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View Full Version : Album Club - Week 54: 14.08.2012: Puscifer - V Is For Vagina (2007)

15-08-2012, 21:12
PLEASE NOTE: I'm posting this on behalf of Welder (John) - it is his choice not mine! ;)

Puscifer - V Is For Vagina (CD and Vinyl) (2007)
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51B2P5A9rwL._SL500_AA300_.jpg (http://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=sadjthn0dafetld&thumb=5)


I must mention that listening on YouTube or Spotify will not do this album justice, nor will playing it softly while you do other things. Get the CD or download in file format from somewhere, turn your amp up to as loud as you can get away with and hold on to your prized porcelain.

I could write pages about why I think this is such an exceptional album. Part of its appeal for me is it takes me from some dusty spaghetti western to a religious congregation in the deep South of the USA and finally, a perfect sample of the band The The.

Maynard James Keenan has always interested me as a musician even if I haven’t always liked his work. Whatever one may think of the music produced in earlier collaborations (Tool and Perfect circle) for examples it would be hard to deny he has a distinctive and innovative approach to his art.

This album is imo his best work to date.

Given its M J Keenan one expects high profile percussion and thundering tribal beats. What Keenan develops further on this album is the use of layered vocals that don’t so much convey a message as add to the instruments although the lyrics have certainly brought a smile to my face at times.

Probably the best known track on this album is Momma Sed which did get airplay on Radio Paradise and is the track that made me aware of the album. It would be hard not to like this track no matter what musical genre you see yourself as preferring and if you feel prone to dismissing this album on what you know of Tool or Perfect Circle then I suggest you start here and ease yourself into what is a glorious sound assault on your ears.

Spotify link: http://open.spotify.com/album/5cgdcZetRMxdoadEXr7Rvz



15-08-2012, 21:26
Thanks Alex. :) I have got the original post but it's packed away on another hard drive.

15-08-2012, 21:35
Ain't nothing better than Bo Derek's camel toe John -but I'll still give it a listen ;)

15-08-2012, 21:37
To be fair, the Poll was my own artistic interpretation! :lol:

15-08-2012, 21:38
You are awful, you lot!

15-08-2012, 22:45
i'm getting a bit predictable on the old album scores, yet another 8 from me...

pusicfer is a band i only discovered this year, from hearing their 'conditions of my parole' on radio paradise.... needless to say i really like this and miss my main system but its really rocking on my phones all the same.

good choice

16-08-2012, 04:17
I only listened to the album on Spotify so will get this on CD to really hear it
I enjoy Tool and A Perfect Circle so looking forward to hearing it at its best

20-08-2012, 14:36
I'm actually enjoying this John, wonderful soundstage and very dramatic in parts - sounds great through headphones. I will listen to it again before voting, but not bad at all. Not sure it's better than BD's camel toe, but you never know ;)

Oh, its new to me too, both the band and the album.

20-08-2012, 15:17
John my voting will be late do not want to vote till I get the CD
At present I perfer A Perfect Circle but thats me

21-08-2012, 10:08
Yep, I rather like this John and intend on buying the album. It gets an 8/10 from me :)

21-08-2012, 15:01
Being a Perfect Circle fan myself John I can appreciate why you may prefer them.
The difference to my mind is all three of the Perfect Circle albums I’ve got have two or three exceptional tracks and a few more where it seems as if the band ran out of inspiration and fell back on a Linkin Park type of sound.
I don’t think there is a weak track on this album and once the Cor factor at the scale of the sound passes I find this an intelligent album with a novel approach to the love song and some interesting religious comment that bears repeated listening.

@ Tim
I’m pleased you like it Tim. It’s a bit different. If you’re a music video fan the videos are rather well done as well.
If you haven’t already listened to A Perfect Circle then Thirteen Steps is an excellent album overall and while slightly darker and more ‘emo’ than Puscifer the presentation of the music is similar.

@ Richard.
I recently got Conditions Of My Parole but just haven’t had the chance to give it a proper listen yet.

21-08-2012, 15:44
I think Thriteeth steps is reasonably consistant but the other Perfect Circle albums have a few good tracks
I have similar issues with Tool, generally a lack of consistency but when they on form boy are they good

21-08-2012, 16:21
@ Tim
I’m pleased you like it Tim.
Me too John, I was beginning to think we didn't like any similar music, but if memory serves me right I think I have seen you spinning some Melody Gardot :eyebrows:

21-08-2012, 16:27
Not my sort of thing at all John, soz...

26-08-2012, 16:42
Not bad , was going to give it 6 but after a couple more listens its a 7, quite addictive and yes Momma Sed is a great track.

The Grand Wazoo
21-09-2012, 06:51
I'm late to the party again!
I listened to this the week it was featured and was a bit underwhelmed, so I tried again this morning & still no joy, I'm afraid.
Just a 3.

26-10-2012, 00:53
Despite the provocative title and the smutty schoolboy lyrics, I have a begrudging admiration for this band. Not the sort of thing I would play a great deal (if at all), so a middling 5/10 from me.

09-11-2012, 15:46
Not bad at all, and much better than the title suggested to me! 5/10.