View Full Version : Advice needed, SPU Classic GM E or SPU Meister Silver?

11-08-2012, 16:59

I want to buy a SPU. My arm is a Jelco SA-750 LB, TT is a Scheu Premier.
As there is no shop in the neighbourhood where i can listen to these SPU's, any input is welcome. Anyone who knows anything about the sound difference between the Classic GM E MkII and the Meister Silver GM MkII please leave a note.



11-08-2012, 17:21
Hi, I have a 750L and an SPU Classic GME mk2, I can't offer any comparisons with the Silver Meister as I've not heard it though I have heard others higher up the range. IMO the further up the SPU range you go the more refined / less fruity the sound becomes...in a good way.

You will however need the optional, heavy counter weight for the arm to balance the cartridge

11-08-2012, 19:15
Thank you, I already have the heavy counter weight. Any idea how the sound compares to a Denon DL-103R? I am using that one at the moment.
