View Full Version : Sugden amp

03-09-2012, 14:59
Hi, I was just wondering if anyone can help:)I am using this amp with my i pod but over the last few day I have been thinking It might be too much of a amp to use just with a ipod. Out of interest does anyone know what there worth second hand.



03-09-2012, 15:06
Sugden lol

03-09-2012, 15:34
PURE CLASS A thats a clue. for an i pod amplifier. have you got money to burn

03-09-2012, 15:50
Have a look on the bay for an indication to its worth.
Sugdens always seemed to produce good if sometimes under rated gear.
I'd keep if twer mine.

03-09-2012, 15:54
http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Sugden-A21a-S2-Integrated-Amplifier-Graphite-finish-Superb-condition-/180962990253?pt=UK_AudioTVElectronics_HomeAudioHiF i_Amplifiers&hash=item2a223c18ad

03-09-2012, 16:18
PURE CLASS A thats a clue. for an i pod amplifier. have you got money to burn
:lol:I wish Dan:eyebrows:

03-09-2012, 16:19
Lovely little amp. I sold a new one back in May, with full warranty etc, etc. The best I could get was £1K.

03-09-2012, 16:20
Hi Paul thanks for the link thats great. Its just that you never know on ebay prices are all over..

03-09-2012, 16:34
Lovely little amp indeed ;) It sounds far too soft-n-soggy for an i-pod, the digital compression of which usually rolls off the treble slightly IMO. You don't want a slushbox adding to it, no matter how well made it is :) I'd be more inclined to use a Cyrus or my other little £500 favourite, which you'll all know by now :lol:

No need to get stroppy with me, just my current view which you lot are MORE than welcome to ignore...... :lolsign:

03-09-2012, 17:30
Lovely little amp. I sold a new one back in May, with full warranty etc, etc. The best I could get was £1K.

Thanks for the info Dave thats great mate:)

03-09-2012, 17:34
Lovely little amp indeed ;) It sounds far too soft-n-soggy for an i-pod, the digital compression of which usually rolls off the treble slightly IMO. You don't want a slushbox adding to it, no matter how well made it is :) I'd be more inclined to use a Cyrus or my other little £500 favourite, which you'll all know by now :lol:

No need to get stroppy with me, just my current view which you lot are MORE than welcome to ignore...... :lolsign:
David you are spot on just how it sounds:) Although I can here how good the sugden is the ipod is just not up to it:comatose:

Thanks David:):)

03-09-2012, 20:25
Hi Jason,

Just a thought mate: If you are using an iPod as your sole source why not grab yourself an Amptastic Mini-T? They major on detail and have a lively presentation which should suit the iPod down to the ground. It should also drive the Neat's okay. If you find it's not for you then under the distance seller regs you can return it within 14 days for a full refund ;)

04-09-2012, 08:08
I'll swap you a mini t for your sugden,sorted;)

04-09-2012, 08:13
I'll swap you a mini t for your sugden,sorted;)

I'll offer you two!

Seriously though, I think you'd be crazy to change your sugden for a mini-t, just because your source is not good enough. If you're happy with the sound of the sugden and Neats, why not just improve your source?

04-09-2012, 14:15
Hi Jason,

Just a thought mate: If you are using an iPod as your sole source why not grab yourself an Amptastic Mini-T? They major on detail and have a lively presentation which should suit the iPod down to the ground. It should also drive the Neat's okay. If you find it's not for you then under the distance seller regs you can return it within 14 days for a full refund ;)

Hi Dave thanks for the info, Il'l have a look on ebay/google and do some reading up on them:)



04-09-2012, 14:16
:lol:Cheers Paul:D

04-09-2012, 14:24
I'll offer you two!

Seriously though, I think you'd be crazy to change your sugden for a mini-t, just because your source is not good enough. If you're happy with the sound of the sugden and Neats, why not just improve your source?

Hi Martin, I have just sold my michell gyro/orb upgraded, to downsize due to a house move. I thought the ipod would do the trick:doh:not the case here:lol:. I have a dvd/cd player that is around 10 yrs old which I have always used for films, but I think tomorrow I will try it with the sugden and see if its worth going down the cd route

Thanks Martin I will keep posted:)

04-09-2012, 14:32
Hi Martin, I have just sold my michell gyro/orb upgraded, to downsize due to a house move. I thought the ipod would do the trick:doh:not the case here:lol:. I have a dvd/cd player that is around 10 yrs old which I have always used for films, but I think tomorrow I will try it with the sugden and see if its worth going down the cd route

Thanks Martin I will keep posted:)

As you have your music in electronic format, why not use a small PC or Mac to play your tunes via a DAC? The right machine could play your DVDs too.

04-09-2012, 14:37
Hi Dave thanks for the info, Il'l have a look on ebay/google and do some reading up on them:)



As a reminder, my Amptastic Mini-T replaced a modified Hafler DH220 in my system. Despite it's lowly power output, the Mini-T totally outperforms the Hafler in every way, not bad for a £60 amp. If you do happen to pick one up and your Sugden has pre-out sockets, try the Mini-T both by itself and with the Sugden as a pre-amp. The advantage of using the Sugden as a pre is that you can hook your CDP and iPod up without having to swap leads ;)

04-09-2012, 20:52
Get one of these:-


Connect it to the DAC of your choice - I'm using the M-DAC - and you'll definitely be surprised at how good your iPod sounds playing Apple lossless files.

tannoy man
04-09-2012, 21:16
Get one of these:-


Connect it to the DAC of your choice - I'm using the M-DAC - and you'll definitely be surprised at how good your iPod sounds playing Apple lossless files.

+1, An Excellent Dock

04-09-2012, 21:18
Any mention of i-pods here tends to send some people into hysterical panic - it CAN'T be any good. Well, all I can say is that like any compromised digital system (some would say Red Book is compromised in a way, especially mastering engineers who often need to tweak the sound of master files before release), these things need great care in use. if that little pure box gets really good performance out of an i-pod, I'd suggest getting one and wherever possible, stick to lossless files, especially on music with complex mixes.

05-09-2012, 17:22
I bought it really for parties, enabling people to bring their own music - most people have an iPod - I couldn't believe how good it sounded.

I'm assuming the M-DAC plays a part too.

05-09-2012, 17:37
. . . most people have an iPod
. . . really?
I'm not sure what percentage 300 million is out of 7 billion, but to me that's not most people? I would seriously doubt everyone of those sold is still working, so the actual figure is going to be considerably less than 300,000,000.
I don't have one either ;)

(I work in an office of 8 people and none of them has an iPod either)

05-09-2012, 18:12
Hi guys thanks for taking the time to help this is a great help.

Thanks again just off to check the dock out.


will keep posted.

05-09-2012, 18:56
Hi bud

I use a squeezebox 3 through a marantz CDA12 Dac into valve amps and it sounds every bit as good as CDs with my CD12 or CD16 transport with the Dac.

But my vinyl sounds superb!!


05-09-2012, 22:10
I got one of those pure jobbiesand it's really a good bit of gear.
Got the mini t for the caravan with a pair of little JBL speakers.

06-09-2012, 16:36
. . . really?
I'm not sure what percentage 300 million is out of 7 billion, but to me that's not most people? I would seriously doubt everyone of those sold is still working, so the actual figure is going to be considerably less than 300,000,000.
I don't have one either ;)

(I work in an office of 8 people and none of them has an iPod either)

OK pedantic Tim, maybe not everyone in the entire world, I wasn't planning on inviting people from third world countries round to mine for a party either. LOTS of people have an iPod. Most people I know have an iPhone anyway.

What do all of the people in your office use to listen to music? Do none of them run or go to the gym? I think if you see people training, more often than not they're using an iPod as their source to listen to music.

07-09-2012, 18:05
Thanks guys will look into the squeezebox.

