View Full Version : New discovery, and brand new idea for use!

29-09-2012, 15:15
Went shopping and saw some of those granite blocks that us chaps use under our speakers etc, and it got me thinking......what if we used them instead in the kitchen.........and as a chopping block!

Now before you totally ridicule me, let me tell you, I tried one, and you know what? It works!

Somehow, but don't ask me, everything just seemed to fall into place, well, after I had placed it there that is, my knife seemed sharper, carrots were more in focus, after I had put my specs on, and brocolli was no longer loose and flabby, nope, they just sat there, exactly where they should be, and an absolute bonus which I didn't expect, it seems to save my work surface from getting marked!

I know, I know.....unbelievable that a simple granite speaker plinth would be such an amazing addition to the kitchen!

Try one, you won't be sorry!:D

29-09-2012, 15:16

Do I have too much time on my hands?

Ali Tait
29-09-2012, 15:24
Yep. :lol:

The Grand Wazoo
29-09-2012, 16:19
It makes your knives blunt though - get a proper one made of wood!

29-09-2012, 16:31
You need to get wood .

Ali Tait
29-09-2012, 16:48
Wood's good.

Audio Al
29-09-2012, 18:05
Yeeer and if you get some wire you can use it to cut cheese

do you think it will catch on :lol:

29-09-2012, 18:53
have you considered standing your speakers on wood blocks?