View Full Version : Help with squeezebox

02-10-2012, 19:45
I am hoping someone here can help.

I have my squeezebox touch set up with access to internet radio via squeezebox.com, then my music from itunes from my computer, then I have a dedicated laptop running nothing but Vortexbox - to which I have ripped my CD collection in FLAC as my friends on here have told me that is better. I have also just discovered IPENG, which is well worth 3.99.

The only problem is, when I play my itunes or internet content it comes out of the squeezebox output into my amp, however if I try to play the vortexbox stuff from the laptop in the corner, it comes out of the tinny laptop speakers.
Any ideas?


02-10-2012, 19:47
Vortexbox should provide a server for you to log the Touch onto.
You don't use it to send stuff to the Squeezebox.

02-10-2012, 20:15
Thanks Chris,

I'm trying to use the two sources, i can choose each player on the squeezebox and play the library but when I choose 'vortexbox' it just plays through the laptop itself rather than the output from the squeezebox.
I take it I am logged onto the vortexbox as it allows me access to the material?

02-10-2012, 20:33
The Vortexbox should be running a version of Logitech Media Server (LMS), which is where you need to log the Touch into.

I'm not sure what to advise you to do, other than join the forums at http://forums.slimdevices.com/ and http://vortexbox.org as there will be likely to be someone with knowledge of the Vortexbox software and where your setup is possibly going awry.