View Full Version : Was 7/7 a Pseudo-operation?

06-09-2012, 02:18
I found this quite astonishing episode of Panorama whilst bumbling around YT early this morning. Below is the YT tag line for the video:

Broadcast on May 16th 2004, this show features a fictional terrorist attack very similar to the real attack of 7/7 a year later. The show's panel of experts included Peter Power, the former anti-terrorism police officer who was running a training exercise on the day of 7/7.

Frankly I am staggered by this video and my emotions are all over the place. It has certainly left a very nasty taste in my mouth... :spew:


06-09-2012, 07:44
Same as 911 there was a terror exercise on that day, that's why no jets were scrambled.

06-09-2012, 09:27
To be perfectly honest, it would not suprise me anything the British or American government would do to the citizens they represent.

06-09-2012, 12:19
I was involved in the response to 7/7 - the idea that it was a false flag operation is risible.

I don't object to people inventing consipracies about the Moon landings or Roswell aliens but to do it with real events in which people died and were seriously injured is simply childish.

06-09-2012, 12:26
Watch the Panorama episode Martin, it really is shockingly similar to the scenario of the actual events of 7/7 except there is an extra bomb on the underground in this simulation and the vehicle explosion takes place in a tanker truck full of Chlorine gas rather than on a bus. This hasn't been made by conspiracy theorists dude, it was broadcast a year earlier in 2004 on BBC1. It's got me thinking... :eyebrows:

06-09-2012, 12:44
Hi Dave

Can't watch it right now as at work but will have a look later.

The only thing I would say for now is that the various security and emergency organisations are always running exercises of every conceivable type. It really is not that surprising when real events mimick an excercise. Just shows that the exercise planners knew their stuff.

Was discussing 9/11 with a Muslim feller awhile back. he refused to accept that the perptrators were Islamic terrorists and instead advanced to me the Mossad false flag theory, which I shot down immediately (if you'll pardon the pun). The problem is that whils their is fuel to maintain the denial these people will not accept that they have a problem with extremeists and will not put their house in order.

06-09-2012, 13:12
The truth is we'll never know and that's that. You can't trust anyone involved in it from either side, family of intelligence services.