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View Full Version : First Post Policy Reinforcement

04-08-2012, 19:35
All existing members will be familiar with our First Post policy, which is now being supported by a change to forum permissions where members with 0 posts will now only be able to post in the Welcome forum before posting anywhere else.

We're doing this to try and encourage a stronger sense of community here, and would ask that all existing members make an effort to welcome new members posting in the Welcome forum. It's all about making better friendships, and letting others know a bit about what you like, your system and your music tastes, so they can better help out when you have queries or requests for help.

Any comments should be added to the existing thread on this subject in Critics Corner (http://theartofsound.net/forum/showthread.php?t=15784).

An automated promotion process will ensure that after that First Post, new members will have their permissions upgraded allowing them to post in other areas of the forum. This process runs hourly so there may be a delay, but of no more than an hour, to that wider posting permission being enabled.

Many thanks.