View Full Version : Upper class twit of the year 2012

07-09-2012, 00:46
Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the Hon Judge Peter Bowers .

He thinks it takes tremendous courage to rob and burgle innocent and vulnerable folks and sending them to prison will do little good ?

God help us from his like :steam:

I just want to shoot him , or better still nip round his place and rob the fuck out of his prize possessions and be congratulated for my immense bravery lol .

Sorry rant over but I'm pretty pissed off with this idiot .

07-09-2012, 01:02
So, how long do we give it before the nations entire retinue of burglars descend upon Mr Bowers gaff for cheese and biscuits, a glass or two of fine Chardonet plus an epically heroic house clearance session... :D

07-09-2012, 05:48
I suspect he is pissed off with dealing with these sort and has has a good innings, knew that his comments would lead to "an investigation". Result of investigation? Retired on a fantastic pension. Job done.

07-09-2012, 06:04
Tosser. As far as I am concerned, anyone breaking and entering my property forfeits their basic human rights. Using a baseball bat with extreme prejudice, I believe it is called.

07-09-2012, 06:12
What a complete w*nker. Should've locked the bastard up to punish him for his obnoxious crime. Courage my arse. :steam:

07-09-2012, 07:21
So, how long do we give it before the nations entire retinue of burglars descend upon Mr Bowers gaff for cheese and biscuits, a glass or two of fine Chardonet plus an epically heroic house clearance session... :D


07-09-2012, 07:23
I suspect he is pissed off with dealing with these sort and has has a good innings, knew that his comments would lead to "an investigation". Result of investigation? Retired on a fantastic pension. Job done.

You could be right , lets see ? I'm thinking he's one of these daft do gooder types though ?

09-09-2012, 06:13
Tosser. As far as I am concerned, anyone breaking and entering my property forfeits their basic human rights.

Too right!

I have a nice arsenal of 'toys' waiting for any fucker who tries that at our place, ensuring that they would rue the day that they ever dared to break in....! ;)


09-09-2012, 06:46
It might take tremendous courage to burgle a place, but it sure won't discourage me from using reasonable and appropriate force to save taxpayers the cost of locking up such an offender afterwards. It couldn't have taken the recently burgled house owner that much effort to pull the trigger on his shotgun in order to protect his property and life. And neither did it take that 70 old year old shopkeeper much effort in applying a reasonable and appropriate amount of force to penetrate the body of his attacker with a knife.

09-09-2012, 07:09
Birch the bastards.

09-09-2012, 07:18
I was in the Scouts for many years, so I always remember the motto "Be prepared" and I am. Just a caution for those "toys" - make sure they can't easily fall in to the wrong hands - no point in putting in a plan that could arm the enemy!

09-09-2012, 09:38
Beat em up, strip em, spray paint em and dump em in the peak district miles from home.

10-09-2012, 10:20
Sounds like a standard stag night in Glasgow!


10-09-2012, 15:00
I remember, many years ago now, and we were renovating a part of "the Projects" in the Bronx - New York.
Well, Mike the boss pulled up in his, what was then, a real flash motor, a three series BMW and in the front he had an "in car phone" fitted, remember those? Massive box in the boot and a thick cable snaking through to the handset part up front. Anyhow, we were a crew of about twenty and saw him arrive and park accross the street, get out and lock the car. He can't have been in the building more than thirty seconds when, to his amazement he watched the whole crew pass him at speed down the stairway - in total silence!
One of us had seen someone smash the passenger window and the guy was in the car trying to rip the 'phone out. The amazing thing was nobody shouted or called out.
Now the culprit faced a gang of muscular hairy arsed construction workers who just grabbed him and pinned him down while his clothes were variously torn/cut with Stanley knife from his body. They were then piled in the road whereupon some thoughtful person:rolleyes: poured petrol over them from the container normally used for the Stihl Saw. Then a match was applied.
I still smile when I think about this, we all just stood back and laughed our asses off while the guy screamed the gaff down!!

10-09-2012, 15:07
Awesome... You missed pissing in the fucker's mouth and making him swallow it!! ;)


10-09-2012, 17:33
By comparison to such a spineless judge the petty criminal would look brave.
Sad as Hell if you ask me.

tannoy man
10-09-2012, 19:00
I remember, many years ago now, and we were renovating a part of "the Projects" in the Bronx - New York.
Well, Mike the boss pulled up in his, what was then, a real flash motor, a three series BMW and in the front he had an "in car phone" fitted, remember those? Massive box in the boot and a thick cable snaking through to the handset part up front. Anyhow, we were a crew of about twenty and saw him arrive and park accross the street, get out and lock the car. He can't have been in the building more than thirty seconds when, to his amazement he watched the whole crew pass him at speed down the stairway - in total silence!
One of us had seen someone smash the passenger window and the guy was in the car trying to rip the 'phone out. The amazing thing was nobody shouted or called out.
Now the culprit faced a gang of muscular hairy arsed construction workers who just grabbed him and pinned him down while his clothes were variously torn/cut with Stanley knife from his body. They were then piled in the road whereupon some thoughtful person:rolleyes: poured petrol over them from the container normally used for the Stihl Saw. Then a match was applied.
I still smile when I think about this, we all just stood back and laughed our asses off while the guy screamed the gaff down!!

10-09-2012, 19:17
No no, I think he's onto something here;

If they are such brave heroes breaking in, surely we should celebrate this bravery with a sharp object?

Reid Malenfant
10-09-2012, 19:34
No no, I think he's onto something here;

If they are such brave heroes breaking in, surely we should celebrate this bravery with a sharp object?

Yes, some kind of letter opener springs to mind, you know the sort, the ones you buy on holiday to remind you of the place ;)

They tend to have some kind of medalion looking thing on the end of the handle...

I'd suggest pinning it into their chest :D