View Full Version : Correcting headshell misalignment

07-10-2012, 09:12
I've just discovered that the headshell on my Decca London International isn't parrallel to the record surface. The arm has no adjustment whatever in this regard so I take it that packing the headshell nuts on one side is my only option. The Nagaoka kit at


has four washers, just to make sure, is this the correct way to correct headshell misalignment? Complete amateur in this respect and just want to make sure I get it right. I'm amazed the little Ortofon cartridge sounded as good as it did when it was being dragged skewed off vertical across the record.



07-10-2012, 09:41
The adjustment you are referring to is called azimuth. Some arms allow for azimuth adjustment, but some do not. Adding spacers in the way you suggest is a bit of a last resort measure, but if there is no other option then its better than nothing.

I wouldn't use nylon washers though

07-10-2012, 09:48
Is this the model with a plastic headshell ?

If so, the headshell might be a friction fit on the tube and can be twisted to adjust azimuth. Be careful though. It might also have a grub screw underneath the shell, where it joins the arm.

The Grand Wazoo
07-10-2012, 09:51
Is the Decca not a unipivot?
In which case, it should be fairly simple to apply a little force in the right direction.

The Grand Wazoo
07-10-2012, 10:09
There's a thumb-wheel on the counterweight



07-10-2012, 10:12
Just to really confuse things, the arn is a modified 99 piece special edition put out by the HiFi News Accessory Club some 20 years ago.The headshell is a magnesium unit instead of the original plastic affair that was pretty much purpose meant for the Decca cartridges. Looking at the damn thing, I reckon it's quite possibly been put on wrongly since the fingerlift has a definite L-R droop. The headshell definitely isn't a friction fit, it's secure, but there is a very small screw some 4mm back from where the headshell joins the armtube. I don't really feel confident to start disasembling things and being in Australia I don't exactly have a tonearm wizard to sort it out. I've checked the manual, but I gather that the original plastic headshell WAS a simple push on and easy to align unit - the arm itself has absolutely no azimuth adjustment.

Just correcting things with washers may be my only practical option. If nylon washers aren't suitable then where can I get non magnetic washers of the right type? The turntable is lovely, so I want to get it running again a reasonable period.



The Grand Wazoo
07-10-2012, 10:16
In that case, I reckon that little screw is the answer to your problem. I'd try & slacken it off slightly & apply a little manual twisty-action.

07-10-2012, 10:24
OK, I've just submitted my reply and then seen the Grand Wazoo's post. Is that thumbwheel actually to correct azimuth!!!!!!!
I thought it was a rough tracking force adjustment which was then fine tuned with the smaller micrometer wheel. Do I ever feel a dope......
Wazoo - do you have one of these lovely things still n box?


07-10-2012, 10:28
I believe the thumb screw is to apply tracking force.

If there is a screw under the headshell, I suggest you just un-nip that and try to twist the headshell. Do not remove the screw and be very careful.

Before you try that, have a go at slightly rotating the counterweight from central as, with a unipivot, that often is the azimuth adjustment.

07-10-2012, 10:33
Looking at the pictures, the thumb wheel, set inside the tracking weight, is indeed to correct azimuth (not tracking weight). As it moves side to side on its screw the balance is moved left to right and this will alter the azimuth.

The Grand Wazoo
07-10-2012, 10:36
I believe the thumb screw is to apply tracking force.

No, I don't think so.
There is a knurled knob on the end of the arm which applies tracking force. The thumb-wheel inset into the counterweight moves side to side and applies a force to correct azimuth. See the photo above and the diagram labels, which support this.

....do you have one of these lovely things still n box?
No, those pictures came from another member, Barry who sold that arm here. I have an ffss arm and MkIV cartridge - also bought from Barry!

EDIT: Mark beat me to it!

07-10-2012, 11:37

07-10-2012, 11:48
If they were still available for 25 euros I'd get another and put a removable headshell on it, plus of course a rewire. Mine has been rewired (part of the HiFi News package) and I imagine it improves it immensely over the stock arm.
