View Full Version : Twisted Green

07-09-2012, 12:04
I'd like to share my own deck. Inspiration came from square angular design of the 401, and my desire to make something preeedddyy;

The arm is an RB300 I had an accident with, never wanting to throw anything out, I've made a maple wand to make it 12"

07-09-2012, 14:56
Wow Mark! Thats a beautiful design and must have taken it's toll in man-hours?
Please link your piccie to the "Get your turntables out for the lads -2012" thread!
Regards Mike

07-09-2012, 14:58
Wow, that's a gorgeous plinth, nice work ;)

07-09-2012, 21:24
Thank you for your kind words, yes, certainly a labour of love.

I've got a rack to match in my head………….

07-09-2012, 21:31
Very nice indeed, Well done !

08-09-2012, 06:35
excellent looking plinth well done sir