View Full Version : Incremental improvements more than the sum of parts and imaging Isobariks

13-09-2012, 08:43
Currently on my way through CDs I know very well that were last played a few months ago
Changes since the last listen
MCRU Ultimate Mains cable from Kimber Silver reference feeding PS Audio PPP
(recent and still evaluating)
Rega Isis from Naim CDX CDP
Yannis interconnect, *earthed to Naim 82* (!) from Telurium black
Isobarik crossovers modified and tidied by Radlett Audio and back from 3 pairs per speaker to one
The maginificent Birds of Fire - Mahavishnu Orchestra - expecting the music to be superb but muddled because of the production ....
Not so
Something I have done has clarified what is going on.
The instruments are now separated so you can make out guitar, violin, keyboards as well as continue to appreciate Bill Cobham's finest album and Rick Laird on bass being heard quite distinctly.
There is so much going on and now you know who is doing it

There is more
The repuitation Isobariks have is not deserved.
There is separation and imaging you just don't get from Isobaiks - it is said
I shall continue with the incremental improvements, just like we do at work and the GB cycling team.
The sum of the parts is greater than all the bits separtely

13-09-2012, 09:36
I just sold a mint condition pair of Isobariks with outboard crossovers for quite sensible money - folk I asked who supposedly knew about them said they were worth around £150........complete rubbish as I got 10 times that for them.

Good speakers as you say despite their somewhat "charactered" sound....

13-09-2012, 09:51
I just sold a mint condition pair of Isobariks with outboard crossovers for quite sensible money - folk I asked who supposedly knew about them said they were worth around £150........complete rubbish as I got 10 times that for them.

Good speakers as you say despite their somewhat "charactered" sound....

The more I improve other things in the chain the more I like them.
I'm prepared to change anything in my system if it doesn't perform, but them Isos keep sounding better !

13-09-2012, 16:18
You can keep on improving the system until you have the best sounding Isobariks in the World - but they will still be Isobariks.

13-09-2012, 16:32
PASSIVE Isobariks CAN be a dogs dinner. Mike has the last production ones with external 4 ohm crossovers in the stands. These later ones don't screech as old Kans and mid 80's versions could and did (the KEF B110 mid driver being hugely variable from batch to batch).

Later 'Briks could actually sound plump in the mid bass, the midrange could and did sound very enclosed and the awful tweeter used fizzled and spat in a nasty way if you got it wrong - the Scan unit as used by Linn pre 1883, Naim and Rega made strings chrome plated in comparison.

Unless you've heard a good ACTIVE version of these speakers, you really haven't heard what 'Briks can do so well. NO passive version comes close, no matter what amp is used or what fancy bits of string you use to connect them up.

Yes, 'Briks can "image" if the room is suitable and I'd say a good pair is worth from £500 for oldies to a grand possibly for a late pair. Most of us ex-'Brik owners have moved on quite a way now though and I now value tonal accuracy and "flow" in my quest for suspension of "HiFi" disbelief :)

13-09-2012, 16:36
You can keep on improving the system until you have the best sounding Isobariks in the World - but they will still be Isobariks.

<Homer mode>
Mmmm Isobariks

13-09-2012, 16:38
Most of us ex-'Brik owners have moved on quite a way now though and I now value tonal accuracy and "flow" in my quest for suspension of "HiFi" disbelief :)

None of my kit has divine right, but I will/would be sad to see the Isos go

13-09-2012, 16:39
I once met a chap (not so very long ago) who told me that his priority was sound staging and imaging. So I asked what speakers he had, expecting him to say Maggie's or similar - Linn Isobariks he responded.....I must admit I was somewhat lost as to how to respond.

I just sold a mint condition pair of Isobariks with outboard crossovers for quite sensible money - folk I asked who supposedly knew about them said they were worth around £150........complete rubbish as I got 10 times that for them.

Blimey, did you sell them for £1500 - I'm surprised they were worth that much. I'm not surprised you got more than £150 - but £1500!

13-09-2012, 16:41
Dave has said it far more eloquently than I..:youtheman:

13-09-2012, 16:48
I once met a chap (not so very long ago) who told me that his priority was sound staging and imaging. So I asked what speakers he had, expecting him to say Maggie's or similar - Linn Isobariks he responded.....I must admit I was somewhat lost as to how to respond.

Imaging ? I thought the design brief was to produce a wall of sound wherever you sit in the room..:rolleyes:

13-09-2012, 17:59
I must admit, Isobariks were pretty much the last speakers I expected him to say.

13-09-2012, 18:20
That all sounds good, Mike. I think you're some way along the path already. By the way, much to my surprise, your 'bariks did image quite well when I last heard them. I believe I thought that your preamp was possibly the weak link in the system, still do.

13-09-2012, 20:06
That all sounds good, Mike. I think you're some way along the path already. By the way, much to my surprise, your 'bariks did image quite well when I last heard them. I believe I thought that your preamp was possibly the weak link in the system, still do.

On the CD path I guess so. Yes. Must be the weakest spot now
I've been thinking more about the vinyl side desparately needing a SUT and a Phono Pre amp.
The CD improvements took me by surprise

14-09-2012, 07:45
I once met a chap (not so very long ago) who told me that his priority was sound staging and imaging. So I asked what speakers he had, expecting him to say Maggie's or similar - Linn Isobariks he responded.....I must admit I was somewhat lost as to how to respond.

I would wait for the punchline
then not know how to respond