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View Full Version : Dobro suggestions?

10-08-2012, 17:57
Having recently seen Jerry Douglas and getting more into Americana as a musical genre, I find myself drawn to the sound of the Dobro. With that in mind, does anyone have any recommendations for albums/bands which feature the Dobro?


I'm sure most will know what a Dobro is, but just in case not Jerry Douglas is playing one here.
This is a fantastic cover of The Boxer from Jerry's new album Traveler, with Shawn Colvin and Alison Krauss.
Jerry is widely acclaimed as the world's best Dobro player.


Some more of Jerry's magic.


The Grand Wazoo
11-08-2012, 07:36
To be pedantic, Dobro is a brand name, which is nowadays jealously protected by Gibson guitars. I always think of them as National steel guitars, but in fact, they're resonator guitars. Resonators were first produced by National and when the owners fell out, Dobro was formed in competition.

As my taste leans more toward blues than bluegrass, I can only make limited suggestions I'm afraid, Tim, but here's a few.

Really old stuff:
Son House, Willie Brown, Black Ace, Blind Boy Fuller and my favourites, Bo Carter & Bukka White (BB Kings cousin).

Here's a 50 minute documentary about Son House & Bukka, introduced by Taj Mahal



Other stuff:

Robert Lucas

Audioquest released several superb albums of Lucas' and the sound quality is excellent - recordings made on Tim de Paravicini valve gear!

Roy Rogers

Bob Brozman
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Finally, Rory Gallagher had a rather special Triolian National guitar that was made in 1932, only 5 years after the company was formed.


11-08-2012, 08:29
One of my favourite bluegrass / country records of all time:

Tut Taylor 'Dobro Country'.


I got my copy from here: http://sierrarecords.goestores.com/storename/sierrarecords/dept/269835/ItemDetail-10633929.aspx


11-08-2012, 14:28
Thanks for the suggestions guys, I will check these out.