View Full Version : What's best?

30-09-2012, 23:25
What's best?

Live a life of modest tastes and abstain from bad habits (booze/fags lounging about, eating too much rubbish food, etc.) and live to a possibly bored (boring?) ninety plus (if you're lucky).

Or, indulge yourself, develop bad habits, have a great social and sex life, and conk out when you're about sixty eight?

I think I'm somewhere in between the two options myself.

Anybody got thoughts on this?

Rare Bird
30-09-2012, 23:36
I used to be amazingly excessive, put tons of weight on, booze for britain, damn idle you name it was excess..Living on the pooter all night boozing till the morning etc etc..

These days the only thing that aint changed is my Prog habbits, they are still excessive :lol: but for eating & boozing i hardly drink now, if i do it's a max of four glasses of red on an night out, as for food very very healthy small meals, i learned that enough is enough.. I certainly feel a lot better in myself.. Simply if i hadnt stopped i probably wouldnt be here now..

30-09-2012, 23:42
Yes, been there and got the T shirt, my habits could do with a bit of improvement, but nowhere near as bad as they were. I'm knocking on a bit, but still seem pretty fit and I don't want to mess it all up now.

01-10-2012, 06:45
Isn't the advice to have a healthy balance? But what is healthy and what is a balance depends on the individual.

I suffer with depression (in remission at present) and so I have had a pretty skewed outlook on life. I have always kept myself fit, but as a result felt that I was entitled to eat what I wanted and drink (probably too much at times) when I wanted. I have a smoke occasiobally when I want to.

I swing from, "what does it matter if I kick the bucket tomorrow" to "maybe I am doing alright" as I don't do anything to excess and doesn't a little of what you fancy do you good? (so they say) But tomorrow is another day and doesn't life piss you off. It does me.

01-10-2012, 09:17
But tomorrow is another day and doesn't life piss you off. It does me.
Well left to my own devices Rob I think life is fantastic, its people who piss me off!

Rare Bird
01-10-2012, 11:33
Well left to my own devices Rob I think life is fantastic, its people who piss me off!

:eyebrows: Aye this place doan help matters fer use two i guess :D

01-10-2012, 11:39
What's best?

Live a life of modest tastes and abstain from bad habits (booze/fags lounging about, eating too much rubbish food, etc.) and live to a possibly bored (boring?) ninety plus (if you're lucky).

Or, indulge yourself, develop bad habits, have a great social and sex life, and conk out when you're about sixty eight?

I think I'm somewhere in between the two options myself.

Anybody got thoughts on this?

As the late, great, John Martyn once said: "I'm here for a good time, not a long time."


01-10-2012, 12:05
Well left to my own devices Rob I think life is fantastic, its people who piss me off!

Yes, that's what I meant:D Present company and any other AOS members excluded:)

08-10-2012, 18:11
Since I found out I had diabetes about four years ago I have cut down on excessive food and drink. No curry or red wine, two of my favourites. But my latest blood glucose level test showed an increase so its greek low fat yoghurt for me and a quick blast on the exercise bike every night.
Lost a bit of weight but still have a belly like a poisoned pup.

08-10-2012, 18:19
I used to get f*cked regularly, excessively, on many things.

This is going to tbe the first year of complete sobriety I've had since I was 14 (I'm 28 now). For the first time ever I've got a great job, lovely girlfriend and an amazing stereo.

Goes to show that not pissing it all away can achieve.

It's weird to have had such a polar switch, I think I'd like to have it somewhere in the middle in future but I'm wary of getting too complacent ever again!

08-10-2012, 18:31
My 20s and 30s were quite full, lived life to the full and no real regrets, these days i do not have the same energy so naturally slowed down