View Full Version : RIP , What to do with your ashes

Audio Al
02-08-2012, 17:53
Just come across this site , something different for your ashes

Will be one for the record :lol:


02-08-2012, 20:43
Well my plan is to go out with a bang - literally . . . a few friends, casual clothes a beer or two then fire the rockets (with what's left of me) to 'The Great Gig in the Sky' :eyebrows:


www.heavensabovefireworks.com (http://www.heavensabovefireworks.com/index.php)

Heavens Above Fireworks celebrates the life of a partner, relative or friend.
We arrange special fireworks displays which include a number of unique fireworks designed or modified to incorporate cremation ashes, allowing for a spectacular memorial event and happier farewell.


(those are the ashes in the rocket heads)

02-08-2012, 22:59
Those have more or less been my sentiments (I have none) for a long time. I'd suggested poking a stick of dynamite up my last mortal remain's jaxie and dropping me by parachute from about 6000 feet and letting everybody enjoy the show!

Wakefield Turntables
07-08-2012, 18:23
I'm going to have mine made into a top quality pickup, now there's loyalty to vinyl!

Rare Bird
07-08-2012, 19:37
They can make a collage with mine if they want

07-08-2012, 21:34
I'm going to have mine made into a top quality pickup, now there's loyalty to vinyl!

I take it that will be a Mortal Coil variety with SUT.

08-08-2012, 05:49
I take it that will be a Mortal Coil variety


09-08-2012, 22:12
Here's a thought. If for some reason you find yourself with somebody else's remains (in any condition). What would you do with them?

10-08-2012, 08:40
Eat them. With some fava beans and a nice Chianti.

10-08-2012, 08:48
Actually, that reminds me of a slightly spooky story - as some of you will know, l work in insurance (IT these days, but I did used to do a proper job!) and one of my clients who had a lovely old Georgian house decided to get the cellar extended (deeper) as it was always too low to make much use of the space.

Once the builders started digging, they soon found out why it was so low - multiple skeletons! It turned out they were old (believed to be a plague pit) but of course before that was decided Police and forensics had to investigate, his house was turned into an archaeological site for months, and he even had to pay for the archaeological investigation! He said he wished he'd never said anything and just filled it back in...