View Full Version : Government to relax planning permission - mad or what?

06-09-2012, 10:24
The government are proposing to relax planning permission on extensions of unspecified size. What a bunch of public school tossers. Surely a licence for annoying neighbours to wreak havoc and more work for cowboy builders. Latest live in hope scheme to revive the economy :doh:

Wakefield Turntables
06-09-2012, 10:26
I agree and what happens if sub standard work on your neighbours house has an impact on yours, who is going to pick up the bill?

06-09-2012, 10:54
Expect a huge rise in neighbour disputes ending in courts and violence....and cowboy builders inc. will be rubbing their hands in glee.

New episodes of 'Neighbours From Hell' and 'Cowboy Builders' anyone ?.

06-09-2012, 11:39
Its desperate ! What next ?

Audio Al
06-09-2012, 11:44
And according to the PM it is just what young people need to get Jobs :doh:

Untrained workers building homes with relaxed reg's , sounds like a recipe for disaster


06-09-2012, 11:46
Seems a bit reckless to me.

However, I still think you need building regs, so it's not all bad.

BTW, anyone who's any good around here is working flat out...

06-09-2012, 11:52
Makes me want to weep! Kickstart the Economy? Reduce VAT to 15% (or lower) and then see what happens.
We don't need any reduction in planning regs - we need them applied in a fair and uniform manner.

06-09-2012, 12:45
Dontcha just love these idiot politicians? If you took their brain out and put a turd in there, you would double their intelligence.

I don't know many people who have a heap of available money to spend on extensions and those that do, already have. Anyone who needs a loan to build an extension is going to be properly rogered by the banks anyway, especially in a falling value low equity housing market, so it's yet another knee-jerk reaction with another forthcoming u-turn in the making methinks.

What the economy sorely needs is a dramatic reduction in all taxation so folks have some money to spend, they do therefore spend and tax revenue increases. It is the endless hikes on taxation (not forgetting the banks who are under the government's cosh too don't forget) which is driving the economy into an inward spiral.

The Grand Wazoo
06-09-2012, 14:01
It's not a delay caused by planning that's causing people not to build, it's the fact that people either have no money, they're scared to spend it in case their job disappears or they can't get a loan.
It's another Cameron U-turn waiting to happen.

06-09-2012, 15:40
What gets me is the fact that it is a temporary relaxation of the planning rules. So a large extension is permitted now but won't be in, say, five years time. The whole idea of the planning rules with regard to extensions was to stop over development of back gardens and 'terracing'. How can you disregard this?

06-09-2012, 16:06
Good, we can build out over the kitchen.

06-09-2012, 16:46
Good, we can build out over the kitchen.

I'm thinking of a new listening room myself. I'll definitely vote Tory next time :lol:

06-09-2012, 17:05
I'm thinking of a new listening room myself.

Yep, me too, get it built quick! :lol:

06-09-2012, 17:40
I think the change is only for a year. In any case you can build a 3m extension without planning at present. This just gives licence to people wishing to put up vast structures that have environmental consequences. Mind you Nick Clegg sounded very vague about it as if they wrote it down on a fag packet that morning (probably why they want cigs sold in plain packets! :lol:)