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25-08-2012, 18:24
Will I get any benefit from an s-booster as I connect my Bushmaster to the mains via a Tacima mains conditioner?

Reid Malenfant
25-08-2012, 18:53
You must still have a power supply that plugs into the Tacima & powers the Bushmaster :scratch:

If it's an SMPS then the answer is you'll more than likely get a slight but noticeable improvement :)

25-08-2012, 18:58
You must still have a power supply that plugs into the Tacima & powers the Bushmaster :scratch:

If it's an SMPS then the answer is you'll more than likely get a slight but noticeable improvement :)
Apologies, I meant the supplied PSU is plugged into the Tacima!

Reid Malenfant
25-08-2012, 19:12
So is the PSU a switch mode? If so then your setup would probably benefit from the S-booster. As far as I'm aware it adds a whole heap of capacitance & other possibly inductor based filtration that'd help remove noise generated via any cheap SMPS.

25-08-2012, 19:25
So is the PSU a switch mode? If so then your setup would probably benefit from the S-booster. As far as I'm aware it adds a whole heap of capacitance & other possibly inductor based filtration that'd help remove noise generated via any cheap SMPS.

Haven't a clue! Basically I'm after a birthday present suggestion for in-laws and this sprang to mind.

Reid Malenfant
25-08-2012, 19:29
Ok, if it's a lightweight rectangular black box, with a mains lead entering one end & the DC lead & power plug out of the other, its a good guess that it's an SMPS ;)

It'll probably be about 2.5cm thick, 4cm wide & 8cm long...

As I say, if it doesn't weight a lot then it'll be an SMPS, normal mains transformers have a load of steel & copper in them & tend to have a lot more mass :eyebrows:

Hope that helps :)

25-08-2012, 20:18
The standard (supplied) PSU for the Bushmaster is SMPS, and the SBooster does cut out the crap generated by it.

26-08-2012, 06:33
Cheers guys, much appreciated!

18-09-2012, 19:39
just curious to know what the output amp rating is on the sbooster for bushmaster?

18-09-2012, 19:41
just curious to know what the output amp rating is on the sbooster for bushmaster?


18-09-2012, 19:47
i am interested in buying a bushmaster to compare against my stagedac, as i cannot find anyone on the forums (here and elsewhere) that has compared the 2.
i understand the sbooster is recommended to get the best out of the bushmaster, as it is linear rather than smps.
i have a linear (mascot) psu that i think i used with my old vdac.
it is rated at 1.2amp on the output, and i was hoping this compared favourably with the spec of the sbooster.

18-09-2012, 20:48
i am interested in buying a bushmaster to compare against my stagedac, as i cannot find anyone on the forums (here and elsewhere) that has compared the 2.
i understand the sbooster is recommended to get the best out of the bushmaster, as it is linear rather than smps.
i have a linear (mascot) psu that i think i used with my old vdac.
it is rated at 1.2amp on the output, and i was hoping this compared favourably with the spec of the sbooster.

The SBooster is not a linear PSU.
It is a filter.
It filters out the shit that a SMPS kicks out.
If the StageDAC PSU has a 12vdc output then try it on the Bushmaster.

18-09-2012, 21:10
The Bushmaster already has two noise filters built in. One in the positive and one in the negative DC lines. The sBooster enhances the performance of the internal filters though.

19-09-2012, 01:59
A well designed linear supply is even better though...

19-09-2012, 05:53
The external power supply (any external power supply) connected to the BM is only used to charge up the Virtual DC battery. So the effects of an SMPS is very minimal in the current BM configuration. And I am getting better at improving that VDC design. So the gap between a decent SMPS such as the one I use and a well designed linear PSU is getting smaller. You only have to look at the price difference between the two types of power supplies in order to get an idea of how much more one has to spend on a linear power supply before a sonic change is clearly noticeable. I make it a ratio of around 6 to 1 at the minimum end of the current price scale. So the average cost concious Bushmaster owner need not worry about it.

Of course, it should be pointed out that when we mention the standard Bushmaster and standard power supply, we are talking about an already excellent starting performance level. Only a faction of my customers have so far commented on the BM on AoS. But there is a wider ownership out there and some of the comparisons with other DACs and CD players are truly inspiring.

And the innovative auto search and LED dimming feature are also widely welcomed. Just as the multiple input options that I first introduced in the TC-7500 I can see many other DAC manufacturers adding these features to their own designs. And it won't be a bad thing. Innovation should be shared, not suppressed. Apple could learn from that...

20-09-2012, 20:29
The SBooster is not a linear PSU.
It is a filter.
It filters out the shit that a SMPS kicks out.
If the StageDAC PSU has a 12vdc output then try it on the Bushmaster.

i may give the BM a go then.
as i dont believe my mascot psu chucks out much "shit".

the stagedac psu is built in, so that aint an option.

i just need to sell an unwanted amp, to fund the BM, now

20-09-2012, 22:08
The Bushmaster has a built in power supply regulator circuit. The external DC power supply acts mainly as a charging unit for the VirtualDC power circuit that designed. This gives you the option of using a battery or even unregulated power supply with the BM. But of course the better the external power source is the better the BM is likely to perform.

21-09-2012, 07:37
Yes, I can testify to that. I struggled to really notice a difference with the sBooster in my system but heard a subtle smoothing effect of the treble at the Coherent Sounds meet. Where as using Nick's Linear supply at home it was immediately obvious that there was a clear and noticeable improvement across the board.

21-09-2012, 19:03
i have a headphone only system, so i guess if there is a difference, i will notice it.

28-09-2012, 10:13
I was very skeptical about the benefits the external linear PSU offered, my home built effort didnt seem to make much different to the Touch BUT i picked up a QED Positron reasonably cheaply and to me it did make a noticeable improvement over the S Booster on its own when I used it with the Bushmaster

03-01-2013, 19:47
Notwithstanding Stan's comments - and who am I to argue - but I found the SBooster gave a noticeable improvement in (already superb) SQ - I have now added a Mark Grant linear psu with integral SBooster with additional improvement! Soundstage is wider and more 3D, bass is tighter and whole presentation is "cleaner". Particularly evident on complex/loud sax and trumpet like Jan Garbarek and Nils Molvaer. I can't comment on the whole "just charging the virtual DC circuit" thing but the MG linear PSU/SBooster has produced a very worthwhile improvement in my system and I wouldn't (couldn't) go back to the stock smps.

17-07-2013, 09:22
MG linear PSU/SBooster has produced a very worthwhile improvement in my system and I wouldn't (couldn't) go back to the stock smps.
Hi Stephen,
I'm thinking of adding a linear psu to my BM and wonder what sort of improvement it will bring to the sonic of already great sounding dac?

17-07-2013, 17:00
Whilst waiting for the arrival of one more component to finish off the TC-7533 production I decided to play about with one of the TC-7533 mods on the TC-7530DC. It is aimed at getting more out of the TC-7530DC when paired with a linear PSU and/or sbooster. But after having had to rescue a couple of people who tried to attempt modifying the TC-7530DC I am worried about posting the mod. It requires the replacement of a couple of surface mount parts, which in themselves cost peanuts. But as far as I know you can't buy them in single quantity. It's a case of having to buy a strip of 10 or more and then binning the remainder. A bit of a waste really. Sending the DAC to me to do the mod is equally uneconomical. By the time you calculate postage, you are out of pocket by at least £22 without any other cost added.
So until I can resolve the negatives I shall have to enjoy the mods all by myself.

17-07-2013, 19:42
Can you elaborate on the TC-7533 Stan? I couldn't find any info on AoS nor on Google so I assume you dropped a teaser here.

I am interested in hearing what it is and when it's due. :)

19-07-2013, 06:47

Make the upgrade, you wont be disappointed!

I have just upgraded all of my cables (interconnect and speaker) and added Marks linear power supply with Sbooster to the Bushmaster - after plug and play with all the options -

i could hear some improvements with many of the changes, and the winner was....? The power supply made the biggest and clearest improvement! It was significant, clearing up the top end and making me smile even more :)

Hi Stephen,
I'm thinking of adding a linear psu to my BM and wonder what sort of improvement it will bring to the sonic of already great sounding dac?

19-07-2013, 07:25
Can you elaborate on the TC-7533 Stan? I couldn't find any info on AoS nor on Google so I assume you dropped a teaser here.

I am interested in hearing what it is and when it's due. :)
All in good time.

29-08-2013, 11:19
...but just returning to the original question (as I understood it)... If one has a Tacima mains 'conditioner' unit does one still need a linear PS (with S-Booster) OR will one be able to get away with just a S-Booster to improve SQ?

05-09-2013, 17:54
Notwithstanding Stan's comments - and who am I to argue - but I found the SBooster gave a noticeable improvement in (already superb) SQ - I have now added a Mark Grant linear psu with integral SBooster with additional improvement! Soundstage is wider and more 3D, bass is tighter and whole presentation is "cleaner". Particularly evident on complex/loud sax and trumpet like Jan Garbarek and Nils Molvaer. I can't comment on the whole "just charging the virtual DC circuit" thing but the MG linear PSU/SBooster has produced a very worthwhile improvement in my system and I wouldn't (couldn't) go back to the stock smps.

Yes I experienced the same & couldn't have explained it better really. I would say it's not a blatant improvement, subtle, but very worthwhile.

05-09-2013, 18:08
...but just returning to the original question (as I understood it)... If one has a Tacima mains 'conditioner' unit does one still need a linear PS (with S-Booster) OR will one be able to get away with just a S-Booster to improve SQ?

What's plugged into the Tacima?

05-09-2013, 22:43
Hi, amongst others, the "wallmart" ps for the Bushmaster.
The amp is connected directly to the mains socket.

I' m just wondering whether if one uses a mains conditioner distribution block, one needs alinear ps?

Richard ( an unrepentant Apple user...)

05-09-2013, 22:52
Hi, amongst others, the "wallmart" ps for the Bushmaster.
The amp is connected directly to the mains socket.

I' m just wondering whether if one uses a mains conditioner distribution block, one needs alinear ps?

Richard ( an unrepentant Apple user...)

A cheap SMPS (read that as most of 'em) will cause all sorts of RF nasties to appear on the sockets on the board if it's plugged into the board.
The board has a choke input to reduce RF nasties getting there in the first place and you're undoing the good work by plugging summat in beyond the choke ... :scratch:

06-09-2013, 06:01
Hi, amongst others, the "wallmart" ps for the Bushmaster.
The amp is connected directly to the mains socket.

I' m just wondering whether if one uses a mains conditioner distribution block, one needs alinear ps?

The AC noise component that is embedded in the DC voltage part that comes out of a power supply is largely due to the AC to DC rectifying process. A mains conditioner is not part of the AC top DC process so it won't make a difference to the power supply noise.

The MSPS used by the Bushmaster is a special low noise version I worked with the manufacturer to design. But it is still not quiet enough noise wise compared to a decent regulated linear power supply.

The Bushmaster MK2 has an additional circuitry built in that can remove most of the noise from the SMPS to a level that matches or surpasses that of all but the top of the range linear power supplies I have tried out. But note that these linear power supplies themselves exhibit an even better noise performance with the inbuilt filter in the Bushmaster MK2.

But all this talk about the AC noise filtering circuit inside the Bushmaster MK2, and the publication of live screen shots from my scope on its performance, has caused quite a few people to ask me if there is any way of adding the filter to the Bushmaster MK1. Well the good news is that I have been convinced to develop a plug in version of the filter that can be connected between the power supply and the DAC. But since it has a far wider application potential than just for use with the Bushmaster I am having to do some additional work and testing to confirm that it will improve the output from the standard power supply on a range of other audio products. But more about the DC Linearizer LNF in the very near future.

06-09-2013, 08:16

That would be a great product do sell as a standalone for use with other products as well :)

very exciting news !

The AC noise component that is embedded in the DC voltage part that comes out of a power supply is largely due to the AC to DC rectifying process. A mains conditioner is not part of the AC top DC process so it won't make a difference to the power supply noise.

The MSPS used by the Bushmaster is a special low noise version I worked with the manufacturer to design. But it is still not quiet enough noise wise compared to a decent regulated linear power supply.

The Bushmaster MK2 has an additional circuitry built in that can remove most of the noise from the SMPS to a level that matches or surpasses that of all but the top of the range linear power supplies I have tried out. But note that these linear power supplies themselves exhibit an even better noise performance with the inbuilt filter in the Bushmaster MK2.

But all this talk about the AC noise filtering circuit inside the Bushmaster MK2, and the publication of live screen shots from my scope on its performance, has caused quite a few people to ask me if there is any way of adding the filter to the Bushmaster MK1. Well the good news is that I have been convinced to develop a plug in version of the filter that can be connected between the power supply and the DAC. But since it has a far wider application potential than just for use with the Bushmaster I am having to do some additional work and testing to confirm that it will improve the output from the standard power supply on a range of other audio products. But more about the DC Linearizer LNF in the very near future.

06-09-2013, 08:20
Stan, thanks for that.

Please put me down for a DC Linearizer LNF

I'm a little confused over the SMPS problem. I had assumed that they injected 'nasties' in both directions: into the Bushmaster (or other DC equipment) AND into the mains (which then may have a negative effect on other hi-fi equipment attached to the same 230v ring main). I assumed that a mains conditioner block may be capable of filtering out -or attenuating - the latter kind of 'nasty'(?)

06-09-2013, 08:32
Any AC mains signal will have noise of some sort on it. But most if not all of these mains conditioners are not good at filtering out noise below the 0.6V level. This might not be so critical for some audio equipment, but can make a big difference to others.

06-09-2013, 08:40
Thanks Stan,
methinks I will try one of those Maplins 13.8v CB PSs (http://www.maplin.co.uk/Module.aspx?ModuleNo=231&C=AffilWin78888&U=skim2113X565594X16a1d8998cbf1ae823d1c1379fe73096 ) (T).
Just to confirm: 13.8 v will be fine for the Bushmaster?

Thanks, as always,

06-09-2013, 09:09
13.8V is fine. But if you got a multimeter then double check the voltage from the Maplin PSU. Mine was 15V when I bought it. There is a preset inside the case to adjust the voltage output though.