View Full Version : The Long Goodbye

05-09-2012, 18:43
Is it me or do others get irritated by people who are simply unable to go/leave/get off the phone etc.

You know, you have some friends/family round for a get together, meal, drinks etc. Many hours and many drinks, eats later they start to drift off.

In my mind we have exhausted many topics over the hours together and chewed the cud until it no longer exists. There is no more worthwhile conversation.

You get them to the front door and then it starts, yak yak yak yak yak bloody yak. Look, I am tired, I have given you the best of my attention over a number of hours and listened to the drivel you have spouted (I think I am Autistic as my attention span is short and I think most people talk shit and only want to hear their own voice:D) Also after having drunk mucho alcoholo my mouth is dry and I am de-hydrated.

I often find myself just walking away to see their reaction. Nope no reaction, yak yak yak ...........

One day I will simply shut the door, time up.....piss off.

05-09-2012, 19:17
Yep, I have mechanisms for driving a conversation to a close whether it be the end of a visit or a telephone call. I'm usually pretty subtle about it, but less so when I'm tired and need to be left alone.

Rare Bird
05-09-2012, 19:32
I would never let anyone in family or not

05-09-2012, 19:35
I would never let anyone in family or not

Ha ha. I like it:lol:

Rare Bird
05-09-2012, 20:04
Yeh my final starw was the Mother-in-law for twelve hour stretch :lol:

I don't have time for peoples bolloxz anyway. :eyebrows: I sit in the bog all night at the pub if i could to avoid it all :rfl:

05-09-2012, 20:28
I would be quite happy if people only ever spoke to me in short "sound bites". Nothing pisses me off more than boring gob shites who go on and on and on.

I like my own space, probably too much. I really must get on that Grumpy Old Men programme:D

05-09-2012, 20:39
I would be quite happy if people only ever spoke to me in short "sound bites". Nothing pisses me off more than boring gob shites who go on and on and on.

+1 (with bells on)

And when they talk about utter shite, like gossipy-type stuff, baby goo-ga pish, or celebrity tosh-wankery? Does my dome in!! <YAWN> <YAWN> :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Rare Bird
05-09-2012, 20:45
I have zero time for people in general..last thing i want to do is listern to their shyte!

05-09-2012, 20:52
Annoying for sure but not as bad as when you've all had a few and you are all talked out so you suggest giving them a listen to your system and then they carry on yacking when all u want is to enjoy your inebriation with some decent tunes..... they do it deliberately as they know how much it annoys. The female of the species in particular....

I feel your pain... once upon a time it was always all back to mine after the pub, these days only a select few get invited.

05-09-2012, 20:57
Nothing pisses me off more than boring gob shites who go on and on and on.

And yet you spend hours here on AoS, in the company of us? :D

I know what you mean, though!

05-09-2012, 21:03
I once started a thread on here entitled 'Audiophilia is a selfish hobby - discuss.' - wonder if it's worth starting another one you unsociable gits? ;)

05-09-2012, 21:04
My Dad had a good system, he used to bugger off upstairs when people had overstayed their welcome and come back down in his pyjamas - they soon fooked off after that :lol:

05-09-2012, 21:06
And yet you spend hours here on AoS, in the company of us? :D

I know what you mean, though!

Present company excepted of course:D

05-09-2012, 21:09
I once started a thread on here entitled 'Audiophilia is a selfish hobby - discuss.' - wonder if it's worth starting another one you unsociable gits? ;)

I once started a thread called Necrophilia, but that died a death too. It's being so cheerful that keeps me going:lol:

I have never been so happy since I got to work on my own.


05-09-2012, 21:11
My Dad had a good system, he used to bugger off upstairs when people had overstayed their welcome and come back down in his pyjamas - they soon fooked off after that :lol:


05-09-2012, 21:17
My Dad had a good system, he used to bugger off upstairs when people had overstayed their welcome and come back down in his pyjamas - they soon fooked off after that :lol:

LOL - the only problem with that is I don't wear pyjamas :eek:

05-09-2012, 21:27
LOL - the only problem with that is I don't wear pyjamas :eek:

That's not a problem - nightie or nude, it would be even more effective that way ;) .

05-09-2012, 21:38
My Dad had a good system, he used to bugger off upstairs when people had overstayed their welcome and come back down in his pyjamas - they soon fooked off after that :lol:


Try wandering down instead in a pair of pink 'peek-a-boo' panties, streched over an adult Baby-gro, with 'Timmy' written on it, for an even more interesting reaction!! :D


05-09-2012, 21:40
Try wandering down instead in a pair of pink 'peek-a-boo' panties, streched over an adult Baby-gro, with 'Timmy' written on it, for an even more interesting reaction!! :D