View Full Version : Scary Music!

Mr Kipling
27-09-2012, 21:01
What's the scariest piece of music you've ever heard?

When I was a young 'un the incidental music to the tv series "The Invaders" used to scare me - WITLESS!



27-09-2012, 21:18
Must be listened to loud, but this is seriously some of the scariest music I've heard!

It scared the shit out of a room of people at Scalford one year, and Mark / Reid Malenfant still has flashbacks.


I remember playing this one to a friend as well, and he was visibly shocked at the onslaught.


27-09-2012, 21:28
Ligeti - Requiem. Listen in the dark and this will twist your mind.

Shostakovich - Symphony No. 13. Terrifying portrayal of poverty and oppression. The climaxes are shockingly visceral.

28-09-2012, 08:22
The title track from the "Wages of Fear" soundrack (Tangerine Dream "Sorcerer") was a bit scary loud in the dark...

The first time I heard the ending of Mahler's 10th symphony (finished post his death) I sat stunned for ages afterwards, so intense and agonised was it.

28-09-2012, 11:11
The first time I heard the ending of Mahler's 10th symphony (finished post his death)

Oh yes, nice one Dave. That too is emotionally draining. The first movement is one serious journey of despair.

28-09-2012, 14:10


28-09-2012, 14:32
What's the scariest piece of music you've ever heard?

When I was a young 'un the incidental music to the tv series "The Invaders" used to scare me - WITLESS!



I'm with you, dude. There was a darkness and eerily distrurbing quality about sci-fi programmes/films in those days, and not just with the theme tunes, which often fucked with your head. I loved it, but then I have a fascination with the macabre....

That 'special feeling' you once got just doesn't happen these days, as modern special effects have diluted the old-fashioned 'fear factor'. Just look at how Doctor Who was in the 70s, particularly during the Tom Baker era, and how it is now!

The 70s was a golden era for TV, in so many ways - even the adverts, particularly the public information films, were spooky:


Quality! :exactly:


28-09-2012, 16:50
I always found Roger Waters contribution to When The Wind Blows deeply moving - and scary.


Sadly the subtitles on this video are completely wrong, which detracts significantly, but I'd urge anyone interested to check out the album or watch the film.

28-09-2012, 18:53
I tend to go for either dark or haunting the last track that Nick shared fits this well

28-09-2012, 19:31
As a child I was freaked out by the films Yellow Submarine and Wizard of Oz, the ocombination of music and visuals is very attractive to a younng child I suppose. First time I heard War of the Worlds that was a bit scary. At a mate's house in semi- dark room. I was about 12 years old and it really spooked me - I've not listened to it since.

28-09-2012, 19:50
Some of the stuff that makes the charts htese days is scary in the wrong way..

28-09-2012, 20:20
Some of the stuff that makes the charts htese days is scary in the wrong way..
