View Full Version : Which Phono Stage

06-08-2012, 10:48
I now find myself with what I now think is a very good sounding cartridge in a TT/arm combination that could do with a better phono stage, but what direction?

At present I have a Rock mkII with a heavily modified RB250, mods include an Origin Live structural mod, a rewire with cardas 33 and earth mod plus foam fill from Audio Origami. The cartridge is a DL-103 retipped by Soundsmith with their ruby cantilever and fineline type stylus fitted in an aluminium body.

I am using a 10:1 Step up transformer with WAD transformers into the MM stage of my Copland CSA-14.

Whilst I do like the sound quality I am getting I feel that maybe the Copeland phono stage may be the weak link so am looking for suggestions as to a phono stage either MM utilising my SUT or MC into a line input.

Budget ? well probably a max of 750 quid.

06-08-2012, 11:10
I'd change the WAD SUT before you contemplate anything else...then I'd go for the WD PhonoIIs. ;)

Edit: I'd also look at a new arm if using a 103 even if re-bodied and re-tipped...

06-08-2012, 11:11
I'd change the WAD SUT before you contemplate anything else...then I'd go for the WD PhonoIIs. ;)

Could you offer more info?

06-08-2012, 11:15
The WAD SUT are ok but not the best, the Lundhals are better as are the Sowters...changing these will realise better sound quality if and when you upgrade the phono stage.

06-08-2012, 11:27
Ahh Lundhal I have heard of.


PS, I only have the WAD transformers, the rest I put together, so maybe layout could be an issue?

06-08-2012, 15:37
Try a Graham Slee Reflex M (http://www.phonostagepreamp.com/reflexmmphonostagepreamp.htm) (or a Reflex C for MC). There's an Aussie loan programme run by the GS forum - no pressure to buy either . . .

06-08-2012, 16:39
Are you open to DIY? There are a number of projects that are simply amazing.

06-08-2012, 16:58
Not sure how the Copland amp would fare against the better modern concoctions. This and the slimline integrateds always seemed a bit too contrived to be natural I remember from a long time ago.

While you're feet are itching, try some modern ss or valvey amps out. I don't know what's available down your way, but it wouldn't hurt I feel to have a lookie round before jumping in......