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08-09-2012, 20:12
Well, I've been messing about with the Hi-Fi half the day and bunging a few daft posts on here.

Its now getting on and I feel a pint or four coming on, so I'm off round to the local. Slim chance of interesting female company (its a dive), but you never know.

Can't take my dog as the bugger of a landlord has banned him, but as its the only usable pub within walking distance, I'll have to put up with that I suppose.

I shall report back here in due course, G'night!

08-09-2012, 20:19
Messing about with the HiFi on a lovely day like this????? :scratch:

I listen to music on my stereo's. can't be a*sed to mess around any more apart from trying out a Mini-T with or without a preamp driving it - cough - :lol:

Enjoy your alcofrolic refreshments :)

08-09-2012, 20:29
I listen to music on my stereo's. can't be a*sed to mess around any more
Me too ;)

Glenmorangie time I think . . .

Reid Malenfant
08-09-2012, 20:30
Congratulations on 500 posts Geoff, another reason to celebrate me thinks :D

Enjoy the beer, I know I am mine :cool:

08-09-2012, 20:32
Congratulations on 500 posts Geoff
oooo, check you out eagle eye ;)

Well done Geoff.

Reid Malenfant
08-09-2012, 20:43
oooo, check you out eagle eye ;)

I very rarely look in all honesty, it just caught my eagle eye this time though :eyebrows:

09-09-2012, 10:00
Blimey, didn't realise I'd done that many!

Unfortunately, as a result of last night's imbibing, I'm going to need a 'hair of the dog' lunchtime!

12-09-2012, 17:34
Blimey, didn't realise I'd done that many!

Unfortunately, as a result of last night's imbibing, I'm going to need a 'hair of the dog' lunchtime!

Good show:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::coo l::cool::cool::cool:

14-10-2012, 10:53
Did it again last night (Saturday). Wish I hadn't bothered really, as I now have a head that feels a bit frayed around the edges, But I do so enjoy an occasional weekend evening in the boozer. Serves me right I suppose!

20-10-2012, 10:10
Well, Saturday again.

I'm taking it nice and easy this weekend, getting over a nasty little chest bug the grand daughter kindly passed on to me.

So, No Pub or other antics! Not even a can or drop of wine indoors (not keen on wine anyway and as for shorts my motto is 'don't drink them and don't wear them').

Rare Bird
20-10-2012, 10:32
um i'm quite the reverse, i used to drink beer & scotch for england..Just one bottle of Red wine on a Friday night for me nowadays.

20-10-2012, 10:38
um i'm quite the reverse, i used to drink beer & scotch for england..Just one bottle of Red wine on a Friday night for me nowadays.


Rare Bird
20-10-2012, 10:47
Booze doesnt bother me anymore Andy.. Besides i must maintain my slender sex god looks, being the Dionysus of AOS :eyebrows:

20-10-2012, 16:52
I suspect I may have more of the 'Flintstone' aspect, rather than cast in the Dionysus mould.

Anyway, 'bottoms up', who's getting the next round?

Reid Malenfant
20-10-2012, 23:36
I haven't been ill for years, apart from the odd cold maybe once every 3 or 4 years....

I reckon that the alcohol kills the germs :eyebrows:

You are doing well, not drinking that is :)

Roy S
20-10-2012, 23:39
I just stick to single malt, it's all good :cool:

21-10-2012, 10:00
Booze doesnt bother me anymore Andy.. Besides i must maintain my slender sex god looks, being the Dionysus of AOS :eyebrows:

Liar- you'll be back!:)

I'll get the next round, who wants what?:cool:


Wakefield Turntables
21-10-2012, 10:26
single malt used to be my biggest addiction, a nice bottle of glen morangie (la santa). Now, I drink roughly 4-5 pints every 2 weeks. Very occasionally sneak a few extra's in if I'm having a meal. :cool:

21-10-2012, 10:30
single malt used to be my biggest addiction, a nice bottle of glen morangie (la santa). Now, I drink roughly 4-5 pints every 2 weeks.
4 to 5 pints of Glenmorangie every 2 weeks, good skills there Andrew :lol:

Wakefield Turntables
21-10-2012, 10:41
4 to 5 pints of Glenmorangie every 2 weeks, good skills there Andrew :lol:

:doh: Tim, I got a good chuckle out of that, thanks ;) Nope, 4 to 5 pints of real ale, usually a porter or a decent stout if i can find it.

21-10-2012, 10:50
I added a nice bottle of Laddie Ten and a Black Bottle to my whisky stock yesterday. I stopped drinking on working days a year ago. Thank God it is weekend! :lol:

21-10-2012, 10:55
I used to drink quite a bit in my teens and twenties - after that I sacked it completely for a couple of years. Then I got addicted to this stuff:


It's a rare night I don't get through 3 or 4 cans - Guiness will do as a substitute in a pinch, though.

21-10-2012, 20:33
Well, its Sunday evening and the thirst is upon me.

I'm staying in and having a couple of good Lagers in front of the telly in a while. Not a 'real ale' type myself.

What does the term mean anyway, are the rest all fake ale?

21-10-2012, 22:20
What does the term mean anyway, are the rest all fake ale?

Real ale undergoes a secondary fermentation within its 'vessel of dispense' (eg. Cask or bottle). Other beers have any living yeast killed-off by pasturisation and filtration and are conditioned by the injection of carbon dioxide or other gases.


21-10-2012, 22:39
I added a nice bottle of Black Bottle to my whisky stock yesterday.

One of my favourites and very under rated, IMO. This is what I drink at the pub, if I'm having a 'hauf'n a hauf'.


21-10-2012, 22:52
Not a 'real ale' type myself.
I thought that a few years back until I tried some good ones and the varieties available are growing all the time - that fizz you enjoy could be considered the 'fake' one ;)

22-10-2012, 06:06

No, I'm the lightweight. I drink maybe one beer a week! I do like some real ales and the more premium bottled beers, but I can't drink much and therefore don't. Alcohol has never been an issue for me.

22-10-2012, 10:23
Real ale undergoes a secondary fermentation within its 'vessel of dispense' (eg. Cask or bottle). Other beers have any living yeast killed-off by pasturisation and filtration and are conditioned by the injection of carbon dioxide or other gases.


Think I'll stick with a good Lager. I like the lightness and cleanness of taste, finding most, so called 'real ales' flat and soapy.

And, yes, I know some real ales can taste OK.

There's nothing wrong with non 'real ale' beers, they just taste different.

22-10-2012, 10:26
No, I'm the lightweight. I drink maybe one beer a week! I do like some real ales and the more premium bottled beers, but I can't drink much and therefore don't. Alcohol has never been an issue for me.


22-10-2012, 10:28
I used to drink quite a bit in my teens and twenties - after that I sacked it completely for a couple of years. Then I got addicted to this stuff:


It's a rare night I don't get through 3 or 4 cans - Guiness will do as a substitute in a pinch, though.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Murphy's used to be really poular around here ten odd years ago( on draught), but have not seen it for years- bit smoother and lighter than Guinness, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Guinness.

10-11-2012, 21:33
Well, Saturday night again, nothing on the box, I'm popping round to the local for a jar or four. Haven't been for a couple of weeks, it has to be done now and then. G'night all.

10-11-2012, 21:45
Enjoy, brovva! :cool:


the engine
10-11-2012, 23:55
nowt wrong wi that lad.

01-12-2012, 20:53

it's getting late and it's Saturday night again.

Not been too well the last couple of weeks with some horrible 'lurgy' the grandkids brought back from school for me, so I haven't done a Saturday pub session recently.

I'm feeling a bit better and pondering whether to pop round the corner for a few jars. If I do I'll have a pint for you lads (& ladies?). Hope there are pleasant females about.


Rare Bird
01-12-2012, 21:06
i was out for a meal last night on one of the family birthdays :rolleyes: i must have supped four bottles of red & did i know about it this morning, i still feel rough tonight :D

01-12-2012, 21:16
Certainly sounds as though it serves you right Andre.

I have to watch it these days, I'm getting too old to cope with big booze ups. I suffer for days if I overdo it. That's why I go out a bit late, it stops me from over indulging. I'll be off out shortly and expect to be feeling a bit fuzzy around the edges tomorrow (4 or 5 pints will do it).


01-12-2012, 22:59
Been to the "InterWok" for an all you can eat, got one of the kids to drive so managed to get a few pints in as well, now busted and can't move

02-12-2012, 12:02
It's Sunday and as predicted I'm definitely a bit 'fuzzy around the edges'.
I enjoyed my few pints though. First time in a couple of weeks.

Rare Bird
02-12-2012, 12:15
I got called in to work last night, just got home, i certainly feel fuzzed around the edges :D All extra dosh i suppose.

02-12-2012, 13:04
Sounds like you need to put your feet up and have a beer!

Reid Malenfant
02-12-2012, 19:57
Sounds like you need to put your feet up and have a beer!
Excellent suggestion :cool:

Went out & did the same round a friends last night :eyebrows:

07-12-2012, 00:41

the weekend approaches.

No Saturday night in the local for me this week. I'm off to the quiet and isolated depths of south Cornwall (Nr. Helford, The Lizard) for a week, heading off mid Sunday morning and accordingly will need to be up early and clear headed for the 4 to 5 hours the drive will take.

However, in that case, I shall be popping round the pub tomorrow night (Friday) for a couple of hours. Hope the local crowd (rabble) aren't too 'out of their prams' for a change. They're quite a nice bunch really, just a bit crazy.

08-12-2012, 12:48
It's the morning after the night before and I feel quite mellow and fuzzy. Enjoyed the visit to the local last night, a few lagers rounded of with a JD nightcap. Very nice.

Got to be good for a week or so now.

08-12-2012, 12:51
It's the morning after the night before .

Nope it is now the afternoon after the night before...difficulty in rising from the old glory pit today eh?:lol:

08-12-2012, 16:10
Ha, Ha!

Reid Malenfant
08-12-2012, 20:58
Well I got a little drunk last night as the laptop i was using decided it wasn't going to boot up, no matter what I did :rolleyes: So I spent all day re-installing XP Pro on a new HDD & getting another lappy how I wanted it.

Today I decided to re-install XP Pro on the duff laptop so I could extract all the data/music etc from the second partition of the HDD :scratch:

I don't know what the hell has happened, but the lappy now works after I showed it the installation disc :rfl:

Bloody machines :donk:

So I have another excuse for a drink :D

08-12-2012, 23:00
just got in after a meal out at Devils Dyke, time for a scotch or two :D

09-12-2012, 00:09
I'm up early tomorrow, so just a couple of bottles of rather nice Mexican 'Corona' lager tonight.

10-12-2012, 08:23
There's something about Corona: it's a really nice, light and gluggy beer that refreshes but doesn't go to my head.

02-02-2013, 20:35
Saturday evening again, I think the pub beckons.

I haven't had a decent Saturday evening in my local boozer for some time. I think tonight's the night though.

After the stress of having to revamp my PC over the last two days, following the (well documented on here) disastrous viral/malware attack it suffered, I really need to relax and have a bit of a laugh (that's good coming from an admittedly 'grumpy old git').

I'll be going out a bit on the late side. I just hope my chums haven't got too hammered by the time I arrive. I can always chat to the women though, mind you they might be worse for wear too.


Rare Bird
02-02-2013, 20:38
Have a good drink Geoff.. I have to behave till next week i went mad on the Red wine last night.. Was nice tho :eyebrows:

02-02-2013, 20:43
Got the log burner glowing nicely Just starting my second Badger Brewery Ale (Tanglefoot) after a what seems like a long 6 days working spent digging things up for a change including a Church floor which was very hard, just waiting for the Curry to arrive now :cool:

Rare Bird
02-02-2013, 20:45
Church Floor eh! you got lots of Oak Parquet flooring spare then? :eyebrows:

02-02-2013, 20:54
Church Floor eh! you got lots of Oak Parquet flooring spare then? :eyebrows:

afraid not we got to put it all back down after we have done the ground work, if i had a pound from everyone that walked in and said have you found any bones yet and all that :doh:

Unbelievable the church dates from the 14th century and all its built on is a chalk and soil footing and hasn't moved or cracked at all

Rare Bird
02-02-2013, 21:03
Unbelievable the church dates from the 14th century and all its built on is a chalk and soil footing and hasn't moved or cracked at all

Aye.. I always fancied living in an old Chapel, but then again i always wanted to live in an old Railway station or even an old Railway coach :mental:

02-02-2013, 21:14
did you see the "Restoration Man" about the couple who converted and lived in a n old water tower, they have just repeated it this week with updates right up your street

Rare Bird
02-02-2013, 21:38
No, what channel Jon?

02-02-2013, 21:47
Here you (http://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-restoration-man)go

Rare Bird
02-02-2013, 21:48
Cheers Jon :thumbsup:

02-02-2013, 22:56
Well that was a waste of time.

I took a stroll round to the pub and it was as dead as a doornail. Only a couple of dedicated drunks in there and the place was cold. Saturdays are usually reasonably lively, must be the weather.

I came back home, as I hate an empty pub. I'll just relax indoors with a few lagers I think!

If I start making daft posts you'll know I've had a couple.

Rare Bird
03-02-2013, 16:47
It's always dead in our pub being a small village, but i like that cos i don't like people :eyebrows:

03-02-2013, 17:13
It's always dead in our pub being a small village, but i like that cos i don't like people :eyebrows:


27-07-2013, 21:45
Well I was going to pop out for a beer or three at the local tonight, but somehow I just haven't rustled up the energy.

So, I'm going to start on a couple of cans of reasonable lager in a minute and carry on annoying you lot! :)

Roy S
27-07-2013, 21:49
Drinking this at the moment, delicious!


27-07-2013, 21:51
I'm on my second can of Newcastle Brown. I have to watch the drink these days due to my meds otherwise there'd be a Newky Brown massacre in this house ;)

27-07-2013, 21:52
Is that the African brewed mega strength Guinness Roy?

Roy S
27-07-2013, 21:53
Is that the African brewed mega strength Guinness Roy?

It is Geoff, 7.5%. Have to say it's blurring the edges nicely!

27-07-2013, 21:57
Hmm, I've got a can of Holsten and a can of quite tasty 7% Polish lager handy. I don't keep much in the house as I tend to get carried away! Might pinch a glass or so of the wife's wine to round things off though (not that keen on wine).

Roy S
27-07-2013, 22:07
Hmm, I've got a can of Holsten and a can of quite tasty 7% Polish lager handy. I don't keep much in the house as I tend to get carried away! Might pinch a glass or so of the wife's wine to round things off though (not that keen on wine).

Had some wine with dinner (Chilean red with Beef stew, Couscous & Broccoli), will have another Guiness then a single malt or two before bedtime. The volume control seems to increase incrementally in line with alcohol intake, have to watch I don't upset the neighbours.

27-07-2013, 22:21
I'd love to play some music, but the grandkids (who live with me) are having trouble settling down tonight (little buggers).

27-07-2013, 22:52
It is Geoff, 7.5%. Have to say it's blurring the edges nicely!

How's yer head now Roy. I'm just mellowing out nicely myself. :cool:

Roy S
27-07-2013, 22:56
How's yer head now Roy. I'm just mellowing out nicely myself. :cool:

Well chilled thanks Geoff. On the single malt now, sliding down a treat. Got a hankering for some Motown...

27-07-2013, 23:02
Well chilled thanks Geoff. On the single malt now, sliding down a treat. Got a hankering for some Motown...

Did you know there's only one 'Top' left (out of the 'Four')?

Roy S
27-07-2013, 23:08
Did you know there's only one 'Top' left (out of the 'Four')?

Hmm. Appropriate I've just listened to 'farewell is a lonely sound'

27-07-2013, 23:15
Tamla is great, especially the early stuff. It's just a shame so many of the recordings are pretty duff.

Roy S
27-07-2013, 23:16
This one's a cracker


Thing Fish
28-07-2013, 00:45
currently on my second bottle of hardys stamp and now playing 'bop til you drop' what a great album...:)

28-07-2013, 01:05
So am I:

The first being a 2010 Pouilly-Fuissé, Domaine Magnon-Gonon, the second being a 2008 Château Les Vallées Bordeaux.

Hot weather? Sod it - it's not going to affect what I drink!

28-07-2013, 10:29
I hardly ever drink but last night Ruth and I enjoyed a Long Island Iced Tea at Coal during their 2-for-1 hour. Absolutely perfect drink for the warm weather and isn't half strong :eek:


03-08-2013, 20:07
Well, Saturday night again and not having been out for a drink for a couple weeks, I'm off round the local for a few lagers. Cheers! :)

(just hope the head doesn't hurt too much in the morning, not that I've got anything important to deal with)

Roy S
03-08-2013, 20:11
Cheers Geoff.

I'm sticking with a Chilean Red after Spatchcocked Chicken with Lemon Butter & Garlic :eyebrows: (& a bit of Daft Punk)

04-08-2013, 20:45
Well, Saturday night again and not having been out for a drink for a couple weeks, I'm off round the local for a few lagers. Cheers! :)

(just hope the head doesn't hurt too much in the morning, not that I've got anything important to deal with)

It's now Sunday night and my head was not too bad this morning after all. I think I'll celebrate this with a couple of hairs of the dog shortly. Some decent lager sipped in front of the telly sounds good to me. :)

Can't put any sounds on, my grand daughter is upstairs trying to get to sleep.

05-08-2013, 17:59
T'was absolutely baking in Beaune today, still managed a few escargots with the house Pinot Noir (served just a bit cold, which was lovely).

Back at the flat now and just starting to bring together the goat cheese, pear and walnut salad which must mean it's time to crack open the Saint-Veran I scored from 'le cave'

France, damn pricey but flippin' great!

17-08-2013, 22:06
Saturday night and I hadn't realised how late it is. Bit engrossed in things.

Time for a beer or three. Can't listen to music straight away, Hi-Fi's in bits. It'll be back together shortly! Cheers all. :)

17-08-2013, 22:11
had a bbq in the rain, sunk a few beers off to the Cranleigh classic car show tomorrow

17-08-2013, 22:24
off to the Cranleigh classic car show tomorrow

Sounds good. Didn't know there was one, not too far from me either. Can't go though, a bit busy tomorrow. :(

18-08-2013, 22:18
So, its late Sunday night. Looks as though last night is repeating itself.

Having a few lagers and chilling out. No worries about getting up early. Being retired has its benefits.

At least the Hi-Fi is back together and sounding wonderful (for now).

Cheers! :cool:

18-08-2013, 22:22
So, its late Sunday night. Looks as though last night is repeating itself.

Having a few lagers and chilling out. No worries about getting up early. Being retired has its benefits.

At least the Hi-Fi is back together and sounding wonderful (for now).

Cheers! :cool:

No doubt, your dog is sitting in front of you begging for a sip of lager :D

18-08-2013, 22:53
No, he's crashed out on the floor in front of my chair pretending to be asleep (he never really is). :)

18-08-2013, 22:57
No, he's crashed out on the floor in front of my chair pretending to be asleep (he never really is). :)

Then next thing he will be humping your legs with out you knowing :lol:

18-08-2013, 23:03
Nah, he's a 'no nuts' dog, doesn't have urges! :)

18-08-2013, 23:07
Nah, he's a 'no nuts' dog, doesn't have urges! :)

Poor dog can no longer wank it's self. Anyway, it was done for the better, Geoff....Good move!!! :lol:

18-08-2013, 23:12
Wasn't me that had the lad 'done'. He came like that, he was a rescued dog and he's my best mate now.

18-08-2013, 23:18
Well that's good, '''plug & play''' dog. Nice dog he is, Geoff. We got our cat from the same RSPCA place!!

24-08-2013, 22:38
Tonight I'm taking it easy and will be going to bed soon. Strangely, no beer. That makes a change for me on a Saturday.

31-08-2013, 21:39
Ah, it's that time of the week again.

Did the pub thing last night, so I'll shortly be having a can or two of nice German lager to round the day off! Cheers.:cool:

31-08-2013, 21:42
Ah, it's that time of the week again.

Did the pub thing last night, so I'll shortly be having a can or two of nice German lager to round the day off! Cheers.:cool:

Been ages since i've had a beer. Enjoy !

Thing Fish
31-08-2013, 21:50
Probably admitting a bit too much but I work nights and so only drink 3 nights in 9.

I have just found out I am suffering from gout...:doh:

Probably due to the fact that when i drink it consists of 4 - 5 pints down the pub followed by 2 x bottles of red wine at home. The thing is I don't feel that drunk?

I think it's time I took stock of things...:mental:

Rare Bird
31-08-2013, 21:51
No Beer tonight had to go into work, the new week starts now :(

Roy S
31-08-2013, 21:59
I have just found out I am suffering from gout...:doh:

Get down the quacks & get some diclofenac sodium, magic for curing gout. I wash 'em down with a nice red :D

Thing Fish
31-08-2013, 22:04
Get down the quacks & get some diclofenac sodium, magic for curing gout. I wash 'em down with a nice red :D

That's my kind of cure Roy...:eyebrows:

14-09-2013, 11:51
Suffering a bit since getting up this morning, after a Friday night pub session which I rather enjoyed. My first piss up for a month or so. It's unlikely that I'll be doing the Saturday night bit this weekend! :)

14-09-2013, 12:19
Suffering a bit since getting up this morning, after a Friday night pub session which I rather enjoyed. My first piss up for a month or so. It's unlikely that I'll be doing the Saturday night bit this weekend! :)

You mean you have a bloody hangover !! Oh Geoff !!!!!

Rare Bird
14-09-2013, 12:27
Im out this after for some mucky Beer.. I should be in a state by tonight :D

14-09-2013, 13:03
Im out this after for some mucky Beer.. I should be in a state by tonight :D:cool: Good show.

14-09-2013, 13:12
You mean you have a bloody hangover !! Oh Geoff !!!!!

Ah, so that's what it is. ;)

I'll be popping out to get a couple of German lagers to relax with in front of the telly (or on here) later tonight. But I just may, if the fancy takes me, pop round to the boozer again tonight just for the hell of it, but I seldom do pubbing two nights on the trot. My poor old body can't cope these days! :cool:

12-10-2013, 22:39
I was very tempted to pop round to my local boozer tonight, but somehow got tied up doing other stuff. Anyway, just started a can of east european 7% lager (with more to follow) and awaiting 'chill out' mode. :cool:

20-10-2013, 13:02
Well it's 'the day after the night before' and I have to say I'm feeling rather slowed down and knackered. I went round to the local pub last night and had a few beers (five pints of Fosters to be exact) for the first time in weeks. I have to admit, the old body can't really take it these days. Good job it isn't often! :cool:

Rare Bird
20-10-2013, 13:24
I has a reyt good session yesterday on Caledonian Poltergeist. i supped as much as i physically could :eyebrows:

26-10-2013, 23:00
Well, it's late Saturday night (still). I quite fancied a visit to the local this evening, but I really buggered my back up on Monday and been in agony all week, so sitting on a stool or standing at a bar is out of the question. Instead I've opted for a few cans of reasonable lager indoors and a poke about on here and eBay to keep myself sane (sort of)! Cheers folks! :cool:

23-11-2013, 20:26
Saturday night once again. I'm very tempted to trundle round the corner and have a few beers in an hour or so. I know I'll regret it tomorrow, but these things have to be done once in a while and it's been a couple of weeks since I indulged! Cheers. :cool:

23-11-2013, 21:02
Too cold to go out - I'm stopping in with some cans of Guinness. Just watched Invasion of the Body Snatchers. All good fun.

Roy S
23-11-2013, 21:10
Wine for me (a nice Tempranillo). Just had Garlic Mushrooms as a starter & got Chicken & Chorizo Pasta to follow.

23-11-2013, 21:14
A nice Rioja at home watching shite TV, never go out these days very much, mainly 'cos of the nippers, but I can't really be arsed when the sofa is so comfy. Cheers all. :cool:

23-11-2013, 21:19
Too cold to go out - I'm stopping in with some cans of Guinness. Just watched Invasion of the Body Snatchers. All good fun.

Well my boozer is only about five minutes walk so I won't get cold and I intend to have a nice pint in front of me in just over a quarter of an hour!

23-11-2013, 21:22
Good to see you around Alex - I'm liking your new motor btw - good choice - those Chrysler gangster mobiles look cool but they are not such a good motor really. Anyway - cheers!

23-11-2013, 21:29
Cheers Martin - had a tough few months since the summer but hopefully settling down a bit now and I can spend a bit more time here - but more importantly listening to some music on a decent system. The VW has been great so far, except the wife loves it and nicks it at every opportunity!

The Barbarian
23-11-2013, 22:13
O about 10 pints of some crap {that tasted nice}

24-11-2013, 19:45
As predicted, last night's five pints of lager, whilst very enjoyable, did me no favours at all today. Been a bit thick headed all day. At least I managed to cook a Sunday dinner every body liked. Chicken & mushroom pasta bake with loads of veg in and crunchy cheese topping. Yum!

06-12-2013, 20:57
Well it's actually Friday night, but I feel a pint coming on.

I've had a cold all week which has really cramped my style, but it is easing off slowly and I reckon a beer or four is well deserved and will cheer me up.

I reckon by about half nine I'll be propping up the bar of my local with a nice pint of lager in front of me.

08-02-2014, 22:10
Saturday night again folks. I did the pub night thing yesterday (still suffering), so tonight I'm (shortly) going to have a few lagers in front of my PC and chill with some sounds going on in the background. May have a quick look at the telly, but it's mainly crap. Cheers! :cool:

08-02-2014, 22:21
I'm following the bear with some Holsten Pils...

15-03-2014, 20:16
Not done a pub night for a month or so. As it's Saturday again, I feel rather tempted. I believe the 'Paddy's Day' festivities are on this evening, that's usually good for a laugh. I expect a whole bunch of my Irish chums will turn up and liven the evening.

The Barbarian
16-03-2014, 00:35
Ive been on the wagon for over 2 months..Doubt i'll ever drink again in the near future!

16-03-2014, 07:15
On the wagon this weekend this weekend as l have a medical Monday morning, it is hard though........:(

Roy S
16-03-2014, 12:26
Curry in Romford last night washed down by a few Cobras


16-03-2014, 12:41
Where abouts in Romford Roy?

Roy S
16-03-2014, 12:46
Where abouts in Romford Roy?

Taj Mahal, top of Victoria Road. We all decided the food could have been spicier, the waiter actually talked my stepson out of having a Madras!

16-03-2014, 12:54
Taj Mahal, top of Victoria Road. We all decided the food could have been spicier, the waiter actually talked my stepson out of having a Madras!

Know it well, been in there a few times.:cool:

Hope you enjoyed it.

29-03-2014, 20:09
Scrumpy Jack tonight :D

I'm not sure i will think this in the morning though:doh:

01-06-2014, 18:50
A day late actually. I went round the corner to the pub for a beer last night, first time in a few months and I enjoyed it to an extent, I had five pints, which is moderate by some people's standards, but I've been suffering all day with a fuzzy head and no energy. Basically I think I'm too old to hack it! :eyebrows:

01-06-2014, 18:56
A day late actually. I went round the corner to the pub for a beer last night, first time in a few months and I enjoyed it to an extent, I had five pints, which is moderate by some people's standards, but I've been suffering all day with a fuzzy head and no energy. Basically I think I'm too old to hack it! :eyebrows:

A few years ago I could happily drink 6 pints over 3 hours; especially if there was good company and conversation. These days, three pints spread over a whole afternoon is a bit of a struggle for me.

Wakefield Turntables
01-06-2014, 19:07
I switched to single malts and dont get hangovers! :drunk:

01-06-2014, 19:11
I switched to single malts and dont get hangovers! :drunk:

Ah, but have you stayed sober long enough to find out? :D

Wakefield Turntables
01-06-2014, 20:00
YEAH! But after 5 or 6 good glugs it starts to take effect!!

01-06-2014, 20:05
I used to enjoy the occasional single malt, but not tried one for years.

Wakefield Turntables
01-06-2014, 21:14
I'm currently sipping 10 year old Jura Origin. Very nice. I'd also recommend Glen Morange, "La Santa". This is my favourite. :)

The Barbarian
01-06-2014, 21:19
Taj Mahal, top of Victoria Road. We all decided the food could have been spicier, the waiter actually talked my stepson out of having a Madras!

Do you go for an 'Amen' haircut first?

Ali Tait
01-06-2014, 21:34
I'm currently sipping 10 year old Jura Origin. Very nice. I'd also recommend Glen Morange, "La Santa". This is my favourite. :)

Would that be Glenmorangie.. :ner:

Wakefield Turntables
01-06-2014, 21:43
Would that be Glenmorangie.. :ner:

See what happens when you drink!

Roy S
01-06-2014, 22:22
Do you go for an 'Amen' haircut first?

Do you know Romford well Andre? (or maybe just from Google Maps :eyebrows:)


02-06-2014, 05:17
Off for a slurp this afternoon, after a weekend of night work- l rule.

Audio Al
02-06-2014, 08:20
I have a week away from work so I can slurp whenever I want , I am stocked up with the following

1 Ltr whiskey
1 Lit Brandy
1 x 12 pack of celebrity beers + 3 left from the last pack
1 x 6 pack of cider

not sure how long it will last :cool:

The Grand Wazoo
02-06-2014, 19:21
What the hell is a 'celebrity beer' Al?

19-07-2014, 20:44
Once again it's Saturday night and I really fancy a beer or two. With the heat, which I detest, I really need a nightcap to get to sleep (I had a couple last night too and they did the job). Anyway, I'm going to pop some lagers in a while. Stopped doing the occasional Saturday night pub job these days. Cheers! :cool:

Roy S
19-07-2014, 21:14
Cheers Geoff. Been drinking wine most of the day but that makes me thirsty :scratch: time for some lager (& maybe a single malt later)

19-07-2014, 21:50
Cheers Geoff. Been drinking wine most of the day but that makes me thirsty :scratch: time for some lager (& maybe a single malt later)

Yes, cheers Roy. All we retired blokes need is to relax with a nice drink and not stress over work. Ever. :)

Roy S
19-07-2014, 21:59
Yes, cheers Roy. All we retired blokes need is to relax with a nice drink and not stress over work. Ever. :)

I'll drink to that (although I did meet up with some ex-colleagues last night and they were telling me how terrible it all was now I'd gone... I sympathised :ner:)

19-07-2014, 22:04
Yes, cheers Roy. All we retired blokes need is to relax with a nice drink and not stress over work. Ever. :)

Yeah rub it in lads. ;)

On my last Guinness of the evening.

Roy S
19-07-2014, 22:14
Yeah rub it in lads. ;)

On my last Guinness of the evening.

Sorry Martin. But honestly this deciding what to do every day is a real chore :D

19-07-2014, 22:15
Yeah rub it in lads. ;)

Did my bit sunshine. 38 years in civil engineering and retired early. I know things were chaotic after I left, 'cos nobody there knew how to do my job properly. Never mind 'eh. :D

Enjoy your beer! :)

19-07-2014, 22:25
Sorry Martin. But honestly this deciding what to do every day is a real chore :D

I'm sure it's hell, especially with the weather and all.

Wait until I win the lottery - summer in England, the rest of the year in the Caribbean. I'll send you a postcard :)

Roy S
19-07-2014, 22:25
They're wanting me back on a consultancy basis, only considering it as it'll give me the chance to tell all the arseholes/wastes of oxygen I didn't like what I really thought of them without fear of reprisal :eek:

19-07-2014, 22:28
They're wanting me back on a consultancy basis, only considering it as it'll give me the chance to tell all the arseholes/wastes of oxygen I didn't like what I really thought of them without fear of reprisal :eek:

A highly entertaining and lucrative proposition. How can you pass it up?

Roy S
19-07-2014, 22:29
A highly entertaining and lucrative proposition. How can you pass it up?

There's a particular 'Project Manager' (what do they do exactly?) who might get both barrels

19-07-2014, 22:39
A couple of places I have worked I would pay them to be able to go back and do that. Enjoy!

Roy S
19-07-2014, 22:42
Dunno if they can afford me yet ;)


The Barbarian
20-07-2014, 08:45
Jesus i got rat arsed last night. Selling mucky beer at £2 a pint at our boozer. half a bottle of Punch before i went out did not help matters..

06-09-2014, 20:22
Tonight: Guinness.

'Because you're worth it'

Audio Al
06-09-2014, 20:37
Banks's Bitter

06-09-2014, 20:41
Banks's used to do a tremendous cask Mild. I use to like a drop of Mild but you can't even get it in cans anymore it seems.

Audio Al
06-09-2014, 20:44
Banks's used to do a tremendous cask Mild. I use to like a drop of Mild but you can't even get it in cans anymore it seems.

Not tried that one Martin :eyebrows:

06-09-2014, 20:50
I lived in a pub for a while so I got the chance to try a lot of beer. :)

Roy S
06-09-2014, 20:51
Pint of Shiraz :D

Audio Al
06-09-2014, 20:53
I lived in a pub for a while so I got the chance to try a lot of beer. :)

RESULT :cool:

06-09-2014, 20:54
Don't go to the pub anymore (unless on hols), but I'll be having a beer shortly. Cheers! :cool:

Roy S
06-09-2014, 20:57
Cheers Geoff but don't call me 'shortly'

04-10-2014, 19:20
Well, it's that time of the week once more.

I've not had a beer for weeks, but definitely fancy one tonight, so I'll be having a few nice lagers in a while. Cheers all! :cool:

04-10-2014, 19:24
Enjoy yersel Geoff but not too many mind ;) Leaving at 3.30am and traveling to Majorca . Just as well I don't drink as I'm driving to the airport . Have one for me matey :cool:

04-10-2014, 19:39
Nice one, Brian. How long are you away for? Hope you have a great time, dude! :cool:


04-10-2014, 20:13
7 nights mate. Looking forward to the rest TBH it's been a busy year one way and another.:)

04-10-2014, 20:16
Quality - you deserve it, mate. I might have another wee project for you when you get back ;)


04-10-2014, 20:21
Sounds interesting :eyebrows:

04-10-2014, 20:23
It could be…. :trust:


04-10-2014, 23:37
So could this equally say: "Late Saturday and time for a Whisky & mixer" ?? if so count me in...

Roy S
05-10-2014, 01:51
So could this equally say: "Late Saturday and time for a Whisky & mixer" ?? if so count me in...

If the mixers just a cube of ice or two ;)

05-10-2014, 02:18
If the mixers just a cube of ice or two ;)

Im afraid not Roy... I swish it with Diet Coke... don't worry it's not expensive malt whisky we are talking about...;)

05-10-2014, 02:22
Enjoy yersel Geoff but not too many mind ;) Leaving at 3.30am and traveling to Majorca . Just as well I don't drink as I'm driving to the airport . Have one for me matey :cool:

Have a nice break Brian. :)

What I'd give for a holiday at the moment. No job, no money and the wife has to wait 12 months for holiday leave entitlements in her new job. Hoping things will improve.

05-10-2014, 02:31
Im afraid not Roy... I swish it with Diet Coke... don't worry it's not expensive malt whisky we are talking about...;)
I'll have to send you my recipe for Ginger Beer.

05-10-2014, 02:33
What I'd give for a holiday at the moment. No job, no money and the wife has to wait 12 months for holiday leave entitlements in her new job. Hoping things will improve.
Where I come from every winter we dream of having a holiday in Brisbane

05-10-2014, 02:40
It's hard to enjoy myself with so much on my mind. My wife keeps telling me to chill out. I just feel like I'm not contributing enough at the moment. We need the 2nd income to do all the major renovations to the kitchen and bathrooms. the house has been a rental property for 15 years, so desperately needs it.

The up side is I do get to listen to a lot more music at the moment. :)

11-10-2014, 20:44
It's that time on Saturday again. Must pop out in a minute to get some beers. I really fancy a couple or three. Cheers! :cool:

11-10-2014, 20:46
It's that time on Saturday again. Must pop out in a minute to get some beers. I really fancy a couple or three. Cheers! :cool:

Hope you get topped-up soon Geoff... I'm not a beer drinker myself ... just a little Whisky & Coke for me... ;)

11-10-2014, 21:20
Hope you get topped-up soon Geoff... I'm not a beer drinker myself ... just a little Whisky & Coke for me... ;)

Well I'm back. Just found some 7.0 strength Polish lager, could be interesting. I quite like east European beers.

11-10-2014, 21:32
Benchmark old no8 Bourbon for me tonight with a can of Tennents lager as a chaser.....Just a nice sippin' whisky but at a good price....enjoying Traffik

11-10-2014, 21:33
Well I'm back. Just found some 7.0 strength Polish lager, could be interesting. I quite like east European beers.

If you like the stronger end of ales you could try McEwans Champion http://www.mcewans.co.uk/our-beers/champions/?age-verified=39403017c8
Then there's Shepherd Neame's IPA, which is a lovely tipple http://www.shepherdneame.co.uk/brands/ales/india-pale-ale

11-10-2014, 21:46
If you like the stronger end of ales you could try McEwans Champion http://www.mcewans.co.uk/our-beers/champions/?age-verified=39403017c8
Then there's Shepherd Neame's IPA, which is a lovely tipple http://www.shepherdneame.co.uk/brands/ales/india-pale-ale

Ah, but I'm a lager drinker. Exclusively! :)

11-10-2014, 22:25
Well I'm back. Just found some 7.0 strength Polish lager, could be interesting. I quite like east European beers.

Has it hit the spot yet Geoff....?? :eek:

11-10-2014, 22:37
Has it hit the spot yet Geoff....?? :eek:

Yes! Mellowing out nicely thanks Bev. :)

11-10-2014, 22:52
Yes! Mellowing out nicely thanks Bev. :)

Sounds good to me ... :D

Audio Al
12-10-2014, 02:37
Mothers ruin for me tonight :cool:

12-10-2014, 07:30
A few Adnams Broadsides for me last night. Very nice. We didn't get in until 3.00 am, up at 6.15 am. Bonkers, so much to do today, sod it back to bed after a few tunes.

18-10-2014, 20:21
Saturday night again and I'm having a well deserved lager or three shortly, having being run ragged by the grand kids all day. Bought some dodgy looking strong east European stuff, might be OK. I simply can't be bothered to use my local pub any more (it's not great anyway). Cheers all! :cool:

18-10-2014, 20:36
Cheers Geoff. Good health to you. I'm on the Guinness, going to watch a fillum now.

18-10-2014, 21:20
Haven't been in a pub for years. I drink at home, and am enjoying a dram or 3 of good bourbon with lager chaser as per......watching the end of Titanic film............the captain of the Carpathia is a dead ringer for my da when he was that age....always spooks me when I see him.

Audio Al
18-10-2014, 21:21
I have the following choices

Bitter with a widget :hmm:

18-10-2014, 21:25
I have the following choices

Bitter with a widget :hmm:

Hope thats Irish WhiskEy :rolleyes:

Audio Al
18-10-2014, 21:28
It's Famous grouse :)

18-10-2014, 21:36
It's Famous grouse :)

Not bad for a blended grain Al (benefits from a splash of something), but its spelt whisky:eyebrows: we Scots are protective of the difference :lol:

18-10-2014, 22:02
Saturday night again and I'm having a well deserved lager or three shortly, having being run ragged by the grand kids all day. Bought some dodgy looking strong east European stuff, might be OK. I simply can't be bothered to use my local pub any more (it's not great anyway). Cheers all! :cool:

Good move on not going to the pub. Nothing beats home IMO!

Once (or sometimes) twice a week I like having a beer myself. Had a Fosters the other day. Best drank when chilled really! Like most beers.


18-10-2014, 22:11
I was outside one of your favourite eateries today Shane. 'Big Bites Cafe'. Have you got a decent place near you now?

18-10-2014, 22:15
I have the following choices

Bitter with a widget :hmm:
Al I'm with you on either the Gin, Brandy or Whisky but I'll have to pass on the Bitter... :spew:

Whisky and Coke for me tonight.... nice and warming.... I'm tucked up nice and warm in my fleece onesie having a little tipple myself...:D

(And look...... no spelling mistakes.... as normal... he he he !! :D:D)

Audio Al
18-10-2014, 22:17
(And look...... no spelling mistakes.... as normal... he he he !! )

Yet ;)

18-10-2014, 22:17
I was outside one of your favourite eateries today Shane. 'Big Bites Cafe'. Have you got a decent place near you now?

Lovely, did you buy something to eat at Big Bites?

Here in Torquay I sometimes like going to the Silver Goose cafe. Plus, its fairly local too!!


The Barbarian
18-10-2014, 22:43
Yeh saturday night load of beer the wife with the face on me wishing i was single great life.

Roll on next saturday night

18-10-2014, 22:51
(And look...... no spelling mistakes.... as normal... hee hee hee !! :D:D)

Are you sure?

18-10-2014, 22:51
Yet ;)

You always make me giggle...:D

18-10-2014, 22:54
. hee hee hee !!
Are you sure?

That's very funny Chris.... I THINK: "he he" was correct... but what do I know.....????

18-10-2014, 23:00
Yeh saturday night load of beer the wife with the face on me wishing i was single great life.

Roll on next saturday night

You've got about a quarter of a good blues-rock song lyrics written there...I suppose you could ELP it up a bit,,,

18-10-2014, 23:00
That's very funny Chris.... I THINK: "he he" was correct... but what do I know.....????

It's not!

18-10-2014, 23:04
It's not!

At least it hasn't been changed though....;)

18-10-2014, 23:08
Yeh saturday night load of beer the wife with the face on me wishing i was single great life.

Roll on next saturday night

Oh bless...

18-10-2014, 23:12
was just speaking to a foxy lady :eyebrows: .....went to put something (a bottle:doh:) in the bucket and bless me if standing there was not a vixen.....she ran off down the road. first one Ive seen this year.

18-10-2014, 23:27
was just speaking to a foxy lady :eyebrows: .....went to put something (a bottle:doh:) in the bucket and bless me if standing there was not a vixen.....she ran off down the road. first one Ive seen this year.

Grant although I live in the City I see loads of foxes... I saw a really nice plump one a couple of nights ago... he, or she, looked in fantastic condition with a really bushy tail too..... bless them.. I love wildlife even if it's in the City

.....and for those that want it spelt wrongly: Grint altho I livee in the city I c loods of fixes.. etc etc :D:D......

18-10-2014, 23:47
Verery naice pots Bve. :)

By the way, a plump looking fox is usually not well.

18-10-2014, 23:53
Verery naice pots Bve. :)

By the way, a plump looking fox is usually not well.

Nice one Geoff... a real giggle.. :D

Oh that's a shame about my fox then as he, or she, might be unwell... it certainly looked pretty fit though.. how little I know though.. :mental:

18-10-2014, 23:59
Females are often a little thinner unless in pup and have a narrower face with a shorter snout.

19-10-2014, 00:03
Females are often a little thinner unless in pup and have a narrower face with a shorter snout.

Yes Grant I've seen pretty skinny foxes around nearby but this one was nice and plump.. hopefully he, or she, was just a good size and not unhealthy..:)

19-10-2014, 00:38
Not bad for a blended grain Al (benefits from a splash of something), but its spelt whisky:eyebrows: we Scots are protective of the difference :lol:
I prefer 'spelled' to distinguish it from the grain - unless of course it is some species of whisky or whiskey actually made from spelt.

19-10-2014, 22:20
In this case it's Sunday night and I need a drink.
Going to open a bottle from the cellar

Will let you know my findings

19-10-2014, 22:39
OOOH, this is GOOD!!! spicey but really nice. smooth as George Benson on guitar :eyebrows::cool:

24-10-2014, 23:23
Couldn't wait for Saturday ,its been a hard week so been down the local for a couple of pints of fullers LP , 10 pm and the place was nearly empty:mental:

01-11-2014, 12:07
I shall be having a beer or three tonight. I may even go to the pub. Not done that for about a year, but somehow I have the itch to do so, as the thirst has set in today. Cheers! :cool:

01-11-2014, 12:32
It's all that traveling mate , builds up a thirst . Hope you had a nice day at Daves place.

01-11-2014, 12:40
It's all that traveling mate , builds up a thirst . Hope you had a nice day at Daves place.

Yes, I enjoyed the visit to Dave's. He's a nice chap and his missus is friendly too.

(the drive back was a bugger. Friday afternoon traffic into London is always murder)

01-11-2014, 22:57
I am not into beer... hate the stuff..

I'm on the Whisky and coke.... nice on a Saturday night... :cool:

01-11-2014, 23:01
I did pop down the boozer earlier. What a waste of time. There was one other customer, so I had a quick pint and came back home. I'll have a couple of cans of Lager shortly! ;)

01-11-2014, 23:03
I did pop down the boozer earlier. What a waste of time. There was one other customer, so I had a quick pint and came back home. I'll have a couple of cans of Lager shortly! ;)

Sounds good to me Geoff... :cool:

01-11-2014, 23:20
I is currently supping on a can of sugar free Ginger Beer :door:

08-11-2014, 19:51
Ah, Saturday again. It will soon be time for a drink or two (or three or more). Got nothing in the house, so I'm popping down the 'offie' to stock up. I intend to have a decent mellowing out session later. Cheers! :cool:

(I expect my posts will get dafter by about 11.00)

08-11-2014, 19:56
I've got a bottle of Wild Turkey to open very shortly....Yum:D

08-11-2014, 21:05
Right. Off to the 'offie' for a rummage for something interesting. I shall report back! ;)

Roy S
08-11-2014, 21:16
Right. Off to the 'offie'

Get me a curly wurly Geoff

08-11-2014, 21:20
Damn has he gone already? I wanted one of those Terry's chocolate orange bars. It's like a Terry's chocolate orange but in bar form.

And some pork scratchings.

08-11-2014, 21:23
Can of lighter fuel, please, (for sniffing).


08-11-2014, 21:34
I thought you weaned yourself off that?

08-11-2014, 21:38
:o :o


08-11-2014, 21:45
Get me a curly wurly Geoff

I've not seen "a curly wurly Geoff" does it look like me? :eyebrows:

Anyway, I got some cans of 'Lech Pils' polish lager. It's not bad at all, had it before. Also bought cheap white wine for the missus (couldn't find what she normally has).

08-11-2014, 21:54
You forgot the pork scratchings, you forgot the lighter fluid...

08-11-2014, 21:54
I'm certainly gobblin' the Turkey down:doh: I'll get me coat

Roy S
08-11-2014, 22:05
Also bought cheap white wine for the missus (couldn't find what she normally has).

All out of Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Montrachet Grand Cru were they?

08-11-2014, 22:09
You forgot the pork scratchings, you forgot the lighter fluid...

Well as you'd forgotten to put it on the shopping list...................... :rolleyes:

08-11-2014, 22:16
All out of Domaine de la Romanée-Conti Montrachet Grand Cru were they?

Yup, fortunately though they had some Blue Nun.


08-11-2014, 22:19
I've not seen "a curly wurly Geoff”...

If you like, I can show you a nice fat one I popped down the pan earlier - six inches long it was, and beautifully marbled... :eyebrows:


08-11-2014, 22:49
If you like, I can show you a nice fat one I popped down the pan earlier - six inches long it was, and beautifully marbled... :eyebrows:


Sounds horrific! :eek:

08-11-2014, 22:56
Yes, I had to push quite hard before the bugger of a beef olive dislodged itself from its ‘housing’ (unfortunately snapping in half upon exit)…. It was stuffed with 'corn Niblets’ too, even though I hadn’t eaten any :scratch:


08-11-2014, 23:07
I know what you mean. Vomit always has diced carrot in it regardless of diet. :eyebrows:

08-11-2014, 23:24
Swap you a ‘corn on the cob’ for a diced carrot :D


08-11-2014, 23:37
Swap you a ‘corn on the cob’ for a diced carrot :D


Not a chance matey. I know where value lies. A good vomit has far greater public impact! ;)

08-11-2014, 23:40
No beer for me tonight! Only water!!
