two ex SS geezers revisiting the site of the Nuremburg rallies thirty years on? You would never get that in a million years but once you know and listen to the tune again and it is obvious.

Anyway - ignore the Amazon reviewers - this is a worthy purchase.